The understanding giving rise to the fifteen creative steps/guidelines


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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This material is the information and understanding which created the occasion to look at the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous as a way to recreate one’s life from one of addiction to one of sobriety. That is, to view the twelve steps as a approach to recreating oneself. It is the information and understanding which subsequently gave rise to the Fifteen Creative Steps/Guidelines for supporting the passion of another. Many of these items are further discussed in related hyperlinks..

Starting point (Top)

Obstacles to what we wish to create

  • This understanding arises from working with individuals to manifest their intentions and/or access their unlimited creative.

  • Come to find that both fear and habits to obtain satisfaction/contentment stand in the way as obstacles to what they wish to manifest.

  • The issues are fear and the desire for the warm fuzzy feeling


  • Fear is the most obvious and tends to be the more energetic issue.

  • The existence of fear is easily understood

  • The reason for the existence of fear relative to any one particular intention is harder to addresses.

  • For example, the fear of the change that would come into our life if our intention actually did manifest. Or the fear of giving up what needs to leave our life [the sacrifice of creation] to make room for the new intention to manifest. Or, we fear the unknown of the future will give us a repeat of something we experience in the past.

  • Often anger is used to mask our fears rather than face the fears.

  • To address fear, we need to find a way to face the fear and/or remove its cause.

  • Addressing issues of fear require a slightly different approach than used here

  • In any case, there is the need to realize the existence of the fear to be able to face it and address it.

Warm fuzzy feeling

  • Somewhat surprising to see how the mind used habits that produce a feeling of safety and security, pleasure or contentment, which can be generically call “warm and fuzzy feelings” to avoid manifesting what was stated as a desired intention.

  • Warm and fuzzy feeling is used to describe these habits because they produce a feeling so much like the desire of a child to cuddle up with their mother or cuddle with a favorite stuffed animal or security blanket or to be held by mommy.

  • What give one individual a warm fuzzy feeling with not be exactly the same as another individual. We each have are own unique desires. But we all have this similar desire. It is inherent to our being and the human body.

Compromise our truth for a warm fuzzy feeling

  • Mind can be self defeating and defeat its own desires and stated intention by habits that produced these warm and fuzzy feelings

  • We use these addictions of the mind, that is habits of the minds that give these warm and fuzzy feelings, to avoid facing displeasures or things we did not like or want in our life.

  • But these response patterns and habits actually obstacles to defeat our stated intention and interfere with the manifestation process.

  • These habits were much like addictions in how we used addictions to mask what we would rather not face or feel.

  • The question is, “Exactly what is it that we do not want to feel in the manifestations process that becomes self defeating even when we tried to manifest something pleasurable?”

Issue of our creativity and addictions (Top)

A connection with addiction programs

  • One of the readers of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material was an individual, who has spent a fair amount of time working with people with addictions within the twelve step program that evolved out of Alcoholics Anonymous.

  • Their observation was how much the material could help individuals with addictions and was so applicable to the issues the individuals faced.

  • This was found curious since the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material was about creativity and understanding how we create our reality. It was intriguing as to exactly how the material would be of interest to people with addictions.

  • It was an unexpected connection when first discovered but in the end was only a direct result of our creative spirit and its desire to express itself.

An issue with a traditional approach to addictions

  • One view of those in addiction programs seen addictions as something from which we are always recovering

  • The question asked about the twelve step approach but no answer given, “When is the twelve step program no longer needed such that the individual is strong enough to stand on their own?”

  • From a creativity perspective, we need to be able to stand alone in the strength of our own being to fully manifest our creative ability.

An observation about addictive patterns

  • We all have a very subtle addiction patterns and we are all addicted to particular habits of the mind that cause us to live the way we live.

  • Most individuals are familiar with addictions to substances that are used to numb the feeling in the body such as alcohol, tobacco, drugs, food and the like.

  • From a creativity perspective, what is clear is that we also have subtle habits of the mind that give the same sort of effect.

  • In the same way the external substance gives a certain feeling of pleasure that numbs the pain, we have subtle mental patterns that give a certain levels of security and comfort that numb the anxiety we feel about living life and these subtle mental patterns in effect do exactly the same thing as an addictive substance.

  • Much of our life has had experiences of pain, hurts, disappointments, unfilled expectations, doubt, fears, betrayals, controls on our freedom and a myriad of other thing we find we dislike about life and don’t want to experience.

  • The future is unknown and we really don’t know what the next moment is going to give us.

  • Hence we fear that the unknown of life will give us more of the same.

  • We fear the unknown and are anxious about what the unknown has to offer.

  • To avoid the feeling of anxiety that can come with the unknown, we retreat to a habit of the mind that give us a warm fuzzy feeling about the future .

  • These habits allows us to think we have life under control

  • We live with the illusion of the mental habit that we will not experience the things that displease us because we are getting a mental high from the habit that is numbing our anxiety.

