An inescapable world of duality -
A black and white universe that is of infinite colors


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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We like to think the universe is not black and white and there are infinite shades of gray in which we can exist. However, the universe is based on one principle - one or off. Energy flows or it doesn’t. Consciousness is aware and awake or it isn’t. There is an ebb and flow in or out. One is either flowing into separation and alienation or out of it back into oneness and wholeness.

Gray is only the infinite shading between moving to full on or full off. But, in any case, we are going on or off. The only point that is not black or white is the turning point at the instant where the energy shifts into or out of separation and consciousness awakens or goes to sleep.

However, no matter what is going on or off, there is no judgement that “on” is better than “off” or “off” is better than “on.” Creation comes into and out of existence as we turn the energy on or off by how we focus our attention and awareness. Any separation is always followed by a recombination in the natural order of the process. It is only our judgements and our holding to the created form, rejecting the created form, the denial of the flow of the energy within our being, or our attempts to make the energy go where it is currently not directed that cause our pain and discomfort in life.

Our pain arise from going against the flow. This does not mean we “roll over and play dead.” Rather, it is about realized from were our pain arises. It is about being aware of exactly why we wish to go against the flow and what we desire to create in doing do.

We each need to become aware of how the energy is flowing within our being and learn to sense and feel this flow. To do this we need to be open to what we feel. In doing so, we can align with that energy. Once aligned, we can then choose to direct it where we wish. It is much like learning to sail. You must first know which way the wind is blowing and align with the wind and then adjust your sails to properly capture the wind and using our sail and rudder. We then direct our boat where we wish to go.

Of course, if we have a big internal engine - a very strong strength of will and powerful passion, we can oppose the natural flow and go where we wish. However, we will expend an enormous amount of energy in the process. We will feel tired or as thought we are fighting reality itself for we are. Yet if we incarnated to change the existing reality, we will find a great flow within our being supplying all the energy we need to resist reality as it is. We are here to change it and we will have all the energy that we need to accomplish our goal. Again, one must align with the flow within our being and not use external reference.

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