Origins and occasion for creating Our Creative Spirit


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The awareness of the creative spirit as an entity that can exist apart from our mind, as we currently understand mind, and our ego arose, surprisingly, out of trying to improve safety in the workplace.

The original incentive to explore the nature of creativity arose because individuals within the work place did not seem to be free to explore the depth and breadth of the problem they face to find a solution that effectively addressed the root of their problem. That exploration, discussed elsewhere, lead the realizations of the existence of a creative spirit within each of us. Yet, the full meaning of the creative spirit and it impact in our lives and on our creativity was not immediately obvious. Only when the creative spirit emerged and was recaptured much the way Persephone was captured and carried off into the underworld in Greek Mythology did the author begin to question exactly what had happened and why. As the author began to realized exactly what the creative spirit was, he began to understand why we created may of the types and kinds of experience we have.

The occasion

The occasion to create Our Creative Spirit was the realization of the need to capture the observations made over time about the creative spirit. Although there was much written on the subject of the spirit and soul as they relate to spirituality and religion, little was found on the subject of the creative spirit. The available literature found on the spirit and soul and the subject of creativity did not seem to effectively integrate them. For all practical purposes the creative spirit was appearing as a completely different concept than either spirituality or creativity effective addressed. As such, the author found it appropriate to document the observations he had made in his exploration of creativity on the subject of the creative spirit.

The origins

When the author was about twenty one he was involved with a spiritual tradition that would create a safe space for what people saw as an individual’s spirit to come out and freely express itself within the context of the tradition in a way not previously seen or experienced by an individual. That is, the tradition created an experience for the individual to get in touch with a part of themselves they had not previously experienced and have an experience of it in the safety provided by the tradition and what the tradition understood about the spirit.

At the time, the author did not understand what that tradition was really doing. Nor did he understand what the tradition was doing with the creative spirit that was released. The author did not understand how the tradition was harnessing the creative spirit that was released. The author accepted the tradition and never questions its motives and what it was really trying to create. In hindsight the author could see all that tradition was doing with give the space for the what is seen as the spiritual aspects of the creative spirit to come out and express itself within the bounds of the tradition. In time, the author was to come to find there was a tremendous amount more to this creative spirit than what people called and saw a spirit and/or spiritual.

Within the that tradition, the author was very good at creating such a space and routinely released the creative spirit of such individuals. In fact, he was quite good at it. Yet he saw something that puzzled him. He saw how over a short period of time how the released creative spirit would become captured again. That playful spirit would again become bound. At the time it didn’t bother him. he assume it was just part of the process and that is the way things were. People’s lives where shifted, they felt better about themselves, so what was the problem with this creative spirit being recaptured by the tradition?

Within a short time however, there were people who started to come up to the author and say he was a healer. They said that what he did for them healed them. That really started to bother the author. He was not trouble by the fact that they claimed he was a healer. For some reason he accepted that without question. His feelings were more reflective of “I am not going to take on the medical profession and this spiritual tradition of which I am involved” So he walked away from it all never expecting to return to it again.

In 1987 he was hired by the Department of Energy (DOE) based on his diverse background and organization insights as part of the DOE response to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) report on its nuclear facilities. This report concluded the Department was not technically competent to oversee its contractors.

He was hired specifically by the Deputy Assistance Secretary for Safety to address the management structure and organizational issues of DOE and its Contractors to (1) improve technical performance of both the DOE and its contractors and (2) improve the DOE ability to oversee its contractors. In an attempt to address the concern of the NAS, the author changed career position in DOE over a period of the next ten years. At the time he was unaware how the changes were laying the foundation for understanding the full impacts of the creative spirit.

