How long the journey of reconstitution


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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How long the journey of reconstitution
Why doesn’t reconstitution occur quickly
Intellectual knowing versus experiential knowing
The quick fix mentality and habits from the past
Getting past the habits of the past
slow process
fast process
Addressing the open question of how long does it take
Our problem
How long
The need to become the cause in a cause effect chain
Awakening to the moment

Reconstitution is not something that occurs quickly. Once we get past the reason why it doesn’t occur quickly, how long it will take is open to question.

Why doesn’t reconstitution occur quickly (Top)

Reconstitution of our creative life energy will not occur quickly for several reasons. The first is reconstitution is not something that can be achieved by reading a book, attending a workshop or talking or a coach, teacher, guru or some other type of master. The second is there are no quick fixes when working in the physical plane and the “fix” is about learning to work with, and in, process.

Intellectual knowing versus experiential knowing
(Top): Reconstitution is something that must be acted upon. We can get or be given an understanding by a variety of means. However, we must act on what we have come to know and understand. We are not going to enter any program or read a book and reconstitute ourselves as we would walk into a fast food restaurant and order a hamburger. As with fast food, it may be prepared quickly but we still must act to go get it.

Any understanding has two parts - a classroom portion and a laboratory portion. The classroom portion is the intellectual knowledge or the book portion. The intellectual knowledge allows us to understand intellectually what we experience. The experiential knowing, the laboratory, is that we experience what we understand and we know what we know from experience and from within our being as true. Both are needed to claim any knowledge as our own.

Unless we can experience what we know and know what we experience, you cannot really understand. To make any knowledge real, we need to act on that knowledge and see exactly what it looks like manifested in the environment in which we find ourselves such that we know it and recognize it when we experience it. To make any experience understood and to be able to consciously use any experience in our life, we need to have some accurate context and experience that the mind can use to explain what it experienced and used to create future experience based on its understanding. We needs both portions for any real understanding.

To read a book, attend a workshops even with exercises, and/or talking to a teachers still requires us to act and make what we learn our own. Making what we learn our own is not regurgitating what we learned. We need to do our own experiments and somehow ground our intellectual understanding into a physical experience and/or physical action. What we learn must go into us and become a part of us and a part of our being. Additionally we must follow through on the logic and implications of what we think and believe to make what we learn our own. It is to eat and digest what we learn as any food we eat and then allow the food to become the fuel to energize our actions.

If we do not allow this to happen, we live in contradiction and separation within ourselves. For example, we say we love someone and have their best interest at heart. Yet we cannot give them the space to be true to their nature in the way they feel they need to be true to their nature. Rather, we want them to act in a way we want them to act. To make the intellectual statement that we have their best interest at heart is an ungrounded statement and a way of being within ourselves that is contradictory for we do not give them what they need. To live and embody this statement, one must find out what is in the best interest of the person based on what their creative life energy/creative spirit needs and want it desires to experience. We then need to give them the space to experience it.

The quick fix mentality and habits from the past
(Top): When it comes to reconstituting oneself, quick fixes are only an expectation and we will always be disappointment. To reach a happy, satisfied and joyful state is difficult for we must shed all of the old programming as a snake would shed its skin. To maintain the state, once reached, is even more challenging for Physical Creation is designed to work within a creative process. The important point to realize here is that we can have an experience but we will be unable to maintain the experiences if we do not shed all that kept us form initially having the experience. There are many mental and body memories of the past that will continually haunt us if they are not removed or changed.

The challenge to maintaining any joyous state or other desired state is that most of our habits were created in the past outside what we desire. Our habits tended to be 1) created without the joy we seek and 2) are based on the world as we think it was, as opposed to the way we are now attempting to recreate it. We need to realize whenever we fall back into the comfort of the past, we fall into a habit that does not have what we seek. Or we fall back into a world that created the habit that cannot support what we seek. It is only becoming mindful and aware in the moment and acting on what we know in full alignment to what we know, otherwise the past takes over. It takes time to faces these habits for many only rise in context and will not be readily available to face.

Getting past the habits of the past (Top)

Getting past the habits of the past can be fast or slow and can be seen to lie on a spectrum between the extremes.

Slow process
(Top): The slow process is were we allow life itself to surface the habits of the past. This slower process is much the way a seed grows and pulls what it needs from the unseen world. The path is feminine in that we nurture our intention by continually moving look for where in our life we have given away our creative ability and creative power. It is to look at which arises in life to see how what we think and believes denies our creative responsibility. This slower process aligns with the natural evolution of the incarnated spirit. Here we step out of mind by consciously choosing to surrender and align with the flow of our creative life energy either as a feeling or as perceive in our creative desires.

