Utilize our creativity and creative passion
as a means to access and release our unlimited creativity


The path of creative child like play

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Utilize our creativity and creative passion
Consciously choosing to use our creative passion
Getting started in exploring our creativity
Exploring creativity
Exploring some real issue
Escaping the cage of our own making

One approach to explore our unlimited creativity and/or access our truth is to use our creative spirit, our creativity and our creative passion.

Background (Top)

We all have within us a creative spirit which desires to creatively express itself in some way. In particular, to create the experience our awareness incarnated to experience. It will do so consciously or nonconsciously. Knowing this, we can use what we are drawn to create consciously or nonconsciously as a means to access this creative spirit and our creative passion. Or we can use what arises in our life to see where we are or are not tracking what this creative spirit desires to create and adjust our lives accordingly.

When we pursue and follow the unique expression of our creativity, that is, that which draws us to uniquely create, it can lead us to fulfill the intention for our life. In aligning with, and fulfilling the intention for our life, we are aligning with the truth of our being. In the awareness of our truth we can being to experience the depth and breadth of creativity that is available to us.

Two sets of issues arise to prevent us from accessing our creative passion. One set are the issues around our enculturation and how and why we lose our ability to play. Creative play is essential to be able to freely express our creative passion. The second set issues is what mind perceives to be our creative passion. The mistake most often made in utilizing our creativity and our creative passion is that we find some type and kind of creative endeavors in life that seems satisfying or fulling, and out of which, we can create a career. We then think that the career we have is the complete expression of our creative passion or it is the way we need to express our creative passion. However, there is nothing father from the truth. Our creative passion cannot be fully expressed in a career. This is one reason why there are so many things which challenge us to become more creative in, and with, our life. We are multidimensional and we need to be able to create across all dimensions of our being.

To access our creative passion to see what it really is, we will need to become a detached witness. We need to be able to observe our life, observer our creativity and what we create with our life in full detachment yet in the awareness at some level of our being, for one reason or another, we have created the experiences we have. Unless we can become a detached witness we will be unable to see the truth of our being because mind will continually interject itself as to what it thinks and believes.

We need to be able to stand back observing our whole life and ask if the life we have is a life worth living. If we feel our live can be better in any way or in any part, we have yet to live the full expression of our truth and fully express our creative passion. We only need to choose to explore and pull the string on any dissatisfaction we feel and we will find there is much more to our truth and our creativity that we originally imagined.

Consciously choosing to use our creative passion (Top)

To consciously chose to use our creative passion to access the truth of our being, we start by exploring our creativity to find the types and kinds of creative activity that seem to be most fulfilling. However, whatever we do should be playful  as much as possible. We need to be able to move into a creative play within a safe environment in which we allow ourselves to move into a spontaneous and innocent child like play

The creativity with which we start does not need to be an external activity. In fact, it is probably preferred if when start with our creative imagination  and explore its limits and boundaries. We look to see types and kinds of though we do not allow ourselves to entertain because of the judgments we have and/or what we believe. We should be free to play in our own creative imagination. If we are unable to be free in our creative imagination we will not find freedom in the external world.

After we have explored our limits and boundaries within our creative imagination , we can being to look to see how to bring our creative expression into the world. We can use things like games, rituals, metatheater, dance, music, art, sculpture, theater and the like. We can also begin to see what our creative activities feel like and practice consulting our intuitive guidance as the best ways to being our ideas into the world. We will needs to spend some time learning to use our intuitive guidance, learning our inner language and see how our intuitive guidance communicates to us and what symbolism it uses.

In exploring our creative imagination  and looking to see what we can bring into the world we should look to see if there are ideas and activities that are more exciting than others. We should also look to see if there are areas where our intuitive guidance is sharper and/or more profound that other areas.

As we explore creative activities we should look to see what type and kind of creative activity really provides a fulness of being, and excitement about life, and passion for life and for living. Most of us will need to do a series of different types and kinds of physical creative activities to see if one is more appealing than others. In particular we need to look to see which feel as thought they make us feel more alive or desiring to do more of the same.

Getting started in exploring our creativity (Top)

In getting started in exploring our creativity, two things should be done in parallel. One is to start exploring different creative activities. The other is to put a real issue on the table to be solved and use the issue to learn about how free we are or are not free to explore options.

Exploring creativity
(Top): What needs to be realized is our true creative passion will not be revealed until we can begin to live the truth of our own being. Anything we think is our creative passion will be in error because mind only knows the past and what it has experienced. Living our truth is not a current experience of mind. So whatever mind thinks is our creative passion will be in error to the degree we have not been free to express the truth of our being. Hence the recommendation to explore different types and kinds of creative activities.

In exploring different creative activities, we need to pay attention to what we feel. We need to become aware of what types and kinds of creative activities make us feel alive and give us a fulness of life within our being, a passion for life, a passion for living. We also need to be come aware of what aspect of the activity gives us the feeling of being alive. As we do this, we will need to do two things. One is to move deeper into the aspects of the activities that are making us feel alive. We need to feel alive as possible with a fulness of being. The second is to address the issues that raises. In exploring creative activities that make us feel alive issues from the past as to why we have not lived our creative passion and/or the truth of our being will arise. We will need to face and deal with those issues if we wish to access our creative passion and our truth.

Exploring some real issue
(Top): Look at some real issue we need to address and/or face in life. As this exercise is performed, be aware as to where we are unable to pursue options and why. Also be aware of the issue from the past which surface to be addressed. We need to look at any judgements we may have about the process, what arises and what we feel in doing this exercise.

The first part of the exercise is to look at what mind has to say about the solution and what should be done. We need to go into the creative imagination  and explore options. We have mind’s opinion as to what needs to be done in what we think. The question is can we create five other options? We need to do some brain storming type exercises to see what is possible. We need to become aware of options we discard and why we discarded them . Are they options that really will not work or are they options for which we have judgements, opinions and the like the prevents us from acting on the options.

The second part of the exercise is to look at what our intuitive guidance has to say about the solution and what should be done. We need to go to our intuitive guidance in a variety of different ways to see. One way is to ask our intuitive guidance directly, “What do I need to do or what do I need to become to address this issue?” Then look to see what our intuitive guidance provides as an answer. Our intuitive guidance can also be asked to lead us to information on the topic or look to our body wisdom and see what our body is communicating about the whole process or what particular body part may be trying to communicate to us.

The third part of the exercise is to do a guided meditation to see what surfaces about the problem and what our creative spirit has to say. A generic guided meditation format is provided in the topic, “Guided meditation format.”

Compare, evaluate and discuss the results of the three sets of information. Which set seem to be the one most based on the past and past thinking? Which seems to be the most original? Which seem to address the root issue? Look at the process of how we are choosing your action to implement. Become aware of what we think about the other options and why we are choosing the one we do and why we discarded the other options. Ask ourselves if we are really allowing ourselves to live the truth of our being by the option we choose.

Escaping the cage of our own making (Top)

In looking to explore our creativity, we need to realize we have place our creativity in a cage of our own making as a result of the experiences we have had. When we think of breaking out of a box or a cage, we think that if we have a door to the cage or break out one or more of the sides we are free. However, relative to our creative spirit, our creativity and our creative ability and creative power, nothing can be farther from the truth. We need to address all six side of the cage or box. In particular, we will need to address the top and bottom of the cage. What we will face and what we need to do for the top and bottom of the cage is addressed in the topic, “Addressing the top and bottom of the box.”

The next step

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