A contribution of Niels Bohr to Physic and the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material


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The Bohr Challenge
Introduction and basis of the principle of “Look to nature to see how creation/Creation works”

Around 1910, at about age twenty-five, Neils Bohr was a physicist looking into the nature of the atom and the problem physicist were having at explaining the atomic structure. His novel approach to looking into the nature of the atom was one of the several catalysts that revolutionized physics and the understanding of the nature of the of the physical world.

The then current approach to physics was to force fit facts into a pre-existing model that had successfully explain other aspects of atomic particles like electrons. Bohr’s approach was radical and went in direct opposition to the prevailing view of how things were being explained. He directly challenged the existing mind set. Bohr’s approach was to find a model or viewpoint that explained the observed facts as they were rather than trying to fit facts to an existing theory.

In essence he ask, “What model explain what I see?” and he had no judgement on what that model may be. Although Bohr’s particular conclusions were ultimately proven incorrect, his approach was unsurpassed in breaking the log-jam of conflicting and seemingly irreconcilable ideas that existed at the time.

The issue centered around the Rutherford model of the atom. Around the beginning of the twentieth century, physicists were faced with some troublesome dilemmas. Although Ernest Rutherford developed an impressive model for the atom that effectively explained the existence of the atomic nucleus, the model was not compatible with the electromagnetic theory of waves in vogue at the time.

In Rutherford’s model, the electrons in the atom revolved around the nucleus in a way similar to the way planets revolve around the sun. Since the nucleus was heavily positively charged and the electrons negatively charged, the electron would experience an acceleration as a result of the electrostatic force. According to classical electromagnetic theory, an electron under the influence of an acceleration would have to emit energy, generating electromagnetic radiations, and lose or “give off” its energy. [Accelerating electrons is how radio waves and other electromagnetic waves such as television and microwaves are produced.] Losing energy, the electron would then have to spiral toward the nucleus and collapse the atom.

Calculations indicated the atom would collapse within one hundred-millionth of a second. Obviously something was wrong; the evidence demonstrated atoms existed in nature but that atoms were not collapsing. Although the model was impressive and explained many of the phenomena encountered by physicists, it didn’t quite explain everything. Obviously something was incorrect about the thinking. Some assumption had to be in error somewhere. Bohr studied this problem and contemplated its solution.

After some time, Bohr reasoned that nature could not be wrong. He reasoned that the model and assumptions that were being made were somehow wrong - at least to when they were applied to the motion of electrons in atoms. In knowing that current approach was wrong, Bohr felt that is criticizing something without providing a way to make it right is of little value. However, the solution that Bohr found was very different than the current thinking. In fact it was so different, that he kept the manuscript locked in his desk for almost two year before he decided to submit it for publication. His paper was published in 1913 and turn the world of physics upside down.

In the paper he stated his approach. That approach was that because the motion of the electron in the atom defied any of the existing models, he found it necessary to postulate the rule that elector would follow. What was important about his approach was that he presented an observation of how the universe seemed to be working and accepted it as fact. In looking at what he said in another way, he said, “This is the way it is. Starting from this fact, here are the statements that can be made and the conclusions that can be drawn.....” He then acted on the postulates that were based on his observations to develop a model of the atom and atomic structure. Based on the assumptions he made the model corresponded to what was observed.

Bohr’s solution was actually very straight forward and can be summarized in three steps. One, look at what is and postulate the way the universe works based on what is disregarding the past and the way the physicists thought the universe worked. Two, see what conclusions can be drawn based on those postulates. Three, see if the conclusions effectively explain the observable information.

Although the model of the atom derived from his postulates was eventually replaced by more sophisticated models of the atomic structure, his approach and model allowed physicists to move out of the era of classical physics into the arena of quantum mechanics. Many physicists were holding their model and their explanation of how the universe worked as sacred and then tried to fit the facts to the model. Bohr’s desire to put the facts [what is] before the theory [what I think is happening or how I think the world should work] revolutionized physics. In doing what he did, the world was irrevocably changed. Bohr’s approach and his postulates provided the bridge in understanding to revolutionize the world.

There are several aspects of the Bohr approach that are relevant to creativity. The first is Bohr offered a way that could be used to correct the discrepancy he saw. To get a creative solution we must offer a solution that corrects the issue rather than just criticizing what doesn’t work. It doesn’t matter whether the solution initially works or not. The issue is to offer a solution that could work rather than just criticize. Quite simply, a mind that believes a solution is possible will see a problem differently than a mind that doesn’t believe a solution is possible. So too the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity. It is a way that is offered to address a discrepancy. It offers a solution to what seems to be a lack of understanding about the nature of reality such that an individual is capable of fully creating the experiences they have.

The second aspect is that observations and conclusion made about free electrons that were accelerated did not correspond to the observations and conclusions made about electrons bound in atoms. What was not initially realized is different “laws” or principles dominate different environments. This does not mean the there are different laws or principles. Rather all the principles and laws are present, only the environment causes different one’s to dominate. One cannot assume the principles that work to explain a phenomenon in one particular environment will work exactly the same way in a complete different environment. We must work with the principles that apply to the environment in which we find ourselves

From a creativity perspective we must become aware of the environment in which we desire to create. What will work for one environment may not work for another. It doesn’t mean we need different principles. Rather we just need to know where to apply them when. This statement in turn becomes a guiding principle in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material. It is to go with an approach that works for your situation. Look at your facts and fashion a model that allows your facts to be integrated into a wholeness for how your world works. Let effectiveness be the measure of truth. This recommendation becomes an even more sound approach when one incorporates Einstein’s postulates into their creative endeavors.

The concepts discussed here and the concept of Creative Relativity introduced based on Einstein’s assumptions about nature and the laws of physics give rise to the principle used in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material to “look to nature to see how creation/Creation works.” The reason for this is the laws of creation and creativity are the same everywhere. They may just look different because of the environment in which they are applied. Nature is unbiased by our individual perceptions and what we want to believe about how creation/Creation works. Nature provides a more impartial view and application of the laws of creation.

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