A culmination in thinking and moving into action


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Our thoughts have the ability to transform Creation and what it means to be human. All that exist in Creation that has been created by humanity started as a thought within the mind of one single individual. Much of humanity lives much differently than it lived a hundred or two hundred years ago. At the time of this writing it was only one hundred and two years since the first airplane few. The changes that have occurred in those hundred and two years has been quite phenomenal. One question that can be asked is, “Exactly what thoughts or what type and kind of thinking really allowed for such revolutionary changes?” And of course, the debate can go on for years as to what the correct answer is to such a question.

In any case, about eighteen months after the reorganization which provided the time and opportunity for the author to elect to under take a consciously journey to explore creativity, there was a synthesis and culmination in the author’s thinking. He had been exploring creativity in both is profession and private life for quite some time. All that he experienced came together in an insight. The insight was, in essence, about a quantum or step wise jump in human consciousness and understanding. He entitled it “A Critical Mass of Enlightenment Vision” and wrote up a brief description of what he envisioned occurring based on what he had come to learn to that date. At the time, it was a curiosity piece and he had no real plans to do anything with it.

All of that changed over the next few months. As the author had experienced in the past, his work life was become very repetitions Although the issues and problems seem new, they were, in fact, only repackaging of the same old issues in a new form. So too the solutions people were provided. They did not address the root cause so it was only a matter of time before the issue again raised itself but in a different context that made it appear to be a different issue. He was looking for something new and different.

Although he was asked to help create and become the executive director for a mind body foundation, that effort did not address the depth and breadth of what we was feeling he needed to do in life. Important as a mind body foundation could be to help individuals heal, as discussed in the topic, ‘The Experience as a Healer,” he wasn’t really interested in the healing aspects of the mind body foundation. Rather he was interested in creating it and then moving onto something else. What he did not consciously realize was that he was looking for was something to challenge the depth and breadth of his creativity. Yet, nothing he was being asked to do seemed to fit that challenge.

Then something occurred which radically changed his life. While the author was on a trip back to the place of his birth to visit family on his wedding anniversary, his car burnt up almost directly under the bridge where the Appalachian Train crossed over US Interstate 70. What struck the author so profoundly was how calm he was in watching the car burn as he sat under the bridge. His only thought was, “I wonder if I’m too close to the car when the gas tank explodes?” In many way he was enjoying it and actually looking forward to the gas tank exploding. But what surprised him was how calm he was. He knew something else was occurring. He knew he was not observing the event before his eyes through the eyes of the life he had lived. He was in a different awareness watching both a destruction and a birth. The event could only be described as surreal. The symbolism in all that was happening was initially beyond what his mind could comprehension at the time. Yet, he knew his life would never be the same. He knew he was watching the destruction of his life as he knew his life to be.

There author knew there was deep symbolism in what was occurring because the author was aware of the concept of a “familiar.” The author learned about the “familiar “from his exploration of creativity in some of the Native American traditions. The “familiar” is an animal or animals that appear in the shaman or medicine man/woman’s life which bring information. It many ways it the same as a form of synchronicity but the bearer of the information, the animal or other vehicle, is itself a communication. That is, certain types and kinds of animals or events communicate what is occurring behind the sense and you can learn to “read” the information they carry. The old esoteric saying, “as within, as without” is physically manifested in the “familiar.” That is, what appears in front of you is a communication from the unseen. If what appears in front of you is out of the ordinary, then pay attention to it for it has something important to say.

On this point, a familiar can be interpreted as an archetype or carry archetype information. Different familiars reflect different archetype information. It time the author would learn that the concept of the “familiar” was only the Native American way of explain that creativity is the language of consciousness. What appeared to the shaman or medicine man/woman was only a communication of consciousness/Consciousness in response to the question in which the shaman sought an answer. What was obvious to the author was that timing of the destruction of his car by fire was as much a communication from the unseen world as it was a freak accident as a result of poor manufacturing or engineering.

What became apparent in hindsight was the car was symbolic of the creation vehicle the author was using in his life. That vehicle, his mind, and what he thought and believed about himself as reflected in his ego, and what he thought and believed about creation/Creation, were all in the process of being destroyed. In essence he was becoming the phoenix. He created a funeral fire out of the nest he had created in this life and was about allow himself to be consumed by fire to rise from the ashes, born again and renewed.

The car, or what remained of it, and the author were transported to an auto body shop. When he stepped into the lobby of the auto body shop located in Maryland he was, in essence, transported to the Southwest. The decor of the lobby was a traditional Southwest motif. He saw what he would have seen in almost any traditionally styled building in Albuquerque or Sante Fe, New Mexico to which he was a frequently traveler at that time.

He knew there was an additional symbolism in what was happening. He knew what was happening was a continuation of what started two years earlier in New Mexico. At almost the exact same time two years earlier he and another individual did a ritual together in the Great Kiva at Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. It was also almost exactly one year later both individuals were again brought together through a synchronicity of events in Phoenix to complete what was not competed the previous year at Chaco Canyon. The author knew there was a completion of this Southwest journey occurring in the destruction of his car. He knew things would some how be quite different in the future.

As stated in the discussion “Awareness of the Path”: What is interesting about the suggest to write a book was that the author wrote out the vision of a critical mass of enlightenment just about the time he starting to visit the psychologist. It was shortly after the author being told he should write a book based on his understanding that his car burnt up on Interstate 270 and he knew his life would be come totally different. It was as though once the awareness was raised within his mind to write, the world as he knew it would be destroyed and was in the process of being destroyed. It was as thought for him to write his entire life as he knew it and understood it would have to be consumed, destroyed and reborn into a new form.

The author knew the past as he knew it was gone. Whatever he was exploring in creativity and doing with creativity was destroying his past. Exactly how he did it was not quite understood at the time but curiosity was getting the better of him. About a month later, the author pulled out the Critical Mass of Enlightenment Vision he wrote out four months earlier. Having been an experimentalist and having a great love to play, he decided to play. He obtained a log book much like he would have used in the physics laboratory and decided to set up an experience. He decided to see if he could create a critical mass of enlightened individuals. He decided to do a critical mass of enlightenment experiment based on the Critical Mass of Enlightenment Vision he created several month earlier.

Although he set the intention to see if he could create the creativity mass of enlightenment, he did not pursue it as such. Rather he continued to help his physician friend create a mind body foundation, look to assistant an individual to build a retreat center and continued to pursue organizational creativity in his professional life. In reality, he felt he didn’t have time to pursue the critical mass of enlightenment experiment. He saw too many issues in the workplace and felt it was more important to begin to look for an alternative way to experience Creation such that greater satisfaction could be achieved in the workplace. As part of this effort, he also felt he should look at himself and at the frustration he was feeling with those with whom he was trying to create. He felt it appropriate to also change his attitude about those who frustrated him. To address this frustration, he did what he felt was reasonable at the time but in the end seemed a foolish thing to do. He set the intention to develop unconditional love with the intent of learning to become accepting and tolerant of those things which frustrated him.

What he didn’t realizes is that all of his actions were only creating the conditions for an experience of the Ultimate Accident. In essence he was creating a critical mass of conditions in his life to create the doorway for his own enlightenment about the creative process of Creation and the creative process of his own life to understand how each of us are both the creators and the creation. That is, we are the creators of the experiences of our life and the reality of those experience and the life we experience is the experience of creation we created.

The Next Step
Creating the occasion for the Ultimate Accident - creating a critical mass

An Alternative step 
The recovery of a creative spirit - a soul retrieval

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