Creating Rituals

Transition ritual and/or creation ritual


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The transition or creation ritual are overview or all encompassing rituals.

The transition ritual is a ritual which, in some symbolic way, we demonstrate leaving our current life to step into the unknown to create a new life based on who and what we have come to understand ourselves to be as reflected in the rebirth. In the transition ritual the focus in on the transition process.

The creation ritual is symbolic ritual of the new life we desire to experience. In the creation ritual the focus is on the life we wish to experience after the transition. The creation ritual is a blueprint or prototype of what we desire to create. That is, the we act out in symbolic form what we will create. The creation ritual also allows us to get a feel for what we desire to create and what works and doesn’t work. That feel is then used as our internal compass to manifest what we desire. The more our prototype accurately reflects what we are going to do, that is, the symbolism in our ritual accurately reflects the reality we wish to create, the more we can get a feel for our creation.

In either case, the transition or creation ritual is the ritual and/or metatheater we create which represents the transformation from our current life to our the new life we desire to live and what the new life looks like.. In many ways they are a symbolic prototype of the transition we think we will take and what our new life will be like. The rituals allows us to open ourselves to the needed changes which will occur

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