Devil’s advocate


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The concept of the devil’s advocate arises from the practice of the Catholic Church canonizing or declaring individual to be saints. That is, the Church declares an individual lived exceptionally spiritual life such that upon their death there is no doubt that the individual reached the realm of Heaven and the presence of God, as God is understood by the Catholic Church. The process of canonizing an individual was not a process that was taken lightly. There were very rigorous requirements that needed to be met before an individual could be canonized.

Part of the canonization process required a thorough review of the facts and evidence as to how the individual lived their life. The devil’s advocate was the individual appointed to dispute and/or refute the evidence as to why the individual should be canonized. The concept was that the devil did/does not want individual to go to heaven. The devils advocate argued for the devil as to why the individual was not worthy to be canonized.

The devil’s advocate relative to becoming our truth

The devil’s advocate relative to becoming our truth is an individual actually serves the out truth, not our mind. The devil’s advocate will look critically at how we are living our life to see where we deny our truth. In essence, they serve and are loyal to our heart and truth. They look to see where our mind and the experiences and conditioning of our life do not allow us to live and fully and freely express our truth. Relative to the mind and the mind getting what mind wants, they are the devil incarnate for they work against the mind. Relative to our heart and what is symbolized in thr heart and what the heart wants, they are the proverbial white knight riding to our rescue.

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