Becoming aware of the story we tell


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Becoming aware of the story we tell
The story we tell
The role we incarnated to play
Our beliefs - the top and bottom of the box

One of the most important actions we can take to reconstitute our creative ability and creative power is to become aware of the story we tell. We all have a story we tell about our life and who and what we are.

Whether we realize it or not, we have defined ourselves and the definition we have give to ourselves is the story that we tell. The way we interpret the events in our life and define who we are from those events can tell us where we have given away our creative ability and creative power. We can also see how and where we have become a victim or assumed a victim consciousness. To understand the creation we have created to date and are causing other individuals to experience, we need to understand the story that we tell. We need to understand how the “I” of ego and who we think we are has come into being.

But the story we tell goes deeper than how we see the events in our life. How we see the events in our life and subsequently the story we tell is tremendously biased by what we believe about Creation and what we believe about being human and being male or female.

Background (Top)

Remember, energy, as consciousness is neither created or destroyed and can only be transformed. To transform our reality, we will have to understand what aspects of our reality we need transform. There is a cause effect chain  for all that exists. It doesn’t matter if we believe the cause is first or the effect is first, the point is there is a place, a branch point, a decision point, where our current reality has taken its root. Depending on what we desire to change in our reality, we need to go back to that decision point that is most fundamental to our current reality.

In looking at the cause effect chain , there appears to be many branching chains and offshoots and a tremendous number of influences that make understanding how our reality was created seemingly impossible. Yet, there is a continuous thread of cause and effect choices and decisions as to how we got to where we are to experience the events that we do.

To become aware of this cause effect chain , we need to become mindful and aware of how we are choosing and making our decisions. We then need to go backward in time to see how and why we chose the way we did. Although we will not necessarily have a conscious memory of the pattern of choice, we can none the less fill in the key points and milestones of our journey. How we got from one point to another is not so much and as important as the fact that we were at a particular point and we are now at another point. We only need to understand the two points and compare them attribute by attribute. We only need to understand what is different about each of the attributes or how each of the attributes changed and why they changed. Again the individual steps as to how the attributes changed are not as important.

The story we tell (Top)

The story that we tell about ourselves is only part of the information. It is the part that we consciousness embraces and makes the most sense to us. However, there is a nonconscious part that is just as great, if not a greater, influence. It operates much like an automatic control feature and continues in the same direction until changed. The nonconscious programming is revealed by all the attributed that changed that we have no conscious understanding of choosing or influencing the change.

We need to pull the string and go back to the “beginning.” However if we truly are eternal, where is the beginning? We need to go back to an appropriate starting point and understand how we have created the current reality we are experiencing. But where or what is that starting point?

The most convenient starting point is our current life when it began, namely our birth. We need not ask, “Who am I?” for we already know and we live it every day. If we are asked, ‘Tell me about yourself,” we will probably start with, “I was born in Umpty Fratz just outside of Bozosville” and then proceed to tell all that we think is import about ourselves that we think the individual with whom we are talking would like, or want to hear.

If we look carefully, there is a “data bank” of experiences that we have had in this life. We call upon that data to use to define ourselves. We share pieces of that date bank based on the situation in which we find ourselves. Most of it is stored subconsciously and as we give one detail that detail causes a whole series of related details to surface into our conscious awareness. However, what surfaces depends on what detail we present. If we talk to a potential employer we will give a different set of details that if we are talking to a potential lover. The only way we uncover the whole data bank is to try and describe our story one at a time to a collection of individuals who represent every aspect of our being. Since we have infinite nonconscious and it is already loaded with information, it will take some time.

However, there is an easier way to access the story we tell and understand how you have created ourselves. It is to use the life map. A life map is no more than a time line or the road from our earliest memories we feel appropriate to draw to where we are now. The only thing that is required is that it is a time line from our starting point to now. Look at is as a road map or a map of geographical features of a continent where the predominate features on the map are the events in our life. What that map and time line can be is anything we want it be. Just draw what we feel like drawing, or rather, are lead to draw.

The way to do this is to draw several life maps [that is more than one] using the images and symbols that arise naturally within us in that moment to describe our story. The reason for this is as follows. One story we can tell is how we became who we currently think we are in this life time. If we draw or write out our story, we can then look to see why we tell the story the way we do. In reviewing our story in this manner, we can see there are many ways to tell our story based on the exact same set of experiences. We can then tell our story in the way that it is most powerful for us and in a way that allows us to take back the creative powers we gave away. In some way we can say that we reframe our story to make the negative and perceived setbacks as positive growth experiences and opportunities that allowed us to tap an unknown aspect of our own being.

