Organizations are a shared creation

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Although it is seldom realized, each individual is a reality unto themselves. We are a world unto ourselves. No other individual has our experiences, our beliefs and our perspective. No one experience Creation as we do. We each are unique. We may have similarities and we may believe similar things. But we nevertheless are unique. Two individuals standing next to each other experiencing the exact same thing will have a difference experience and a different perspective on what was experienced. We may experience a shared creation with another as we share Physical Creation with others and have common experience with others in Physical Creation, but we nevertheless have a unique experience.

A shared creation is a creation where each of the participants share the same rules as to how the creation will work and share common beliefs about the creation or the experience of the creation. The human experience in Physical Creation is a shared creation. We are all held bound by, or to, the rules of Physical Creation. As human beings in a shared creation there are implicit and explicit rules to which we agree. In Physical Creation, we are hard wired to the rules of physical Creation through our bodies. There are things we can and cannot do because have a body and there are things we need for our body to continue to exist.

Any organization is a shared creation. As with any shared creation there are rules of agreement as to how the creation is suppose to work and must be followed if the organization is going to work or function as desired. However, in any human organization we are not "hard wired" to the rules. Rather, we agree to the rule for one reason or another in one way or another. There is always the possibility any one individual will not play by the rules as agreed. This, of course, is one problem for any organization. That is, getting everyone in the organization to use the same rules.

The goal of the organization is to get a group of individual to agree to act toward a common purpose using a agreed upon set of rule. The group may not create the rules that are used but the members of the group agreed to abide by the rule to remain a member of the group. Agreeing to abide by the rule to manifest an agreed upon goal is the basis of how organizations work.

One of the most typical problems in any organization is that there is a set of organizational rules and then there are all the rules to which we think are organizational rules to which we think we all agree but don’t. The issue with the organization is we fail to consider each individual is a world unto themselves. Any one individual may or many not have the same understanding of the implicit rules of agreement and they may or may not know and follow the explicit rules of agreement.

This problem brings up the whole issue of legalism, rules, laws, codes of conduct and the like. They are all attempts to clarify the rules of the shared creation. Most organization default to the social rules of conduct of the society in which the organization find itself and normally only codify requirements specific to the goals and mission of the organization. For most organizations, as long as the individual members stay within a give set of implicit or explicit set of expectations, there is no need to mandate and/or codify the rules for the organization. However, whenever there is transgression of an expectation the typical response is to create a new rule or requirement. Rarely is consideration given as to the root cause of the issue and that creating a new rule or requirement is not necessary the appropriate response.

Here lies an important understanding. Organization are created by people for people. However, the organizations take on a personality unique to itself. Often the individual becomes a slave to the organizational personality and individual feels powerless to change how the organization operates. There may be rules of Physical Creation which become part of the Organization which cannot be changed because of how the organization functions within those rules. For example, pilots need to ensure certain minimum equipment is functional on a airplane if they are going to fly safely. However, any rule or requirement created by a human can be changed. The question is when do the rule of Physical Creation begin and the preferences of any human being stops. For example, the period of time a human can stay awake without sleep and still perform a task without making errors because of the lack of sleep is a good example. Some can stay away much longer than others but in general most humans can only go so long without sleep. What should be obvious is not and rules and regulations are often created as to how long an individual can work without rest and/or sleep.

Of course, there is the flip side to this situation. That is human cannot change the rules of Physical Creation and the rule humans create will need to be meet the rule of Physical Creation. For example, if we are going to fly airplane, the rules we follow are going to have to address all the safety requires for the plane to fly and we can’t cut corners if we wish to continue to fly safely. Yet, it is not uncommon for organizations to discard the effects of nature on their organization.

To ensure individuals do not become the slave to a system it is imperative it is understood why any given organizational rule exists and who is empowered to change the rule. This is particularly important in managing change and organization transformation. Here it become essential. Rules are created by a mind as a result of past experience the desire to repeat or not repeat the past in some way. For organizations it is often a collective mind or a collection of individuals who make the rules. A creative endeavor and an organizational transformation takes us into the unknown where we can expect some rules not to apply in some way. Being held by rules of the past with thwart the organizational transformation and/or the creative endeavor. However, if the "why" behind the requirement is understood it can be addressed within the context of the new creation. But then someone has to have the authority or there must exist a process to accordingly change and/or suspend the requirement without compromising what the requirement was designed to address.

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