Omphaloskepsis Exercise

(meditation on the navel)


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Omphaloskepsis is defined as a meditation while staring fixed at one’s navel practiced by eastern mystics as an aid toward inducing a mystical trance. In the sense of this definition of meditation use for creativity, it is only an alternative to any other external object of focus.

However, the naval is much more than something at which to stare. It is something to contemplate. It can be contemplated at three levels. 
One is the naval is the source of your physical life and you as a physically manifested being. It represents all of you that is physical and all that is contained within your physical body such as the genetic characteristics. It is your tie to the lineage of humanity and a particular heritage. 
At a second level it represents the solidification and your commitment to have a physical life. A physical life to either have experiences you have elected to have or you have agreed to have. You body is the perfect physical vehicle to have these physical experiences. You naval is an access point at to why you choose the particular body you have and what is it you wish to accomplish with it. 
At the third level where you are the creator of your experiences and the reality of those experience your naval represent starting point for the unfoldment of your creation.

Cutting of the umbilical cord is representative of, and analogous to a ship severing “shore power” from the pier to become self sustaining ship afloat on the oceans of the world. Once the umbilical cord is cut, power shifts from the nurturing of the mother to one’s heart. 
One will always need a mothering presence to become that independent being then at some time a separation will need to occur for you to become your own self sustaining being under you own power. 
In one way, the severing of the umbilical cord is the cause of your separation from oneness yet it is your opportunity to become an independent being with Creation. It is a gift of untold proportions. The umbilical cord represents the fulfillment of this drama, the separation from oneness into an independent being, on the physical plane. 
The same process happens on the nonphysical plane. We must separate from a nurturing and life given energy to become a separate and self sufficient unique being operating from an internal flow of creative life energy. Contemplating this aspect of the naval can take you back your origins and an independent consciousness.

The exercise can be done with the naval covered or exposed. However, there is great symbolism if naval is exposed. If the naval is exposed, one will look at the “naked” truth and not mask what one needs to see in a way that is acceptable to the mind. The mind must learn to face the naked truth about reality and about itself and the body it inhabits. An exposed naval will help to take the mind into the truth of what is, unmasked as to what it thinks. 
If you wish, you an do the exercise looking into a mirror at your naval. And to gain an even more profound impact, sit naked in front of the mirror looking at your naval and your nakedness in the nakedness of the truth of your being at each and every level of your being.

The Omphaloskepsis Exercise

Relax and prepare yourself

  •  Keeping your eyes open staring at your nave visualize a pool of water within your naval at its center. If you wish, look at the mirror as the pool of water and you are simply staring at your reflection in this pool.

  • Imagine this pool of water is full of ripples emanating outward from a single point at your naval as if someone is dropping stones onto your naval into the center of the pool

  • While visualizing this pool of water, focus on your breathing.

  • Allow yourself to feel your chest rising and falling.

  • As you feel your chest rising and falling, go back to the pond and realize the very fact that you breath you are causing ripples on the pond.

  • Synchronize your breathing with the ripples.

  • Each time you breath in, see a rock fall into the pond to cause a ripple.

  • Each time you breath out, see the ripple expand outward and quietly dissipate to nothingness such that at the end of your breathing out, there is only a calm pond.

  • Become aware that between the time of completely exhaling and inhaling as the next stone begins to fall to cause another ripple, the pond is perfectly still like a sheet of glass.

  • Allow this process to continue - a ripple outward, a calmness, a ripple outward, a calmness, on and on and on.

  • Allow the calmness to permeate your being.

Inquiry of the Source/source

  • As you stare at your naval imagining this ripples emanating outward from your naval, you are at the Source of your current life.

  • Ask yourself, “What does my navel really mean and represent to me and why did I choose this particular body that I have?”

  • “Why did I choose this particular, time, place, family and body?”

  • Pay attention to any thoughts, feelings or images that occur and do not judge them or suppress them.

  • Pay attention to, and become come aware of, the entire process that you experience during this meditation

  • Take as long as you need to contemplate the naval.

  • You can, if you wish, use your naval as an anchor point and go backward or forward in time asking yourself “What brought me to this particular time, place and body?” or “What are the potential impacts of using and not using this body/”

  • Allow yourself some time to record any notes on your observations and any insights they my have obtained.

You can use this exercises and the symbolism of the naval to go back to the source of any event and to see how and why the event was caused to unfold as it did. It is only a matter of you asking the question in that state of calmness focused on the source and allowing yourself to be open to what you receive.

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