A model for how our nonconscious mind holds the beliefs to create our experiences
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Although the diagram show levels to our beliefs and more encompassing beliefs at the bottom, what needs to be understood is there is no real difference between beliefs in how we adopt or change them. There is nothing special about changing a deep fundamental belief as compared to any other belief. They are lower only because they are more fundamental and cross cutting than the higher level beliefs. The problem is we feel the weight or pressure of all that will change if we change a fundamental belief. In this regard, fundamental beliefs at the lower levels on the diagram are much like the water at the depths of the ocean. Water is water. The water at the top of the ocean is the same as the water below the ocean at the deepest levels. The different in the water at the bottom of a deep ocean is the pressure of all pressure of the water above. It needs to be remembered our conscious mind is only part of our mind. We also have a nonconscious mind. Our nonconscious mind goes to the depths of Creation as reflected in the Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective and is aware of the interconnectedness of all that is. However, it is also aware of how our life would change if we change that belief. To change deep fundamental beliefs we have to sufficient desire for one reason or another to face and deal with all the changes that will accompany that change in belief. Switching analogies, changing a fundamental belief and dealing with all the changes that need to occur is much like a rocket needed to escape the pull of gravity of the earth to go to the moon. We need the energy and passion equivalent to the energy of a rocket to escape the pull of gravity. Without this passion and great energy, we remain bound in our existing belief structure and the creation we experience. This is why so few are able to break out of the life they create. They are unable to access the energy and passion to break free of the deep beliefs and beliefs patterns which keep them bound. In addition to not having the energy, often fear does not allow us to change our beliefs. We put our creativity in a cage of our own making as a result of how we learn to respond to life and avoid the pain of having our creativity thwarted. As discussed in the topics, "The box of creativity" and "Addressing the top and bottom of the box" escaping this cage or box is not about just opening a door and leaving the cage, we must break out all sides of the cage. The topic of the box/cage deals with our understanding of God and the unseen. The bottom of the box deal with our understanding about sexuality and how we do or do not act on our sexuality. Both of these areas cause many types and kinds of fears to arise and it is easier to run away that face the needed changes. We need to understand that as discussed in the Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective, each facet of creation is a unique aspect of the infinite consciousness that created Creation through the illusion of shattering itself. All lies within. We are only an infinite consciousness of Creation having an experience of its creation with the shared creation of Physical Creation. Although we each contain the infinite and all facets of Creation within our being, we only awake to what is needed to have the experience of Creation we desire. To awaken any one aspect of our infinite nonconscious conditions must be correct for its awakening. For example, humanity could not awaken to the concept of the nucleus of the atom until humanity had a concept of the atom. Similarly, although we can form or mold ourselves to experience any aspect of creation by how we focus our attention and awareness and can learn to mimic or copy any facet of Creation, conditions must be correct to do it. Addition, and sometime more importantly, it takes an actual experience of a facet of Creation to have truly experienced it and awaken ourselves to that aspect. This is why being taught and intellectually knowing something about Creation is not the same as having experienced it and obtaining and experiential knowing. The experience of Physical Creation as a human being does not readily allow us to see how we create the path as to how we incarnated to have certain types and kinds of experiences. That reason for that decision are too far removed from our every day physical experience. Conceptually all of the conditions which give rise to any experience we have lies within our nonconscious mind. But since it is in our nonconscious mind, we are not conscious of how we do it. The every day world continually preoccupies our attention to begin the inner journey. Our problem is compounded because the conditions or reasons which give rise to the experience we have in Physical Creation are scattered, fragmented and spread through out our entire nonconscious mind and/or go very deep like roots of a tree and as diagramed in the Figure "Deep Rooted Beliefs." It is only as we begin to have the experiences we incarnated to have do we being to pick up the scattered and fragmented pieces to being to understand the whole picture. Exactly what facets of our nonconscious mind giving rise to the creation we experience lies outside of what our current mind can readily access. We create the starting situation through some type and kind of attachments which will allow us to seek certain situations in life to find the unique facets of Creation that will give us our desired experiences. That is, we create the conditions which allow us to find or have the experiences we need to have to learn exactly what it is we desired. It is as thought we create a list of things to do and see in Physical Creation in order to have the desired effect. We then go do them creating the life we desired to experience. It is this phenomenon which reinforces the thinking we can find a physical soul mate. Given how and what we think we are because of the experiences we have had in Creation, there is a facet of Creation when experienced which provides very intense, pleasure and fulfilling feelings. In looking to see what cause such experiences, we think we found our soul mate or there is a soul mate who can give us such experiences. However, rather than finding our soul mate, we simply have found that facet of Creation which allows to fulfill what we have come to believe. The individual whom we think is our soul mate or mates are the occasion for what we experience, not the cause. The cause is the fulfillment of one of the key experiences we incarnated to have. The reason for our incarnation and how we set up the life we are to live was done before our current mind as we know it and understand it come into existence. To access them, we have to set the intention do so and feel our way to the answer. To explore these connections, our efforts will appear as though we are blind and traveling by feel or digging a mine tunneling to the source of the issue. Often we will feel as if we hit the "Mother Load" - a rich vein of understanding and awareness about ourselves and our past. At other times it is as though we are in a hit and miss operation with most of our tunnel seeming a fruitless journey into the unknown. Yet it is matter of continually pursuing what we seek until we find it.
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