Healing dreams

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The name "Healing Dreams" is actually a misnomer. It is just that most individual are introduced to the process called "healing dreams" in an attempt to obtain some type or kind of healing in their life. Hence, they call it a "healing dream." The phenomenon is quite a powerful technique and can be developed with practice. It is a relatively simply way to access information in the nonconscious mind. The method is to place a question in our mind before we go to sleep and ask the unseen  realms to address the question and provide us an answer.

For example on any given issue we can ask, "Why did I create this experience and/or agree to participate in the experience?" We the look to see what surfaces in response to our question we may get a nocturnal dream addressing our question or we will wake up in the morning with an understanding about the question and answer we seek. If an answer does not seem to arise we need to be persistent in asking the question each night or each time we go to sleep. One continues the process until they get an answers. Either we will have a dream that addresses our question or they will awaken with a thought in our mind that is the answer to the question or the direction they need to go to get the answer. However, we also need to be open to what we receive and what we are feeling and not suppress the answer because we do not like what we are receiving.

If we are given a dream rather than the morning thought or idea, we will need to interpret the symbolism of the dream unless the dream is quite explicit. If we are confused over the symbolism, all we need do the next night is ask for a dream to interpret or explain the symbolism. The process continues until we have the information that we need. And, yes, at times it may seem as though we are stuck in a riddle. But, we need to understand the universe is teaching us what we need to know to meet the intent that we made - a healing dream to heal the issue at hand. We need to understand our healing may be all about learning how to work with dreams and the symbolism in our life.

For fears, the same process can be used for fears, except that we ask to understand how to overcome or deal with the fear. Overcoming a fear is the same as a healing, only a healing of a different type. We need not worry that fears will be presented as nightmares. The universe will provide the vehicle that is the most efficient and effective for our current situation. It is highly doubtful we will ever see a nightmare to surface a fear unless we are of the frame of mind that is the only way we will get the message.

Be open to gentleness and we will see and feel gentleness. Always remember, the universe will give us exactly what we need, not what we want. An example of this is a friend who had asked for a sign relative to their transformation and had a vision that the sign would be a snake. Since they were somewhat afraid of snakes, they were very disturbed that their sign would come in the appearance of a snake. And a snake did appear. However, it was a baby snake only a few inches long. They were amused and compassionate with the snake for how could one fear the innocence of newborn life? The individual got what they needed - a snake to face their fears that had to be faced and yet it was in the form of a baby snake - gentle and innocent in its transformation. The Universe can and will be gentle if we allow it to be such. The choice is ours.

To have a healing dream, all that one does is before they fall off to sleep is to ask their nonconscious to surface whatever it is that is causing the condition that we experience or what we need to do to address what it is we wish to heal or change in our situation. The issue we face relative to the desire to heal is we do not always want to face the cause and our mind suppresses what we need to face for mind does not want to change.

We need to understand, our energy goes where we focus our attention and awareness. So to before we go to sleep. That on which we choose to focus when we go to sleep is what we can expect to surface when we awake. Here it needs to be noted our consciousness uses this technique on a much grander to scale at its deeps levels to create our incarnation of choice. It simply set the intention for what it wants to experience and finds a way to go to sleep. When it awakens, it finds itself in the experience it desires.

For most the need to forget as to how we create our experiences is a hard concept to accept and it is only with experience with this technique that one sees how it actually works. The problem with this phenomenon, if we can call it a problem, is that whatever thoughts and beliefs we hold at the deepest layers of our being automatically create that reality when those deeper layers of being go thought their sleep and awakening cycle. Hence, without awareness to change the beliefs we hold, we continually create the same type and kind of reality

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