The way music is made


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Any sound we hear is a disturbance in the air sensed by our ear. Music is only sound that we have judge to be pleasant to the ears. Noise is sound that we judge to be unpleasant. The two are produced exactly the same way.

There is no sound in the air. Air is only air. Sound is something other than the air itself. Music, as is any sound, is made by disturbing the air molecules. Sound and music is only the energy propagated or passed through the air. Air, which is part of an essentially infinite sky, if properly pushed creates what we hear as a sound. The air is compressed by the "push" and that compression get transmitted through the air as a discontinuity in otherwise uniform air. The sound we hear is a discontinuity in the air.

This sound is only the air molecules being pushed together in the location or at the point of where the air is pushed. As the push is released, the molecules separate and a vibration or oscillation is produced which we call a sound wave and this oscillation ripples out to infinity. When the air is disturbed by a vibrating sting or a compression of the air as for example by a drum head, a sound is heard. Yet the air is still air, only it now contains a disturbance we call sound.

But to be heard, the sound needs someone to be the observer of that sound. The air is compressed in some way and a compression wave travel through the air to be sensed by our ear and our ear is what observe the sound. We hear it as a note or a sound as the oscillation pushes on our ear drum If the push and release is continuous, the sound continues to be hear.

The sound wave itself ripples out to infinity but is not necessarily heard far away because the energy is spread infinitely thin as the wave expands outward. If the energy was sufficiently large, the sound would be clearly heard at infinity.

Relative to our creativity, we can look at an awake consciousness as a ripple, a note or a discontinuity in the sea of energy consciousness. Our awareness is the equivalent of a note, a sound or a disturbance within energy consciousness. The more energy that is present in this awake consciousness, the father the ripple can expand outward and still be heard or seen as being an awake being. With enough energy behind it, the ripple can be heard at an infinite distance from where it was produced. From a consciousness perspective, the question one can ask is "How do you get such a large amount of energy behind or in an aware consciousness such that it can expand to infinity."

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