Creative play - movement, flow and true freedom


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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With the risk of being redundant, it needs to be emphasized is that in creative play there is movement and freedom of movement. However, movement only arises as a result of a flow of energy. Without a flow of energy, there is no movement. Play, any form of play, whether one realizes it or not, is the surrender to a flow of energy.

To be able to surrender to the flow of energy does not necessarily mean we are free and self determined in our play and are free to create whatever we desire. We may feel great freedom, but we are not necessarily free. To be in our greatest creative power, we have to be free to choose to move wherever we need to move to create what we desire. This includes determining the flow of energy we experience and where the flow is leading us. If we are being lead and pulled through life by a flow of energy of unknown cause, we will be unable to create what we desire until we can understand what has given rise to the energy flow we are experiencing and which is directing our life.

Analogously, if we are in the middle of a river freely flowing and moving with the current of the river, we will have an experience of great freedom. However, we are being carried by the river current and where it is going. We don’t become free unless (1) you recognize the river current exists and (2) we understand how to move and can move whenever we choose in a way other the way the current is pushing us. Then, and only then, will we have freedom of movement. The question we need to ask and be able to answer is, “What is giving rise to the flow of energy I experience and is giving rise to the experience I have?” Is the flow of energy we experience caused by something we freely created or it is caused by something that is leading us and/or we were programmed to create, or is there another cause of which we are unaware? It is here we need to become aware of subconscious programmed desires.

We may feel freedom in the flow but is the flow carrying us into captivity or into greater freedom? To be playfully and freely moving in the current of a river does not negate the flow of the river - which may be carrying us to a water fall. In this regard, there are playful experiences that serve our being and those that don’t. Playful experiences that serve our being are flows of energy giving rise to movement and play that ultimately carries a person to the experiences that serve the individual.

From a creativity perspective, where we hold our creativity sacred, to be served is when our creative ability to express ourselves grows and expands and we become more and more free to express who and what you are in the way we need to express yourself. To not be serves is where, in time, we loses freedom of movement and they lose the ability to freely express ourselves. In such a case, often one will perceive themselves shrinking or collapsing into a smaller and smaller entity or somehow feel they are held hostage or they become a victim of circumstances.

In regards to this discussion, true freedom is when we preserves our freedom of movement including freedom from the  undercurrents, of which we may not be aware that pull you in one direction or another, until we consciously chooses to create. When we are free to create the flow of energy, then we are free to surrender a degree of our freedom to surrender to the movement of the flow of energy that flows into our desired creation. Although we surrender a part of our freedom, we surrender to a flow of energy we, ourselves, caused to arise. In effect, we surrender to ourselves and not any other. That is, we freely choose to create the flow of energy to which we freely surrender in playfulness. In doing so, we become the creator of the flow of energy and we have the experience of the creation we created by surrendering to the flow of energy giving rise to the creation. We become both the creator and the creation and become the creator of the experience you have.

True freedom is when we are free of the burden we carry and we are able to surrender to a flow of energy we created. This brings up an extremely important point about creativity. Any creative endeavor will contain an element of obligation and fulfilling that obligation is essential if we desire to manifest in a physical experience what we desire to create.

In discussing creative play, true freedom and the most creative state, it needs to be noted that the play of what is symbolized in the heart, although creative play, is not true freedom nor the most creative state of being. It is said that the most creative state is just past the play of what is symbolized in the heart.

When we enter the play of what is symbolized in the heart, we are free to create the experiences we incarnated to create. That is, we are being lead by the flow of energy which created the body and life we currently experience. We are free in the sense we created that flow of energy or agreed to that flow at some level of our being. But we are not free to create anything we desire until we step out of that flow. That is where we enter the most creative state of being. In the awareness of the flow which give rise to the reason we incarnated and can feel it to be able to step out of it, we now have the freedom to create whatever we desire. However, in most cases, we find the reason for our incarnation reasonably satisfying so there is no real need to create anything other than the experiences we incarnated to have.

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