  • Hence we continue to recreate the past and fail to fully embrace the possibilities of the future.

Removing ourselves from the source of our life (Top)

An observation from life from the creativity perspective

  • A realization based on all that has been observed in and about life, studied, read and observed in the lives of people how have used the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material to manifest their dreams

  • We each have incarnated here for two purposes the second purpose follows only after alignment with the first.

The intention for our life

  • Our first reason for being here in the physical plane is that there is an intention, a purpose or a set of experiences that we incarnated to have.

  • Our bodies are the perfect vehicle to have these experiences and/or to do what we came to do and we selected our bodies because they fit so well to the experiences we intend.

  • Our inherent body wisdom, that same wisdom that grew us in our mothers womb and grew us from an infant into an adult is perfectly capable of guiding us to fulfill the purpose of our incarnation if we only listen and follow that wisdom.

  • Body wisdom is access through feeling and in feeling

  • To do so, requires us to be “out of mind” or beyond mind and we need to allow ourselves to just be with what is and just be who and what we are much like the way of a very young child before they learn to control their life to please their caretakers and what the external world expects of them.

  • Then in that state of just being, become aware of what we feel and why we feel what we feel

Lost of being who we are

  • Most of us have long since lost that ability to just be with what is and who and what we are.

  • More importantly we have lost the ability to list to our body wisdom.

  • In fact, it has been observed most individuals have developed mental patterns and habits that allow the individual to think they are listening to their body wisdom when in fact their mind has been always in control and retains control

  • Mind retains control with these mental patterns that give the equivalent of the warm fuzzy feelings.

  • To be fully present in the moment and be fully open to what the body wisdom has to offer in the moment, we have to be able to sit and be with what we feel.

  • We have to be able to set and feel the anxiety that accompanies the unknown

  • Most people have developed mental habits that numb this anxiety long before we realize we are in a mental habit that has removed them from the present moment.

The origins of the addictive habits

  • As a very young child we wanted the warm fuzzy feeling of being cuddle (or its equivalent)

  • Rather than face the anxiety of the unknown of knowing whether or not we would be wanted or accepted for cuddling, we developed the habit of going to a way of being that gave us the assurance and security that we would be cuddled and we would get our warm fuzzy feelings.

  • Although we grew out of childhood cuddling to some extent (at least some individuals do), we always kept two things.

  • We kept both (1) the desire to have a warm fuzzy feeling and (2) the habit of going to a way of begin that would give us security and remove our anxiousness.

  • Hence we developed a coupling between these two desires and developed an addiction to avoid the anxiety of the unknown and get a warm fuzzy feeling.

  • The particular habit we go to doesn’t matter.

  • What matters is that we avoid sitting in the uncertainty of the unknown by habit and it is the habit composed of not sitting with the anxiety of the unknown and running to some way of being or thinking that is satisfying by giving us whatever we consider a warm fuzzy feeling.

Addressing the addictive pattern of mind which holds our creativity captive (Top)

Addressing the addictive pattern to get a warm fuzzy feeling

  • Two primary ways to address the habits which arises from the desire for this warm fuzzy feeling

  • One is to understand the creative/creation process and realize the how debilitating the anxiety of the unknown can be.

  • It is to have the strength of will and passion to do whatever is required for what we desire to manifest including sitting totally alone in the anxiety of the unknown.

  • Obtaining the strength of will and passion to be able to sit totally alone in the anxiety of the unknown is uses a slightly different process that what is described here.

  • The second is to have someone give you the safe and secure space to experience being held such that one can step past the addictive response pattern to face what we need to face.

  • This safe and secure space to experience being held as we face what we need to face lies at the root of the success of a twelve step program.

  • However, unless one understanding how to manage the anxiety of the unknown, to do what they need to do, they will be unable able to fact the unknown and continually retreat to the habits of the past.

  • To face the anxiety of the unknown, we need to creatively learn to walk.

Learning to walk - facing unbalance

  • To walk, you must become unbalanced to move forward.

  • Walking is a constant dance between going into and out of balance.

  • We never feel the unbalance.

  • If we feel unbalance we think we are going to fall and we experience “falling” as opposed to “unbalance” because our mind has already raced ahead and brought forward an existing fear (fear of falling) rather than allowing ourselves to be present to “unbalance.”

  • Our mind already judged the state of unbalance as being a state of falling.

  • Yet ever step we take requires us to be in a state of unbalance

  • We never allow ourselves to experience the unbalanced state or that unbalanced feeling because of the habit the mind has formed to allow us to walk

  • We never remember the unbalance we felt in our body and in our being in learning to walk because we learned to walk before we become conscious.

  • If we can remember the experience of learning to ride a bicycle we will probably be able to remember the feeling of unbalance we had as we wobbled along.

