Issue of astrology in creative endeavors - an observation


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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As a child, the author was taught subjects that dealt with the occult or bordered on the occult did not hold any value and they should be avoided. He was also taught those who practices such things and attempted to provide divination with them were charlatans. As a result the author had no interest in the subject of astrology. It seem too occultish for him.

Trained as a physicist, the author was taught to look at the facts of a situation. Astrology seemed to offer little facts to support the types and kinds of conclusions which were being drawn from the available information. As a physicist, the only influence of which he knew relative to the planets was gravity. The effect of gravity from the planets is mathematically small. Any effect that would be there would be masked by larger influences.

However it was know the moon affects tides because of its gravity and that effects can be quite significant. Since we are mostly water it is possible there are very subtle gravitation influences that affect our body water. Those effects in turn would creates different feelings. The energy we sense could give rise to particular types and kinds of thoughts. Those thoughts could, or would, causes us to act certain ways. However, other than the sun and moon, the gravitational effect from celestial bodies would be so small that it would be hard if not impossible to detect.

However, the author was aware of various individuals having tried to show the moon’s influence on people. Many simply wanted to show why the word lunatic comes from the Latin word Luna for moon. People were said to become crazier around the full moon. Yet, all the studies seemed to be inconclusive. The evidence never appeared strong enough to prove there was an effect. Some have thought the effects that were noted because of the full moon may be more a result of light sensitivity and being unable to sleep rather than some mysterious or unseen effects. In any case the author discarded Astrology.

As was stated in discussion “Finding an Alternative Way,” the author chose to explore the idea of the body as an energy detector. As an energy physicist, the existence of unseen energy was a fact. The question was, “Are human being capable of sensing the unseen energy of the Universe much the way an antenna receives and responds to radio waves?” He chose to start this journey of exploration with talking to some psychics to see what they could see.

The author developed a curiosity in Astrology when one of the psychics within whom he was working began to look more and more at Astrology. This psychic noticed the constraints in the lives of people who sought her advice appeared to be tied to the planets. She notice patterns and occurrences that seem to parallel Astrological phenomenon. Overtime, this psychic would get an intuitive insight and then look at the astrology before she shared her insights to an individual rather than giving her insights first.

The author saw this as a curious evolution and began to look at Astrology to see if he could see what she was perceiving. So the author began to observe his life and the lives of other. He had an Eastern and Western Astrological reading done and he looked for some effective way to see what astrologers were reporting on a more daily basis. During this period of observation the author held the same creative focus. He held that focus for ten years. It was a focus originated from the intention for his life and it was because that focus came from such a depth that it allowed him to observe what he did. In essence the author was not often distracted from the mundane so there was not that much interference from the outside world. He watch to see what the astrologers predicted. He looked to see if what they said was in any way true and if so how was it true.

One observation that became very common was that whenever he had to go back and explore the past for some understanding or information particular planets would be in retrograde. When there were unusual retrogrades there seemed to be the added need to look way back to some of the very first files he created. What got his attention that there could be a relationship was when he noticed how unusually far back he was going one time to obtain some information. He was going back to where the computer technology which he used to record the data no longer existed. Fortunately he had sufficient foresight to transferred the data to new, but now unused, technologies that could be accessed. When he checked the astrology he found there was an unusually long retrograde motion for one of he key planets related to the subject in question.

There were times that the Astrology seemed to be related to external event. But what surprised him was more often than not, were about planetary influences on the focus he was holding to create something that arose from the depth of his being. In many ways they were like synchronicities but they seemed to have an air of predictability and inevitability about them. In many ways the Astrology was more like a weather forecast about the journey into exploring creativity. There is an influence but it is much like the wind or the tides of the ocean relative to the intentions he held. The influence is not on our lives as such. Rather, it is on what energy is available to nudge us along on our journey.

The essential characteristic of the author’s journey into creativity was a path of surrender. The writing and exploration of creativity was very much a surrender to what needed to be said and/or needed to be done. The material evolved and unfolded. It some ways it was like trying to cross a body of water on stepping stones. But it is so foggy all one can seen is the nest stone, the step, directly in front. One could not anticipate any step other than the one directly in front . To take such a journey, one has to have an undying trust that the next step would lead them in the direction they wanted to go. But to go there one must have faith that the next step, no matter what it looks like, is the next step one needs to take and then take it.

