Working with how we act in response to what we experience 

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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In learning to get in touch where we have focused our attention and awareness and/or observing the fears in our life we only need to look at the thoughts we have and how we respond to the situations in life we experience. In looking to work with how we have focused of our attention and awareness we can work at one of three levels. These three ways and levels reflect moving from working with the energy within our being and psyche around a given issue consciously to working with the energy more nonconsciously where the energy is already encoded in a body response.

The easiest level is to work with the thoughts and energy in our mind before we take any actions whatsoever. Working with our thoughts and energy in the mind is about learning what generates our thoughts and how we can go about "gardening" our life so as to create the thoughts which serves us and what we desire to create. Additional discussion is provided in the topic, "Working with our thoughts and energy in the mind"

The second way is to be mindful and aware to see what arises within us in response to our world and work with what arises before we act. Additional discussion is provided in the topic, "Working with what arises before we act."

Working with how we act in response to what we experience

The third way which is the hardest of the three ways is to work with how we response to what we experience is discussed here. Our goal should be to become sufficiently mindful and aware to see what arises within ourselves before we act. However, is often hard to do. Here the challenge becomes how to figure out how we respond to a situation or would respond to a situation before we actually face the situation.

How we act and respond in the world is based on how we view the world and what we believe about the world. To attempt to work with how we respond in the world is really about damage control. It is like trying to close a barn door after all the animals have escaped. Once we act we act. The goal is to be mindful and aware to catch ourselves before we act.

Nevertheless, we can cause ourselves to see how we act in the world to access what we think and believe in two ways. One way is simply to look at lessons learned. Look to see how we responded and then pull the string to see why we responded the way we did as opposed to any other way. Pulling the sting on how we responded may not help us in the current situation but it will help us in future situations. Reviewing our actions to look for lessons learned is not about assessing guilt, looking for mistakes, placing blame or anything like that. It is simply to understand what lies within what we think and believe about the situation we faced that causes us to respond as we did. Then in discovering the root cause, look to see what can be done to change why we respond as we did.

A second way to how we respond to what we experience is to use something like a metatheater.. Rather than wait to see how we will respond to a situation we create a theatric performance reasonable real to see how we will respond in such situations. Such a method is routinely use in simulator training for pilots, emergency drills for emergency preparedness personnel and the like. Usually one creates a scenario based on required training to see how effectively the personnel have learned how to respond. But the same techniques can be use to test aspects of life and our being to see what deep seated beliefs and response patterns within our being.

Relative to a creative endeavor, we really don’t know what we will need to face for we enter the unknown. However, we can look at similar creative efforts to see what types and kinds of issue arise. We can then create metatheatric performances to see what lies within us about such issue. For example, most have put their creative spirit in a cage of their own making as their creative spirit lost the freedom to freely unfold in early childhood when we lost our ability to creatively play. Although each of us are unique and we each created our cage in a slight different way, there are generic features which can addressed in a metatheater. Addressing the generic aspect then allows us to see if there is something deeper in any one aspect in what we addressed that can then be explored on a more personal basis.

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Working with our thoughts and energy in the mind
Working with what arises before we act

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