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 Becoming our truth  


Considerations for a personal practice

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Becoming our truth
Live our life consistent with who we are
Don’t hold to someone else’s truth
Speak truthfully at all times on all things to keep in touch with the heart’s desire
Do not deny what arises
Don’t exclude any emotion
We can't always know so do what feels the best to do
Listen to our intuitive guidance and intuitive feelings
Use dream requests to get information and guidance
Scan the horizon

Live our life consistent with who we are

It is very important to know who we are and what we represent. As the ancient Greeks said "Know thyself." Our life should be consistent with this understanding. The quickest way to strengthen our personal power it to align our beliefs and make them consistent with our actions in all ways. Spend what ever time it takes to discover how and what we are then live according to our truth.

Don’t hold to someone else’s truth

We will find great comfort in anything that is ours. Truth is no different. If it is our truth, we will find great comfort and peace of mind in following that truth no matter where it takes us. Following our truth will give us an inner satisfaction which never runs dry no matter what is happening in the world. If however, we cling to someone else’s truth we will generate fear and limitations. As a minimum we will generate the fear as to whether or not we are "doing it right." We can never live to someone else’s truth. We can never be sure we get their truth right. As such we will never be able to meet their truth exactly and we will feel and sense the disconnect because their truth is meant for them and not for us. We will begin to limit our actions and freedom to meet their truth and in doing so we deny ourselves and place limitation on ourselves.

Following someone else’s truth is really a control mechanism that is used to contain and control people. What ever we do, don’t do something that someone else tells us to do unless we know without question from our heart that it is the correct thing for us to do. We can experiment with what they tell us to do and we will need to do our own experiments to see if it is effective in our life, but we don’t commit ourselves to doing it until we know whether or not it is our truth.

We do not honor ourselves when we follow the lead of another no matter who or what that individual represents, even if they claim to be God incarnate for, believe it or not, we will find God, or rather what God is suppose to represent, within, not without. Besides, who is going to stand beside us and defend us and our choices before our maker when we die. Only Adam in the Garden of Eden Story stood before God to tell his truth. No one was there to defend him. The same is true when we stand before God. To be free, and be in that Garden of Paradise, we need to live our truth in all ways. If individuals cannot accept us living our truth, leave them. We need to remember, we were a powerful enough creator to pull them into our life, we are powerful enough to pull someone of equal or greater compatibility the next time, and there will be a next time for all our needs are always met.

Speak truthfully at all times on all things
to keep in touch with the heart’s desire

There is no right or wrong unless we judge something as right or wrong and that judgment is of us and not the Creator and/or what many call the Divine. All has been created in love and out of love. Ultimately there is no duality and the duality we experience on the physical plane only supplies the creative tension to keep things moving. We need to speak our truth and walk our talk in all ways. In doing so, we will keep our awareness on the truth of our being and live our heart for our heart will tell us when we are not speaking our truth. We can feel truth and feel when we deny our truth.

Do not deny what arises

We need to become who we are in all ways. We cannot deny our self and try and become something we are not. In becoming aware, we begin to see our thoughts as to what they are and what they represent. As we become aware our thoughts will change and we will get different thoughts than we did before. Additionally, as we accept what arises and do not deny what arises, we will begin to feel many sensations both of the five senses and of the sixth. We will become aware of things that we had not been aware before we spoke our truth. We cannot deny what arises. The bizarre thought we get about a situation is correct. The actual situation or energy of the thought may be colored by our beliefs filters or by our current understanding of the situation, but we cannot deny the thought or feelings which arise from the energy. We must accept them for they are what is real. Whether we act on them or not is a different story and it is wise to pull the string on the images and ask why those images to see how accurate our interpretation is. All we are saying here is embrace everything that arises. It is how we choose to exercise our free will as to how we will learn to understand and utilize that which arises and how accurate our mind is interpreting the energy we sense..

Don’t exclude any emotion

Just above it is said don’t deny what arises. When emotions arise we need to acknowledge them and allow them to be. We have a choice as to how we choose to act on what arises. But it is recommended we do not dismiss the emotions, In fact, it can be said we should act on all the emotions in some way. If we are angry, be angry, let it out. If we feel like crying, cry. All the emotions represent is energy flowing from within our being which needs to be processed and dissipated in some way. Holding them in and/or not honoring them is just postponing what needs to be addressed.

But we may say the environment we are in does not let us do that. In many situations this may be the case, but there are ways we can still acknowledge the emotions, sit with them and let them pass. It has been observed that in being with, and acting on the emotions, other than the emotion of love, when acted they no longer carry the intensity as they did in the past. It is as if that they know they will be acknowledged and acted upon, so they no longer have to have the intensity to get our attention.