It is here, in this surrender process that astrology seemed to play the biggest role. Astrology seems to influence the thoughts which arise and the ease of the information accessed. The author had to surrender his life to the inspiration that lead from one understanding to the next. It was not something that mind could anticipate. When he was able to be in mind and function based on his past experience, Astrology appeared totally irrelevant. However, when we surrender to the inspiration and insights arise from the unseen to lead him forward, he began to see why many mystics talk about our lives being destined or each of us having and inescapable destiny that is control by outside influences like the heavens.

From the author’s perspective, the conclusion he drew was that Astrology is just another attempt by humans to understand the deep undercurrents of Creation. How successful a technique it is depends on how it is used. The author found that how one should use Astrology depends on whether you are an Astrologer or the one seeking the reading for the effects are actually different.. Why this is true is a result of how creations and Creation arises from the deep undercurrents and how we are or are not sensitive to these undercurrents and which ones.

The best overall observation the author can provided of his observations of Astrology is best captured by the reason Dr. Sarno stated when he wrote several books on back pain near the end of his career. In his first book entitle, “Healing Backpain,” Dr. Sarno said that there was not one condition of back pain that was not ultimately a result of anger. One could always find something to which to point as the cause of the back pain, such as muscle strain, a ruptured disk, pinched nerve and the like, but ultimate it was a result of anger. The author does not doubt the truth of what Dr. Sarno said for he has seen the results of Dr. Sarno in the lives of those around him.

This does not mean the injury is not real and is psychosomatic or illusionary. Rather the issue is the cause of the pain we experience is not caused by the back condition. If you treat the back condition, the energy giving rise to the condition in the first place will come out as a repeat issue or arise somewhere else. In essence what Dr. Sarno was saying is that there are deep undercurrents within the body that give rise to the condition we experience in the body. There are conditions that cause anger. As a result of the way many individuals have handled the anger, the anger gives rise to a current of energy that expresses itself in the region of the back as back pain. Or, you could say, the currents of energy affect the muscles in the back such that the muscles cannot sufficient carry the load resulting in some type or kind of back injury. The important point is, that if you fix the point of injury in the body, you do not fix the cause of the injury.

Astrology is very similar. The way the author sees it based on the creativity perspective and the energy consciousness model is as follows. What gives rise to what is experiences as Astrology are the deep undercurrents of Creation which give rise to the experiences we have.

Creation is the superposition of many different flows of energy. These flows of energy exist as deep undercurrents of Creation and they express themselves, and we experience them, as events in our lives and our environment. What we experience in any moment is the sum total composite of all the energy to which we are sensitive. That is, we are not sensitive to all the energy that exists although we can be. We are sensitive only to a portion of the energy based on to how our body and being are “tuned” to sense the energy. In many ways we are tuned like a four stringed instrument. Although we can “tune” ourselves to discern and sense any one particular energy we choose if we properly focus our attention and awareness, our physical body keeps us locked into a particular set or portion of energy. That “body locked” focus then allows us to experience Creation as a human being within our particular body.

In the same way there is a particular undercurrent of energy which gives rise to us, there is a particular undercurrent that gives rise to each of the individual planets and motion of the planets. Here one may want to visit the topic “Einstein’s Approach and Assumptions” and reviews the four insights about their application to how we create our experiences. Analogous to the Theory of Relativity, the laws of creation/Creation are the same for any point in creation. They are only experienced differently. What gives rise to any aspect of Creation is a flow of energy. Although we exist because of a particular flow of energy, we are sensitive to many other flows of energy. At any one moment, any one of the flows of energy to which we are sensitive may dominate what we experience and give rise to the thoughts we have or the actual experience we have.

In becoming mindful and aware of the thoughts we have, what we feel and what we experience in any particular moment and compare it to our external world, we will being to see relationships. Some relationships are very subtle, where as some are not obvious. In becoming aware of the undercurrent. We can begin to observe patterns of anger giving rise to back problems as done by Dr. Sarno. We can begin to see we seem to revisit certain aspects of the past more often when Mercury or some other planet is in retrograde. Similarly we may find ourselves more amorous when Venus is in certain positions. Yet the planets are not causing what we experience. What we experience is the current that gives rise to a particular planet is more dominate in that moment within our being. And, what does need to be emphasized here is that we do have some conscious choice over what we allow to influence us and how big and influence it is by how we focus our attention and awareness.