One way to see how we can tell different stories about our life is to draw several life maps separated by time and space. How much is several? The recommendation is that we can draw as many as we wish but we should at least draw three and they should be separated by time. Probably at least a month. We should not refer to any of our previous life maps and only look at them all together after we have complete the three or all that we feel we need to draw. Ideally each map should be drawn in a different physical location. The locations themselves are not as important other then they are all different. If we draw one in our house maybe draw another in a local library or at a picnic table out doors.

To draw the map we will need to review the intention that we set under which we are drawing the life map. The intention will bias what we access. If it to restore our ability to be in spontaneous child like play, then we need to think about that intention before we being to draw. Similarly if we are going to access our creative passion, then think about what we perceive our creative passion to be. The intention acts as the individual to whom we are talking when we tell our story. We will pull from our memory those aspect of our data bank that are influencing the manifestation of our intention.

By doing three life maps at three different times in three different locations we will see subtle, and sometimes not so subtle, differences in the maps. The maps themselves, the symbols, and the subtle differences tell us much about our personal symbolism in the area of our intention and the obstacles we may face in manifesting our intention. Additionally the maps may even reveal a pattern as to the direction we are moving in evolution. In any and all cases, we will begin to see how we are defining ourselves in the area of our intention. When we have this information we can begin to ask ourselves why we have defined ourselves as we have and what other possibilities exist as to how we could define ourselves. When we being to see the freedom that we actually have available to us, we will being to realize all that we think about ourselves is only that, it is only what we think and not necessarily reflective of reality. In this realization we have the possibility of creating something completely different.

The role we incarnated to play (Top)

In telling our life story, it needs to be realized, no matter how we retell our story about our current life with the mind created by the experiences in our current life, we will be bound by the flow of the creative life energy that brought us into this world and sustains our being. We can optimize the energy available to us to do what we came to do, but that creative life energy will be limited to what the role we chose requires us to do. That is, unless we choose to step beyond our current mind, the enculturated mind and what we incarnated to do we will be limited by the identity that role provides us in life and the experiences we have in attempting to live that role. To move past our current mind, our beliefs become essential and we will need a very different perspective about who and what we are. We will need to have beliefs that allow us to access and work with the transcendental mind.

What needs to be understood, is if we access more power than our role in life requires without awareness, we would most probably destroy the role in that we would not do what we came to do. That in turn would disrupt the lives of all those who were to be helped by us in that role. Since everything is interconnected and the role of others is connected to our role, unless we become aware of this interconnection, the universe will limit what we can access. It is not that the universe is personal and looks to keep us bound and control what we do with our life and how we expend our creative life energy. Nothing is father from the truth.

Rather it is like a rocket trying to break the pull of gravity to escape into space. We have to have sufficient energy and knowledge of the principles of flight, knowledge of gravity, and knowledge of material science to build what we need, to break free. Otherwise we remain bound within the confines of gravity. So too with our being and our role we incarnated to play. Unless we become aware of the principles we need to break free of our role, we will remain bound in that role.

In the same way each piece of mass of earth pulls back to hold the rocket to the earth, each consciousness within humanity within our defined role tries to hold us in our role and where humanity collectively thinks we belong. It needs to be noted here that humanity has a consciousness and a role to play within a larger Creation. It too has an ego as to who and what it thinks it is. This collective ego interferes with and blocks the role of humanity just like any individual and how our ego blocks the role that we incarnated to play.

In addition to our own ego holding us back to play the our role, the ego of the collective holds us back. The reason is that if we succeed in transcending our enculturated ego and either play the role we incarnated to play or changing that role in awareness and understanding, we demonstrate to everyone else that both are possible.

Now it is possible to transcend our enculturated ego to play the role we incarnated and, if we choose, to become aware and gain understanding to transcend the role itself and change the role. This of course means if we achieve these two ends, others would have to become aware that they too have a role which they are fully capable of finding and fulfilling. As long as we exist as that example, we will force them to change. They, in turn, are left with one of two choices. Deal with the changes that we bring to light by our example or put out the light and live in unawareness. In general, it is easier for the collective to pull back rather than helping us to go forward. It is much easier to turn out the light than deal with what it reveals.