Much of the intensity of the emotion comes from not being acknowledged. It is the same as when we want to get someone’s attention, we talk louder almost shouting. But whenever we are acknowledged whenever we talk, we can talk softly and gently. Emotions are no different. They are a part of our being that is talking to us. If we learn to listen, our emotions will become much softer. The only emotion I have found that this does no hold true is love.

A love which is capable of nurturing the true needs of a creation only grows stronger in intensity. The more we act on it, the stronger it gets, the more it expands and the more it is capable of embracing. But it is not a shouting type intensity. Rather it is a very deep, penetrating feeling. The reverse is also true. The less we act on love the less intense it get in our life and it slowly withers and dies. All that can be recommended is go there and feel it. Then we will find understanding.

We can't always know so do what feels the best to do

Contrary to popular belief, we will never be able to consciously know exactly what to do in every situation. Creation is too complete to really know what is the best way to do something. Creation is designed to be this ways. As a minimum, other individuals have a free will and if they choose other than way we like or what we think, there is nothing we can do about it. All we can do is act because it is correct to act and leave the results to density. Also we have incarnated to have new experiences that we have not had before. On the point of experiencing a Creation, how is it we can know what we are going to experience before we had the experience? We are here to experience the unknown whether we like it or not for that is the nature of reality.

Look at it this way. We are going to cross a vast continent. We know the general lay of the land and we may even have maps which are quite good. This level of knowledge can be had with a well developed intuitive ability and the minimum set of experience to understand what is seen. It is this kind of information on which the intention for our life is based. However, no matter how much we know about the terrain which lies before us, and no matter how good our maps may be, exactly what we will face is unknown. This is especially truth with our experience is going to involved any other who has a free will. The unknown isn’t really so much about the terrain we will face. It is about the free will of those all involved in the experience.

Listen to our intuitive guidance and intuitive feelings

Our intuitive guidance and intuitive feelings are essential for navigating through the unknown to manifest a desired creation. Relative to developing our personal practice to access our personal power we need to learn to listen and follow our intuitive guidance in all ways. We need to pay much closer attention than in the past to what we feel, what we see and what we perceive.

In learning to live our truth, the best advice that can be given is to learn to listen and discern our intuitive guidance. Our intuitive guidance and body wisdom will be the only reliable indicator we have as we live our truth. We can feel when we deny our truth and we can feel the freedom in living our truth. Only we know our truth and we need to discern our truth from our enculturated baggage. We know if we have or have not latched on to the correct internal signals. When we latch onto the those internal signal there is a power in our life, a certainty and a bliss that cannot be described but only felt. In our knowing, we will have the strength and courage to do what ever it is we need to do.

Use dream requests to get information and guidance

Setting an intention for our nocturnal dreams before we go to sleep is a most effective way to surface information, guidance and healing. Our nonconscious is always working to manifest the reality it is programmed to manifest. We need to use what ever method that is effective for us to move our consciousness mind out of way to allow our nonconscious to reveal itself. Nocturnal dreams are a very effective way to remove the conscious mind. We only need to become familiar with our own symbolism and inner language to understand our nocturnal dreams and we only learn and become efficient in their interpretation for our practice.

Scan the horizon

A practice which is very similar watching and following the thoughts of the mind is to scan the horizon for incoming energy forms coming into the mind. In many ways it is the same way a radar scans the horizon for rain or an aircraft. In fact, looking at rain clouds forming on a radar screen is a perfect image of what psychics are capable of doing. As we put our intentions out into the universe, the intention begins to attach or attract energy. Over time the energy build up and this collection of energy begins to change events on the physical plane to allow this energy to manifest as a physical form or a physical event. It is similar to looking at what is on the radar screen and watching the intensity of the image representative of the density of the rain change and grow stronger or dissipate as the rain falls. We can learn to scan our own horizons to see what we are pulling into our lives.

The easiest way to learn to scan the horizon is to start watch how our thoughts change. It is like watching the traffic going to a football or baseball stadium. As game time gets closer more and more cars are seen on the highway going toward the stadium. Similarly as our intention moves closer and closer to manifesting, our thought shift and more and more thoughts go through our mind that are supportive of that intention manifesting on the physical plane. They all may look like different thoughts on different topics but if we look closely we will see the underlying pattern beginning to form relative to what is manifesting.

Related consideration for personal practice topics
Tithing - Focusing time and energy
The body as vehicle for the physical experience
What we believe
Strength of will
Learning focus
Create the space
Dealing with the mind
Thoughts for taking action
The practice in the long term

Related topics
Becoming our truth

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