Actions speak louder than words 

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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In looking to know what is driving an individual or organization, we simply need to look at their actions. An intention is really only a thought or an idea and the will to make it happen. Individuals and organization each can have many stated goals, missions and/or intentions. But the truth of what an individual or organization really desire to manifest depends on where the individual or organization is focusing its will and energy. Actions speak louder than words.

To know the true intention of any individual or organization we simply needs to look at their actions. It needs to be remembered that we know a tree by its fruits. An apple tree does not produce pears and a pear tree does not produce apples. If we look at the actions of the individual or organization that will tell us where their intention lies. It is there, in that intention were the individual or organization is really focusing its energy. The question is, "Does the individual or organization put its money, its energy, where it mouth is?" Does the individual or organization walk its talk?

On this point, we may find our nonconscious intention may be dominating our life and are backed by much more passion than any conscious intention we say we have. Here we must remember than unless one conscious or nonconscious intention is dominating our actions, our action will be result of our composite intention. In this case we will probably find our actions a little erratic as one intention dominates our other intentions as our environment shifts and changes.

In a related area, relative to love and to know if an individual really loves what they say they love, we simply need to look to see if they nurture that object of their love by meeting it true needs or do they give What mind wants to give. Our action relative to the true needs of any creation will reveal if we really love that creation creating the space for it growth and unfoldment or we are using it in some way to either meet a desire of our mind or providing out of some obligation we have or has been imposed on us.

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