Fast process
(Top): The fast process can be characterized as the use of conscious methods to surface memories, patters or habits as to where we have given away our creative ability or creative power. It is to act and have conscious awareness of what is happening and the awareness to chose to act on the information that comes in the awareness. The us a masculine approach where there is an active thrusting in our nature and we are consciously acting to get what we desire.

Addressing the open question of how long does it take (Top)

One question that arises is if we create our experiences and the reality of our experience by what we think and believe, why don’t we manifest our thoughts and what we desire instantaneously.

The answer is simple. We live in a spectrum. At one extreme, we are a world unto ourselves and there are things our consciousness controls that has nothing to do with the physical experience we have or the physical plane. At the other extreme, there is Physical Creation and there are things that are solely determined by the physical experience and physical plane. In between there are a infinite number of experiences that depend on how we think and how the physical plane operates. Ultimately, each can control the other for each is only a manifestation of the beliefs we hold for reality molds itself based on what we believe. But we need to walk in balance between being that creator and being the creation for the purpose of having the experience we created. This last statement is the key.

What determines the length of our journey ultimately is based on the intention for our life and what experiences we desired to have in incarnating. This fact in turn, gives rise to another spectrum of options. At one extreme is how much access and align with the intention for our life. Only in aligning with the intention for our life will we obtain the optimum creative ability and creative power that we currently have available to us. At the other extreme is now much we resist and/or refuse to align with this intention for after all, we do have a free will.

Background (Top)

To understand the length of the journey of reconstitution and how to shorten it, there are several concepts which need to be understood that have an effect on the length of the journey. These are addressed in the topic, “Time and the unfoldment of any physical creation.”

Our problem (Top)

Our problem is, because of how we have grow up in a physical body, we have come to believe everything works the way the physical plane works and everything needs time to manifest. What we fail to understand is that illness, pain and other conditions of the body where the body does not function normally opens the door for us to understand we are not our bodies. We can learn to literally detach ourselves from the body and what the body experiences. Yet, we don’t leave the body till we die because we agreed to live the cycle of birth and death as a human. So even if we have the experience and internal knowing that we are not our body, we are still limited in time for those things that govern the body and physical plane. That is, of course, unless of course we decide not to play by the rule of the physical plane. Some individuals have developed the mental focus and/or habits to allow themselves to be in a physical body yet fully manifest aspects of consciousness that allow transcendence of the physical limitations they experience

However most of us believe we are our body because of the intensity of the physical experience to dominate our thinking. We rarely go inside and discover in our own unique way that we are not our body. Hence for those things that should manifest instantaneously we believe we have to evolve in time for that is the way physical reality works. We are creatures of very deep habit and find it extremely difficult to change what we believe once it sounds good and appears to work. We believe in time for everything will have takes time. Besides if we really do create our reality, we would have to accept that we create what is, exactly as it is, and would have no one to blame other than ourselves. It is much easier to blame another for what we ourselves do. To the logical mind it makes no sense we are the creator of our experiences for too much information seems to suggest otherwise. However, we do not see and experience reality as it is. We see and experience reality colored and filtered by the beliefs we hold.

So too the issue we face in reconstituting our creative ability and creative power. Either we believe we are our body and live according to the rules of the physical plane, or we believe we are a consciousness inhabiting a physical body and we need to respond to what is under our complete control and respect what is under control of the physical plane. Remember, reality mold itself to what we believe. We must first change our inner world and what and how we believe. This inner world of what we believe and how we believe is the world over which we have complete control.

We need to create in this inner world the world in which we wish to live and become the embodiment of the beliefs to create this world. Then we must hold with unwavering faith and trust that our external world will mold itself in its way to meet our intention for the environment in which we find ourselves. We only need to follow our intuition to manifest this internal world externally and follows as lead by our intuitive guidance. Remember our intuitive guidance flows from, and is in contact with, our body wisdom and the source of our life. Our body wisdom draws it wisdom form the flow of the energy within our being that flows directly from the Source of Being and Creation Itself. Our intuitive guidance will tell us how to move in the external world to position ourselves where we need to be to experience what we desire as the external world shift to meet our intention.

We are a being that stands between two world. There are things we need to do internally and there are things that we need to do externally to create the experiences we desire. Our intuitive guidance will bridge those two worlds and give us the quickest way possible to manifest what we desire in reality as it currently is. If we don’t do the internal work, our external world will not manifest. If we don;’t do what we need to do externally, our internal world will not manifest. The two are one.