Once we escape the collective consciousness and the enculturated ego to play your role, we will then see there is another story we can tell about how our transcendent ego came into existence. In this story, if we believe we are human, our identity is integrally linked to being what it means to be a human and then the entire evolution of what it means to become human from thought to finish is our experience or rather available to us as an experience. This means we will have to deal with two things. We have to deal with all of, or at least much of, the mind that binds our creative life energy because of our past experiences. However, we also have to deal with the past physical life experiences as a “generic” or collective human. That is, we face the collective human experience and can experience memories of things that are not specifically our personal experiences. Rather we experience part of the collective experience. This is because humanities experiences are our experiences for the two, we and humanity are connected.

The more we believe we are human the more of the collective human experience we bind to ourselves and make our own. It is much like visiting an amusement park and believing we are of the amusement part and our life and identity are tied to that park. We being to make our decisions based on the past and what the park needs because of where the amusement park has been. That is, our past becomes the amusement park past. Our past becomes the history of maintenance and repairs that are needed to keep the amusement park functional in the way we want it to move into the future. Yet our existence was completely independent of the amusement park until we come to believe we and the amusement park connected ourselves to it. In claiming an amusement part identity, we become bound to the park and its past and we carry it into our future.

If however, we realize we chose the human experience as a physical experience, we transcend any and all human experiences and see them simply as an experience as if we were watching moving of humanity in which we played a role. We simply see ourselves as an actor in a role that we once had. Within this understanding we begin to see a glimmer of the depth and breath of who we really are and the creative process we have at our disposal. In choosing this way, we are then free to choose and explore the depth and breath of our own being or use what we have found to change the physical experience. That is to change not only our own life, but the nature of the physical experience itself for others. Although we will have some ego identification at this point, it really isn’t an issue for we will have transcended serving the ego and we will do what is in the best interest of all who are choosing a physical experience.

Our beliefs - the top and bottom of the box (Top)

Reconstitution of our creative ability and creative power is about taking our creativity out of the cage or box which we create to keep our creativity captive and confined. Breaking out of the sides of the box is relative easy. Lateral moves in life are always relatively easy. We can change jobs, move to a new house, change our fiends and the like. However, breaking out of the topic and bottom of the box is much more difficult.

There are two sets of beliefs we hold that become essential to keeping us bound within the role we incarnated to play and often keeping us from playing that role. One are the set of beliefs related to how we “plug into” the unseen world - the top of the box.. That is, what we believe about all that lies in the unseen realm and how what we believe is or is not able to catalyze our life. The other set of beliefs are related to how we “plug into” the physical world - the bottom of the box. That is, what we believe about the human physical experience and what it means to be a man or a woman.

Our beliefs about the unseen world start with whatever Creation Story to which we subscribe. A Creation story explains how Creation came into existence. It in are many assumptions about Creation and the nature of the human being. We need to have beliefs about Creation and choose a Creation story that empowers us as an individual and hold our creativity sacred. How we believe the world was created is essential to our thinking - especially as a creator. How we believe the world was created says a tremendous amount about what we believe about what it means to be human and who and what we are relative to Creation itself.

Once there is the understanding of how we are created and our relationship to Creation takes hold as a belief, it becomes integrated in our overall thinking and influences all that we do and think. For example, if the Creation story that we believe included the idea that some how we have sinned and we are separated from the Source of Creation, every action we take and every thought pattern we develop will be influenced by this thought including our own self worth and how worthy we feel we are. Similarly, if we feel Creation was simply a random phenomenon of nature and humanity is a random occurrence of life, that gives little meaning to our life and does not empower our ability to create a reality of our choice for all of reality is only a random occurrence.

There are a myriad of Creation Stories that exist and every society and culture has one. It is essential that we find a creation story that empowers us and does not in any way take away our creative power and responsibility to create the reality of our choice. If we have difficult finding one that we like and fully empowers us, there is the “Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective.” It is the most empowering Creation Story found which holds our creativity sacred and gives it the greatest possible depth and breadth.

Similarly to what we believe about Creation, the same is true what we believe about what it means to be a human being and what it means to be a male or female. The topics, “The physical experience of being human” discusses what it means to be human in a way that empowers our creative ability and creative power. The issue of what it means to be a male or female centers on our view of sexuality and how we use sexuality in our life. Sexuality is discussed in the topic, “Creative sexuality.

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The story of your life - your life story

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