  • That same feeling was present and is present every time we walk but we mask the feeling by the mental habit of walking so we feel no unbalance.

  • The mental habit of walking that we developed numbs the unbalance we feel because the mental habit give us the warm fuzzy secure feeling that we know how to walk and will not fall. So rather than actually experience walking as we walk and the going into and out of balance.

  • We experience the mental habit of walking which actually removes us from experiencing the feelings the body is having.

  • If we always felt unbalance being on a bicycle like when we first learned to ride the bicycle, we would most probably avoid riding the bicycle.

  • However once we have developed a mental habit that allows you to live in the unbalance of movement, we are comfortable and ride the bicycle.

The need to learn to creatively walk

  • Our minds do the exact same thing with the anxiety of the unknown.

  • Rather than live in the moment and face the unknown, we enter a mental habit based on a past activity that gave us a warm fuzzy feeling that carries us into the future such that the future becomes the present and we don’t have to have the experience of the anxiety of the moment as the future forms.

  • Yet it is the anxiety of the moment as to which of the infinite possibilities of the moment will form that we have choice of infinite possibilities.

  • If we are not open to the anxiety of the moment but living within a habit numbing this anxiety we are not open the infinite possibilities that can manifest in that moment.

  • Hence we become trapped in a habit of the past that we are using to numb the anxiety of the moment.

Learning to creatively walk

  • To access our creative power and creative ability to create what we desire, we need to learn to creatively walk.

  • We need to learn to step out of the control of mind and into the unknown of our creative endeavor.

  • We do this by learning to feel and use our feelings and an internal compass to guide us into the unknown.

  • Hence we need to be open to feeling

  • This leads to an entirely new set of issues.

  • Why did we shut down our ability to feel and/or why did we raise the threshold to what we feel

Becoming open to feeling

  • The key to becoming open to feeling is the body.

  • In allowing the body to feel its most intense feelings we begin to see where we have blocked and/or otherwise suppressed what we feel.

  • Pain and pleasure exist on as opposites on the same spectrum.

  • You can only feel pleasure to the extend you allow yourself to feel pain.

  • If you suppress pain, you will suppress the pleasure you can feel.

  • but the issue is not to feel pleasure or avoid pain, rather it is to be open to what we feel to access the information in the feelings.

  • By working with the body and open it to what it feels, we open the door to learning to discern what we feel and what gives rise to those feelings. It is here is the awareness of feeling and the discernment of feeling we consciously access our creative power and ability to enter the unknown to create what we desire.

  • So you can expect the need to do some “body work” which centers on the body feeling and sensing.

Accessing our creative power and creative ability (Top)

The second reason for incarnating

  • The first reason for incarnating is to have a set of experience that we incarnated to have which includes some specific intention or intentions and/or purpose.

  • We will be lead to those experience by properly calibrating our internal compass for the feeling of a fulness of being, what bring life into our body and allows for a feeling of expansion.

  • The second reason for incarnating it to claim our birthright which is to consciously co create our reality with others and to consciously become the creative being that we are.

  • It is to learn to consciously create the reality of our choice and to realize Creation is magical enough to allow each of us to live true to the truth of our own being and yet allow the other to remain free to do the same.

To become a conscious creator

  • To consciously co create our reality means that we must be willing to sit in the anxiety of the moment and open to the infinite possibilities of that moment.

  • We cannot create the future of our choosing until we “clean up,” finish or change what we are already manifesting.

  • Unless one become conscious of what they are doing here in the first place we cannot be in the state of awareness to change what is currently manifesting in our lives.

  • If we are in a row boat flowing within the current of a river, it doesn’t do us a lot of good to come to the realization that we can change the direction of the boat. The current is still going to carry you where it is going.

  • We need to realize two points.

  • The first is that we can change the direction of our travel

  • The second is that we need to get out of the river current before we can choose to go where we want to go.

  • Our life is in a current and unless you come to the realization of that current we cannot get out of it.

  • We become aware of the current in our life by being fully present in the moment and allowing the current of life to take us where it is going so that we can see the direction it is going.

  • To do this effectively you need to do two things.

  • One is that you need to be in the anxiety of the unknown of the moment and outside of any habit of the mind that you use to numb this anxiety for the illusion of the habit doesn’t let you see what direction you travel.

  • The second thing is to have a very clear intention for your life that transcends our enculturated ego or the ego of who we think we are that we developed in this lifetime.

  • Being in the anxiety of the moment going with the flow allows us to flow in a given direction unencumbered by illusion.

  • Holding to a clear intention allows us to measure our progress relative to our intention so that you can determine the direction our life is flowing.

  • We need a reference point outside both our boat and the flow of the river current to get an understanding of the direction we are really moving.