How long (Top)

So how long will it take. Our internal world can change in the twinkling of an eye. The only issue here is to have the necessary mindfulness, awareness and strength of will not to get caught in our habits and to transcend those habits of the past. This by the way is the only transcendence that matters. Transcending our habits that have been created by the experiences that we have had, most of which are physical experiences believing that we are our body. Hence the tradition desire to transcend the physical. The external will change based on how much power and energy we can accumulate. The more we become coherent in our beliefs and impeccable in our action associated with those beliefs, the more power and energy we will have at our disposal. It needs to be noted here that we are not necessarily talking about our direct control over that power. Rather we will have influence to direct the power that already exists.

Look at it way. As we become coherent in our beliefs and impeccable in our actions, a telephone is installed on our desk. It leads to the local power station and they will direct all the energy that they have to what ever power grid that we choose. We do not control the power. However, we can influence where it flows and we can cause it to flow into the direction of our choice. So we cannot complain about our personal discomforts when we tell the power grid to switch the direction of current flow and the lights go out in our house. We need to start listening to our intuitive guidance to know where we need to move to be a benefactor of our own creation.

The need to become the cause in a cause effect chain (Top)

This brings up an interesting related phenomenon. There are no accidents. If we look carefully and the evidence and accident sequence, we will find there are no accidents,. There is only a lack of awareness of the conditions that exist at hand that lead to accidents.

The nature of reality that there is only a cause and effect chain . The experience we have is the current effect and is the cause of the next effect. In any moment, we are free to choose how we response to the effect we experience by how we focus our attention and awareness. If we chose the way we chose in the past, we become a repeat of the past - hence the proverbial wheel of Karma. If however we live in the moment and open to the moment with no bias of the past, then we are completely free to choose whatever we wish and created a new cause, a new evolution, a new unfoldment.

What is appropriate is that when we have a accident in our life we have to see that we have directed the energy to shift in our life and suddenly we find a part of our life has no power. Simply said, we did not check with, and/or listen to, our intuitive guidance to see where we needed to move in our life to have all the power that we needed based on the choices we have been making. If we shift our energy without the appropriate changes, we will have accidents in our life.

We are creatures of habit. We usually chose based on our past and how we think the universe works. Until we make our nonconscious thinking patterns conscious we have no hope to change how we think. We attempt to change our surface thinking but never look to see the underlying patterns that are really supplying and distributing the energy. The beauty of Western philosophy and science is understanding the power of the cause effect chain . The beauty of the Eastern philosophy is the power of our own ability to create an effect and change whatever effect we experience. So far the two philosophies have not come together. The Eastern traditions are not masculine enough to thrust outward and change the cause effect chain. The Western traditions are not feminine enough and nurture what they have created to become happy with what is and understand they are getting what they have created. The West is too busy thrusting outward causing things to happen and not understanding where the cause really originates - in our own thinking. It is only in awareness, the non-judgmental awareness of what is as it is as a detached witness, that we can see there are no accidents for we see the cause effect chain that has been created to produce the experience which causes an accident.

Our belief that we need to evolve and grow is only a cause effect chain  because we have the habit of comparing ourselves to some external reference. Rather than accepting our uniqueness and realize we are not like whatever we look to as an external comparison, we think we have to become something different. There is time only because we remember that we awoke and we continue to compare ourselves to the moment we awake and the experiences we were having in that moment.

Awakening to the moment (Top)

If we consider our consciousness, the witness behind our eyes, as capable of going to sleep when it becomes bored and there is little diversion on which to focus, then we can see how we enter cycles of sleep and being awake. If it is further understood that whenever we awaken, we define ourselves from that moment and we appear to evolve from that moment, then we have the possibility of realizing there is no time but the time we ourselves have created. Remember the infant who is born. He or she defines itself from the moment it is born and what it remembers from this life. We all struggle to accept there is something beyond this life. Yet our consciousness that lies within our being does the same thing. It awakens and evolves into complete awareness and then becomes bored for there is no contrast. And guess what - it goes back to sleep.

Summary (Top)

The bottom line is reconstituting our creative power can be done very quickly if we have the correct perspective and passion. However, the nature of Physical Creation is designed such that any creation is experienced more as an unfoldment from a seed condition. The approach is to create the correct seed conditions and the conditions for the seed to fall on fertile soil within proper conditions to readily germinate, take root and grow. As with modern genetics, we can tailor the seed we plant to the conditions in which we find ourselves or we can modify the environment to suit the seed. What is best for us depends on the starting conditions in which we find ourselves.

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