In essence the difficultly described in the report arose not because the problem was insolvable. Rather the difficulty arose as a result of the lack of an organizational single point focus for any effort. Rather, a short term, “quick fix” mentality permeated the Department and the continual changes in Department priorities as each Secretary of Energy, or their primary appointees, changed. Few realized the depth and breadth of the problem that existed. Few had the ability to remain focus and not be distracted for as long as was necessary. Yet is was this experience that helped give rise to the information discussed on this and related web sites, and in particular "Organizational Creativity" and, surprisingly, “Meditation Concepts and Principles for Creativity.”

Creating effective and adequate correction action caused the author to move through four organizational components. Each move addressing a different aspect of the root issue. The first organization stop was to identify exactly what it was that caused the NAS to conclude the DOE was not technically competent. By all existing Department standards, qualified personnel and individuals with adequate credentials were hired by DOE and its contractors. Yet an aspect of technical competency was missing. Finding the problem was best accomplished from the safety oversight and policy development organization. Once identified, standards and requirements were changed to correct deficiencies. However, it was necessary to educate the staff on the problem and how to fix the problem. If they truly understood the problem in the first place, the problem in question would never have existed. Changing standards and requirements without providing a cultural change which understood what needed to be done would not provide adequate corrective action. The necessary cultural change was best accomplished through the training organization and developing the experiential training to go with the new requirements. Then it became necessary to become part of the line organization to implement the necessary changes and to “lead the way.” Finally the author moved to coaching the organization on maintaining the fixes.

This journey through the organization began to reveal something else. It revealed two things. One was it revealed the steps that would be necessary to release and protect the creative spirit within an individual. The other was it laid the foundation for understanding the creative spirit as it relates to our normal and every day life.

Although effective correction actions were implemented, the tradition management methods were still lacking at resolving the basic issues. Something was still missing. The solution was given to those who needed it but the individuals could not seem to find the solution themselves. Without the ability to find the solution and modify them as the situation changes themselves, a long term solution would not be sustainable. Another, or others, seemed to be almost always needed to point out what was lacking. Quite simply, the organization lacked the ability to create the ability it needed to find a solution. It lack the ability to be organizationally creative to be able to respond to the changing demands being placed on it. What become clear was that NAS report was only a snapshot in time. Everyone assumed the snapshot was accurate over time. So we fixed what the snapshot revealed in the moment but we were not addressing what the snapshot revealed over time. We did not address why the snapshot existed as it did.

As a manager, the issue the author ultimately came to face was how to get individuals to freely play with the situation they face to find those creative solutions that go to the depth of the situation and address the root of the issue. It was clear individuals seemed to lack the creative ability to solve the problem they faced at the root level. They usually tended to look to someone else to solve their problem. The author wondered why individuals could not step out of their current thinking to find alternatives that would work. He was working with some that the best scientific and engineering minds in the world. The author initially could not understand how and why they were unable to be sufficiently creativity to address the problem as it existed at the root level. They were creative in so many other ways. Why was their creativity blinded?

In response, the author began to explore what was known about creativity and how to become creative. Although he listened to what the experts said and read what they wrote it, was a synchronicity which occurred outside the workplace that allowed him to look deeply into the creative desire of another and from were our creativity arose. That experience was the key to understanding creativity, the creative spirit, and the issues the author faced in the workplace.

Twenty three years later, the author again created the space for someone and their creative spirit came out just as he had seen years earlier. This time the situation had nothing to do with any spiritual tradition or spirituality. He was not acting under any tradition. He simply set the intention to find a way to free an individual from what he saw holding their creative spirit captive. It was solely a playful creative desire to free a bound spirit. The individuals’ creative spirit came out and it was a magnificence to behold.

The occasion arose when the author was asked to help the individual create something that seemed to be irrationally motivated given the circumstances that currently existed in their life. If asked, they could not really explain why they wanted to created it. They were just drawn to do so and needed to do it. The author looked at why they were having difficulty and looked to see what needed to be done and did it. It was then he came face to face with what could only be described as their creative spirit. He call it a spirit for he had other experiences in life years earlier that allowed him to recognize what seemed to be entities that existed apart from, separate from, or different than, one’s normal self. It was like an entirely different person. Yet it was not a separate entity. It was only a part of this individual that was so unexpressed and suppressed that, when expressed, it appeared foreign and separate from them and had the potential to completely and radically transform their life.

