Learning to be out of mind


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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To effectively follow our intuitive guidance and/or body wisdom, we need to be out of mind and not following what the mind thinks the path should look like. The reason for this is that the mind has its ideas as to what enlightenment, our unlimited creativity, awareness and wisdom looks like. However, whatever the mind thinks will be wrong for the mind cannot fully grasp and characterize the infinite nature of these things. It may think it does but it only another illusion of mind.

Similarly to choose to follow the path of another who is supposedly enlightened, a teacher, or some other type of authority in the matter, but does include the essential element of surrender to our path, is the path of another is still based on what a human mind thinks, either that of the individual who chooses the teacher, or the individual who follows It does not allow one to follow their own heart.

Again, the human mind cannot comprehend and characterize the infinite nature of what we seek and any thinking mind uses and that it thinks is what must be done runs the risk of keeping us for the very thing we seek. The easiest way to both be out of mind and not fall into the trap of mind is or the trap of following another is to relearn to creatively play and to use the innocent and spontaneous childlike play to discover and explore the essence of our true nature and where we have directed our creative power into non useful endeavors. In doing this, we simply literally and figuratively plays their way into understanding.

Some way that have been found useful to being out of mind have been learning the dance between heart and mind, relearning to play, rituals, and metatheater and the like. However, the most important is the need to become the detached witness.

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