Major issues of these habits (Top)

Most are formed before we are consciously aware

  • These habits that we use to escape and/or to avoid anxiety of the unknown are extremely strong and quick

  • Most of these habits go back to very early in life to a time before we become conscious of the habits that we formed.

  • If we sometimes feel we are stuck in habits of our childhood, we are completely correct

  • But most of the habits go back to the first 2 or 3 years of life if not earlier.

Mind cannot escape itself

  • A second problem is that of obtaining a clear intention that lies outside of the enculturated ego.

  • What needs to be understood, mind works to keep itself safe and to move toward obtaining the warm fuzzy feeling

  • This second problem exists because many of the criteria that an individual uses for success in life or about life come from the family, society and culture in which they grew up and the experiences of life from our family, society and culture are what causes us to create the response patterns to move toward getting the warm fuzzy feeling as our family, society and culture would give it to us.

  • However, the current that is carrying us [the intention for our life] may lie outside the flow of the family, society or culture.

  • We cannot look to any success criteria from our family, society or culture to guarantee we have found a reference point that allows us to see our real direction of their life.

  • If we are not willing to be in the anxiety of the moment to look beyond our family, society and culture to see where we are really going in life, we will not have a reference point to access our birthright

  • Accessing our birthright lies within the ability to see beyond the reason for us having our current physical body and it place here in time and space, that equivalent river current, which includes why we chose our particular family, society and culture.

  • Once we know the current which brought you into life we can turn our boat around and how we are capable of turning our boat around to change the direction of our life.

  • Once we know where the current of life is taking us and why our purpose for being here in our particular body at this time and place, then you are truly free to choose where we wish to go and how we wish to create our reality.

  • Of course, our choice may be to just fulfill our purpose for incarnating which it to remain in the current in which we find ourselves.

  • Many come to find the intention for our life was a very good intention all along.

The valley of contentment (Top)

Why we don’t get what we want

  • When pursuing their creative endeavors, most people fall into what can best be called a valley of contentment.

  • It is as thought the individual starts on a wagon train for Oregon

  • But after struggling thought the anxiety of the mountains of Wyoming they find a nice valley in Utah or Idaho and decide to stop there rather than continue on to Oregon

  • They choose not to achieve what they originally intended to do.

  • The have become satisfied with the pleasures of a current situation rather than the continuation of their journey into the unknown of life to manifest their stated intention

  • The individual rationalizes that they no long want their original intention but wanted to being the valley of contentment and satisfaction all along.

  • Then over time, they puzzle at why the never create the reality of their choosing and sometimes even feel they are powerless to create anything in their reality.

  • Rather than creating their reality, they are content with following the nature course of the ground that they walk over and follow its flow rather than the flow of their own being.

  • Rather than following the river current of their life they follow the current of their family, society or culture as long as they makes one warm and fuzzy, safe and secure.

  • Whether the individual becomes addicted to a substance such a alcohol or food, or some habit of the mind and way of being and approach to the world, they are none the less caught in a habit that needs to be broken if the want to create a new reality for themselves.

  • The habits created by their mind to move to what is consider warm and fully are like traps and act just like an addiction

  • The are like addictions because of the warm fuzzy illusionary feeling of safety and security the individual feels in these traps.

  • Yet their mind created to them to avoid the anxiety of the unknown. They have allowed themselves to enter what could be called a valley of contentment.

The essence of the creative process

  • From a creativity standpoint, any new creation requires one to enter what can best be described as the “chaos of creativity.”

  • Since the essence of all creation is the transformation of energy to a new form, something must always be given up or sacrificed to make room for the new creation to enter.

  • We can look at creation as taking a old piece of cast iron, throwing it into a furnace, to be melted and recast into a new form.

  • That melting process is seeming chaotic and all the old form completely needs to dissolve to make a new cast

  • The transition from new to old is always chaotic and any chaotic situation always brings a certain level of anxiety.

  • The anxiety of creation in this chaotic period is none other than the anxiety of the unknown

  • In the chaos of creation before one begins to pour the equivalent of the melted iron into a particular mold, infinite possibilities exist and the mold can always be changed up to the point to when the pouring beings.

  • There is an anxiety as to whether or not the mold we want is present. We do not always have the clarity of intention to know exactly what we want.

  • For some, it produces great fear in individuals for they are afraid even thought they have chosen, that they may not get what they want.

  • Hence the mental habits which made them comfortable in the past takes over and become the mold for their future unless they have the strength of will to hold to their intention and do not doubt to know they will manifest exactly what they desire.

  • But it is also to have the confidence to know that if I did not have clarity of intention, we can always change what we intend and go back to recreate what we experience.

  • The issue for creativity is how does one break the mental habits that keeps them away from facing the anxiety of the unknown to be open to the moment of infinite possibilities realizing that the habit we are trying to break give you a warm fuzzy feeling that you craves.

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