When the author looked deeply at what was motivating the individual he came to see what this creative spirit wanted to create. What this creative spirit wanted was so different than what the individual’s life was giving the individual and what their mind thought needed to be done in their life. It was so different that you could say the author was faced with a completely different entity.

But then this creative spirit also got recaptured as he seen years earlier. The only difference was its recapture was much more dramatic. That again puzzled the author. But this time he questioned why. What struck him was he seemed to be witnessing the Greek myth of Persephone being played out before his eyes.

It was a result of this experience that the author began to realize from where many of the problems he was encountering in the workplace came. This creative desire within each individual can only be called a spirit and it will create. This creative spirit has a passion to express itself and we can feel its passion. If it is not allowed to create consciously it will do so subconsciously. It will find a way to challenge its own creativity to create. In essences it looks for a way to challenge itself and if not done consciously it will do so subconsciously.

This creative spirit comes with a wisdom about life and creating life. It does not act to harm another or itself. Its withdrawal for whatever reason takes live away from an individual. Its withdrawal causes one to be prone to become less aware and open to both accident and/or illness.

The author began to realize he was looking in the wrong direction to solve the health and safety issues in the workplace. He came to understand many of the technical issues that surfaced had nothing to do with the technology. The health and safety issue were not necessarily a result of the technology. Rather they ultimately arose from this creative spirit and how it was, or was not, being protected. Many of the issues that arose ultimately stemmed from the individuals acting to protect the creative spirit based on protective response patterns developed in the past, if not early in childhood, but now were ultimately hazardous and/or harmful to themselves or another.

One could logically, and in often a very straight forward manner, do what needed to be done to address the technology. The issue was the creative spirit within key individuals was not being consciously expressed or rather, suppressed. What was being done did not lead to either an internal or external safety for there was a lack of understanding as to what was really motivating one’s actions. Exactly how one’s subconscious actions to protect this playful creative spirit gets translated into unsafe workplace practices that can threaten the public and environment is explainable. However, that explanation requires more discussion that is warranted here. Hopefully the material on this and related web sites will provide the informant to help you to begin to see how this creative spirit works to create unsafe conditions for itself and others.

The author began to see how this creative spirit was finding a way subconsciously to express itself to challenge itself and in doing so, it was creating hazards for others. Rather than looking within to explore the creative spirit, new requirements, rules and regulations would be imposed from the outside which further stifled the creative spirit. That, in turn, set one up for a different problem to surface since the root issue was not being fixed. The answer was not to impose new requirements but to create awareness. The author was forced to change his entire understanding as to how he thought the world worked. He had to face an aspect within our being that we don’t even recognize as existing let alone know how to properly use. He came to understand there was what only could be called a childlike spirit that needed to be protected. If improperly protected, those actions would create unsafe conditions for the individual and others.

In looking at awareness, something else arose. When an individual learned to become aware of hazards in the work place and how to protect the creative spirit as opposed to simply complying with imposed requirements they would make the workplace and their work practices safer for they learn to foresee problems. But more importantly, there is an awareness that arises within about what gives life and makes it safe for this creative spirit to unfold that transcends any one environment. This childlike creative spirit possessed a life giving wisdom.

As the individuals related to this creative spirit, they would begin to see hazards in other places in their lives such as at home and in their recreational activities. Their whole life would become safer. They would begin to transform their life simply by looking to protect their creative spirit in a way that served that spirit. In essence, when one focused on the creative spirit and what was needed to hold their creativity sacred one would develop mindfulness and awareness. They will being to see differently and they could begin to see what gave rise to what they were experiencing and creating.