Remember, we experience the energy of all the planets and much more simultaneously all the time. To sense a particular energy we either need to be sensitive to that energy and/or its needs to be energetic enough to rise above the background. Similarly, what the Astrologer who advises you senses and feels is important may not be the energy to which you are most sensitive or the energy that influencing you the most. Additionally the focus of your attention and awareness must be that you are receptive to receiving it. Even if you are sensitive to an energy that does not mean you will be open to what you sense and feel. Rather we must be open to feeling. We can numb certain types and kinds of feeling. Numbing what we feel is one of the factors in how we develop addictions and/or move away from the intention for our life.

In any case, the energy you sense is like any other energy. There is an ebb and flow to the energy of creation. Any creation arises from the material out of which it forms, exists for a time, and the then dissolves and dissipates back into the material out of which it came. There is an energy which created the planets and sustains the planets and there is an energy that animates their orbit. We sense that energy rising and falling much like the seasons of the year. There are times when the energy is strong and whatever effect it has is greatest. Then there are time when it is low and whatever effect it causes is lower.

However, even if we are sensitive to the energy and we are open to receiving it, it may not be the strongest energy influencing us in the moment so that whatever the effect it has on us, it is masked by the presence of stronger energies. The question then becomes, “Where are we focusing our attention and awareness and for the energies which we do sense, what does that focus allow us to be open or not open to receiving?”

Within this understanding, there is valuable information you can get from Astrology but it is not as powerful as some would have us believe. The author recommendations that you do our own experiment to see how it affect your life and how useful it is to you. It will affect individual differently for we are all unique.

In many ways the energy is like the water in a river with large rocks. When the tide is in or the river is running high because of spring rains, there is a lot of water which covers the rocks so one does not need to be a careful when they navigate the river. However, when the water level is low because the tides are out or there is little runoff, one just needs to become more attentive to the rocks. So too the energy with which they work. If the energy of the planets do affect you or your creative effort then you will need to work with the energy just as if you are a gardener working with season of the year. There is time for planting and a time for harvesting. If you are going to become a successful farmer or gardener, you must learn the time of the season with which you work.

If we are attempt to use astrology, we need to become aware or what we are trying to create. If we are tying to create something in our life that requires us to tap into the deeper undercurrents of creation like the intention for our life, the Astrological influences can be seen and felt. How big an influence Astrology is depends on what you are attempting to create, your particular body structure in the way it functions as an energy receiver, the focus of your attention and awareness and similar considerations. However, if your creative endeavors only access the more shallow currents or stay near the surface as these deep undercurrents unfold, then the Astrology is less significant. In any case, you are unique and you will have to do your own experiments to see how great and affect Astrology play in your life.

If you are an Astrologer, you need to become aware there are two ways to approach Astrology. One is to provide an interpretation of the planets based on your perspective. That perspective is of course based on how you think Creation works and in particular, it is biased by both your training as an astrologer and the particular school of thought you use. The other way is to use the Astrology simply as a focus of your attention and awareness to see into the unseen.

This second way of using Astrology is best summed up in a paraphrased passing statement made by an astrologer. Their statement is applicable to any creative endeavor and is in totally alignment as to what it means to eat and digest what is given and allow what you use to arise from within. It goes as follows: “I look at the current astrological alignment and create an astrological chart based on my training. I then write a prediction based on that chart. I look at all the appropriate information as I understand it and contemplate all the information in my head. I then close my eyes and center myself in my breathing. I then communicate what I feel lead to say. What I say usually surprises me. I go to a place that I cannot normally access. I speak from some deep inner wisdom and awareness. Many people say the insights and wisdom that arises from within me using this technique is very useful and inspiring to them.” What is described here is simply the Astrologer using the Astrology to focus his attention and awareness into the source/Source that is always available to him. It is just that he has not learn, tap into that source/Source with other techniques. The Astrologer just thinks the astrology is providing the insights but it is not. It is only focusing his attention and awareness to see the unseen.

The overall recommendation made here for your creative endeavors, is to allow effectiveness to be your measure of truth and to use whatever arises from what comes from within your own being. Eat and digest whatever is giving to you and allow what you use to arise from within. Contemplate and experiment with what is given to you and allow your intuitive guidance to lead you. When developed and routinely utilize such that you know how your intuitive guidance speaks to you and you know and understand the language it utilizes, it will be better, and ultimately will be more reliable, than any astrological prediction and/or any direction given from the outside.

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