Creating Rituals Consult the oracles


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Consulting the oracles may be frightening to some and exhilarating to others. It is a ritual we create that opens our psyche to the possibility of alternative ways of communication. When we empty ourselves and die before we die, we symbolically and literally enter another world, the world of the unseen . In that other world is the Source of Creation or a place of no form or "no-thing-ness." As discussed in the creative process, when the energy in the existing form is released, it returns to a place of no-form or "no-thing-ness" only to flow into our desired creation as a result of the intention we hold If we align ourselves with the feeling of he flow of energy as it flows into and out form we can experience passing through the Source. As we pass through the Source, there is a short time period when we can see through time and space better than any other time.

In this other world, especially as we pass through the Source, we are open to communications we normally would not perceive. It is here talking to the oracles in whatever form we choose can be very useful. It has been found helpful to create a ritual which asks the unseen  what do we need to do and or become in life. Part of the consultation can include what major issues do we face. This would include asking what awareness do we need for us to access sufficient creative ability and creative power to do what we desire and what we many need to do access or create that awareness. It is helpful to use the sample guided meditation format and create a guided mediation which ask what is the path we need to follow. What is gained here can be very useful for the rebirth and returning to the world.

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