In time, they could begin to see any other individual had a similar desire and creative spirit within their being and it too needed to be protected, supported and nurtured. They would being to act in a way that made it safe for both their own creative spirit and the creative spirit of the other to unfold. In doing so, they made their world and the world of others safer. That is where the real safety lies. It is when an environment is created based on this life giving wisdom where it was safe for the creative spirit within oneself and the other to both freely unfold true to their nature that one creates health, safety, and quality in whatever the individual does.

Thirty-three years after the author first became aware that he could create the space for the creative spirit to come out, he now understood how and why it gets recaptured. He also came to understand how that creative spirit affects every facet of our life whether it be our personal life or our work life.

The author came to see that part of what captured the creative spirit was the world in which we live. The author knew he could create the space for the creative spirit to be safe to come out and not become recaptured by the external world. However, part of what captures the creative lies withing the individual. It is a cage of our own making. Unless we each learn how to manage that creative spirit and become intimate with it, its needs, its wants and its desires, it will become recaptured. Not because of the external world thwarts its free expression. Rather, it is captive by our internal world created in this and in what some call our past lives. Our creative spirit was not free to express itself even in our own creative imagination. Our past is underworld we need to face. We need to enter it and explore it.. If we do not face we will never allow our creative spirit to be released and we never will access the true depth and breadth of our creative spirit.

Creating the space for the creative spirit to come out is the easy part. Creating the space for it to stay out in the external world is actually also relatively easy. The hard part is keeping it out and not allowing it to become recaptured by our own internal world. That is the issue. How do we keep the inner flame burning bright enough to both light the way through the forest within our own being and last long enough for the entire journey until we become free of the past. It is this passion to create that will not allow that spirit to be recaptured. The question for each of us is, “What passion can be instilled within us for that light to glow brightly such that we will not be stopped by anything to release the playful creative spirit?”.

Yet this passion is unique to each of us and buried within the dark underworld of our own being. It is a treasure that must be sought. In going into the underworld all we can do is feel our way to it. There is no light to light the path. There will be flashed of insight much like lightening flashing at night allows us to see a glimmer of the path and to see the direction of travel. But there is no light for the path. There is no path our mind can follow. There is no map. Even if we had a map it is dark and it could not be read. It is dark it is the underworld. We have to feel our way to our own passion and what will guide us out of the darkness. All we can do is stand at the opening and continue to call, again and again until it comes out. That voice then becomes a marker to help create the freedom we need for the free expression of our creative spirit.

There are three parts to the process of calling out the creative spirit. One is the rainmaker. They bring life to the individual. They call forth the creative spirit and awaken it. It is much the way the life giving waters found in rain bring life to a parched landscape. In awakening the creative spirit they bring one to the awareness of its existence. But then that creative spirit must be birthed There is a journey and a passage that must be traversed much like the birth canal. It is the dark inner world of one’s own subconscious. A midwife is needed to help guide the process and look for the obstructions that may be in the way. As a minimum they stand at the door way calling it forth. There may even been need of intervention if the creative spirit gets stuck and if one is going to keep the creative spirit alive. Then the creative spirit must come out into the world and learn to stand on its own two feet and grow in its own awareness. A nanny is needed to care for the creative spirit and provide that feminine nurture creative energy to hold it when it is wounded and give it a safe space to cry so that it can process its pain and heal its wounds.

All that the author has done has been to find a way to make it safe for the creative spirit to come out and stay out. The author has come to understand we cannot assume because someone says they “got it” their creative spirit will remain out. That creative spirit must be fed, nurtured and cared for. It is most vulnerable when it just comes outs. If it become frightened, it just makes it that much harder the next time. The Our Creative Spirit web site was written to capture and share these insights. The hope is yo may benefit from the lessons learned to create a safe space for both your creative spirit and the creative spirit of those in your life to be free to come out and to freely express itself in the world. The Fifteen Creative Steps/Guidelines have been developed to help you in this process.

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