Particle nature of energy


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Traditional particle

The traditional and normal experience of a particle is something that has a rest mass and exists within defined boundaries as seen in the Figure entitled “Traditional Particle.” The particle is seen to have no existence outside of its boundaries. Although we think of particles being very small, anything that has rest mass can be said to be a particle.

Particle within the wave particle duality

Within the wave particle duality, a particle is energy localized into a form with rest mass. Although most of the energy is localized or exists within the boundaries of the particle, a small port exists outside the boundaries and permeates all of creation extending to infinity as seen in the Figure entitled “Particle within the Wave Particle Duality.” The Particle within the wave particle duality can be seen as the superposition of a traditional particle and a wave, hence, the wave particle.


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