Fear of abandonment and fear of being alone 

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Fear of abandonment and being unloved are forms and variations of the fear of being alone but they are felt at a deeper level. That is, even when we are with another or others, we can still feel abandoned and/or unloved. Similarly, not being liked, being unwanted, useless, not being accepted and isolated, are not quite the same as abandonment and being unloved yet what we feel and our response is often the same. In essence, our true needs are not being met, or will not be met, in some way by those in our life.

Our greatest challenge in facing the fear of abandonment and fear of being alone is our mind and what it wants and thinks it must have to feel fulfilled. Here we need to clearly understand what the mind wants and what the heart wants are different. To feel fulfilled in life and satisfied with life, we need have the needs of the heart and our creative spirit met and learn the dance between mind and heart .

We are a creation of the All That Is and came to earth for a purpose. Our life experience is wanted and desired by the Universe. Otherwise we would not have incarnated. In this regard, there is no reason to feel either abandoned or unloved. The persistence of these feelings is entirely a result of some expectation or desire of our current mind that we have that is just not getting fulfilled. Most probably we are not experiencing the love and attention that our mind wants. However, the fact that the love and attention we get doesn’t look the way we want it to, does not mean it is not being given and our true needs are being met. It is just the way our true needs are being met does not look like what our mind expects or wants.

. One thing that does happen when we transition from living the life of the enculturated ego to living the what is symbolized in the heart, is a stripping away of all that is associated with the enculturated ego. As this process is occurring, we can feel totally abandoned. But there is nothing any other can do for us. What we are experiencing is occurring within our being and has nothing to do with the external world. Although what is occurring internally will be reflected externally and our external world will seem to abandon us, what is causing what is occurring is within and not without. When this occurs one needs to realize the wants and desires of the heart are not removed, only those of the ego and the mind. It only feels like everything is being removed because so much in our life may have been of the ego. With time, new associations and desires fill the void. But these now come from the heart and not the mind. This concept of stripping away that is of the ego is further discussed under the topic "Kundalini Rising and the Dark Night of the Soul."

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