Influence of the intention for your life


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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There is an intention for our life that governs our life. It is what brought us into physical creation. To achieve what we desire in any desire we have and/or any creative effort, the intention for our life may block particular paths to understanding and realization to ensure you get the experiences you need to have.

Although all creative endeavors and creative efforts will take some work. As a minimum the is the need to maintained a continued focus of our attention and awareness. If the path becomes strenuous and lacks flow, we may want to reassess our methods and see if there is not an easier path. The intention for our life may be requiring us to go another way. We can always return to any method at a later time.

It needs to be understood there is a wisdom within our creative spirit and there is a desire to create. To create mean to experience the new and the original. It is not to repeat the past. So we can only expect that there are things our creative spirit will block so that we do not fall into the habits and patterns we created in previous experiences.

Our creative spirit seeks life. It came into physical life or a reason. It will look to create life to full that reason. Our creative passion as reflected in the heart and what is symbolized in the heart, will always lead us in the gentlest, quickest and most enjoyable way.

However, it needs to be remembered and emphasized there are some experiences that you must have to be able to manifest the intention for our life. Without those experiences you will not have the awareness to understand how to properly characterize the energy we need to experience later in life. It is much like learning any subject. That is why so many individual talk about our experience on earth as a school. Unless we have the basic principles and prior necessary knowledge, later topics will make little sense. But it is not so much that we are in school as getting the minimum set of requisite experience for what we came to accomplish.

Unless we have the necessary prior experiences we will not understand the key experiences when we have them. The intention for our life will always attempt to give us the experiences that we came to have. We access the intention for our life through the feeling of the fullness of being. We can use our internal compass and navigate from the heart to be lead to that fullness of being.

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