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 Sex - the basis approach 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Sex is about creating life at each and every level of being. The end product of the sexual experience for both participants should be to create a more fulfilling and expansive life. Each should be enriched by the experience. The experience of sex should bring an expansion of life into each individual. Life is about feeling and being awake to what we feel. Each should feel as thought the sexual experience has been the occasion to grow and expand into the fullness of what they feel. If they are to be served by the sexual experience, each need to expand into the fullness of their own being and an awareness in and about life.

The recommendation for awakening if we are to engage in sex is to focus ourselves such that we seek to create a more full and fulfilling life for our partner but not at the expense of ourselves. The fulfillment of the other should be the focus an not what is what is received by us. If we focus on ourselves we take from them. We have to focus on the to give to them and become a pass through for the energy which is generated. This intention held by both participants will create a dance. It is a dance where each gives to the other a way that each moves more deeply into the fullness of life and being. In this regard, each is in control but yet each surrenders to the needs of the other.

If, for whatever reason, in whatever way, there is not a fulfillment in the experience, we need to pull the string as to why. In pulling the string we will come to see and know our deeper intentions and the reason why we are unable to have a fulfilling experience or a fulfilling experience with the individual. In becoming aware of the reason, we an look to create the conditions which serve us. In look to find what truly serves us and understanding what we need to do find what serves us, we can give that gift to any other.

Remember, we cannot give what we do not have. When we come to know what truly serves us and the type and kind of relationship we need to have to fully enjoy sexuality and allow it to bring us life, we give that same gift to any other who wants it. It is here we being to use sexuality in the most positive ways possible.

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