The Unfolding Flower - a Perspective on Health and Healing


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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One of the more profound experiences the author had in his life was when the author held the position of the Emergency Response Coordinator for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region 1, in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. In this position he was tasked with developing and maintaining the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission response to a nuclear accident in the North East United States. Although the job itself was interesting, it was not the experience of the job that was so profound. It is the experience that came as a result of the job.

Having a diverse medical, research and commercial nuclear background, training background, and having been a the primary health physicist on the US Defense Nuclear Agency Nuclear Weapons Accident Response Team when in the military, he was asked to take the position of the Emergency Response Coordinator. His task was to fix and upgrade a myriad of issues existing in the program including some issues that lingered from the Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident. However, although the job look interesting, he hesitated to take it. One rule the author always followed was to take jobs that looked interesting and fun. He learned many years earlier that he could not sell his life for money or job because of its power and influence. He had to take it because he felt he could enjoy doing it. Although this job look perfect in many ways for his background, he hesitate because of the individual who would be assisting him in the job.

The position was primary a management position with an assistant where the assets that were manage were not own or controlled by the Emergency Response Coordinator. Rather they were managed through agreement and assigned responsibilities. Since true nuclear emergencies are infrequent and the Commission has limited money to oversee and regulate nuclear operators it could not afford a full time emergency staff in the way one would fund a full time fire department and ambulance. The assets could be made available in an emergency but at all other times the assets were deployed else where. It was up to the Emergency Response Coordinator with the assistance of the organizational management to figure out how to have everything that was needed when it was needed but with little standing and waiting to be called upon to response. This included having a sufficiently trained and qualified cadre of individuals when needed when you never really knew what the mix was that you needed. Yet it is the way many emergency management responses are managed.

Emergency management is a very peculiar type of job. You can sit back, do nothing and make yourself look very successful. Or you can do everything that needs to be done and never be seen as successful because you are never called upon to respond. The only proof that you did your job effectively is in an emergency and how all the pieces come together or don’t to mitigate the accident. It is a challenge to know what to do and have it be done when you can’t practice it. It is even more difficult to see who is doing an effective job when you can’t fully test what is developed let alone practice it. So one of the biggest challenge learned after Three Mile Island by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission was to ensure whatever was put in place would work when needed. The country could not afford to have an inadequate response to such an event in the future.

The problem the author saw in the job wasn’t ensuring a successful response. He knew how to ensure that from his years of experience responding to radiation incidents as a Health Physicist. What he saw as the challenge was his assistant. The job depended on him and his assistant. He knew he would have to have a very successful working relationship with them. However, he knew the individual who would be his assistant from a previous job that had also required startup and/or reengineering.

The individual who would be his assistant was a nice, pleasant individual. But she had a characteristic perceived by the author which in hindsight which he can only describe as a toughness relative to the creativity that would be needed. It was a characteristic not readily perceived by most individuals for it was more about freedom of her creative spirit. Yet at the time, the author did not know enough about the creative spirit to understand this is what he was perceiving. In any case, this characteristic did not make for a pleasant atmosphere for the author. He felt what could only be described as an uncomfortableness when working with her. That in turn would not create the atmosphere that would be necessary to ensure a successful response program. At the time, it was hard to explain what the author saw and experienced in her. By all criteria she was an exceptionally good candidate for the job. Yet there was something the author felt very unsettled about but did not consciously know what it was. He had work with her previously and they worked well together. But there was something about her that did not seem to fit what was, or would be, asked of her.

In any case, the challenge of the job itself was too much to resist. Besides he was getting bored with what he was doing. So, he took the job. Two days into the job his assistant in her late twenties was diagnosed with breast cancer. Having spent several years as a radiation physicist in the Navy Medical Service Corps supporting clinical and research nuclear medicine, radiation diagnostics and radiation therapy, he was aware of cancer treatment protocols. So he knew what to expect with the diagnosis that she received. But the phone call she received in the office about the diagnosis as he watched her reaction began the most remarkable experience the author could ever have requested in which to participate.

For the next two years, he shared a small office with her eight hours a day as she underwent her treatment. They worked side by side together on almost every issue the response program faced. He could not be any closer to any one individual given the day to day contact than with her. What he saw and experienced provided him with an understanding that he could not receive in any other way. He needed to have the opportunity to sit and what a flower unfold much the way he first learned to observe in comparing the weathering of two sets of railroad tracks as a young child. The magnificence of the opportunity and the gift that she gave the author was that he could observe the starting conditions of her creative spirit and watch the unfoldment of that spirt into its flowering and radiance. He was able to see every step in the unfoldment and, in some case, the instantaneous transformation as her awareness changed.

The medical condition she faced offered him nothing new. He saw all of that previously. What is saw and experiences was the unfolding of what is symbolized by the heart and how that unfoldment was translated into a healing of her body. He saw the essence of the healing ability of the creative spirit as it becomes free within an individual He literally saw a flower unfold. He saw what is symbolized in the heart blossom into one of the most beautiful creations he could even have the opportunity to experience. He was amazed at the change in her entire being and in everything that she did. That experience in itself was a experience to be cherished. But something else more powerful came of it.

In time, what the author came to understand, is that he only needed to spend a little time with an individual and he could quickly determine where that individual’s creative spirit was in its unfoldment. He also would get a pretty good insight as to what needed to be done to free a bound creative spirit and to create the space for its unfoldment and blossoming. In essence her unfoldment and the feel of her unfoldment was imprinted within his being. He will not necessarily consciously know what needs to be done for an individual but he can feel it. That feeling then gets translated into an intuitive insight and he will act on that insight. It is as if he absorbed her healing process and it was imprinted into his being.

This experience also changed his whole perspective as to what healing was all about. As discussed in the topic, “The Experience as a Healer,” the author was seen as a healer and experience creating the space for people to be healed. Yet he never saw the connection between what was done in a spiritual context with physical changes in the individual. Prior to this point, he did not see the interconnection between healing with the freedom of the creative spirit. He knew the unseen realm of spirit was somehow causing the physical changed experienced in an individual but he did not see healing associated with freedom of an individual’s creative spirit. It was this experience of this individual’s transformation as a result of what she needed to do to address her physical condition that he saw the inner work that ultimately must accompany any healing. If the inner work is not done, the physical condition may be cured of the condition but the individual will not be healed.

Ultimately it is the difference between processing bound energy within one’s being through an accident illness or disease and creating a condition of health. Processing a bound energy through an accident, illness or disease does not address what caused the energy to be bound in the first place. If conditions again exist for the root cause to reappear then one can expect one’s creative energy to again become bound. That, in turn, may force a reoccurrence of a past condition or it may be expressed in some entirely new way. Nevertheless, the bound energy will need to be released. Healing, on the other hand, addresses the root cause. So that even is conditions again exist in an individual’s life which gave rise to their accident, illness or disease, they will not create some accident, illness or disease for the root cause is gone. In some ways it is like an inoculation. Without the inoculation, one is susceptible to an illness or disease. With the proper inoculation, one can be expose to the illness or disease and not get it. The “trick “ is, of course, to get to that root cause which is often very difficult for it is so masked in other conditions.

This experience of the “unfolding flower” open the door to understand how our internal world affects our physical world. However, only in time did he come to realize the unseen realm that cause physical healing did not lie in the unseen world of the spiritual and what lied outside the individual. Rather it lied in the unseen world of the individual and how free or unfree their creative spirit is to express itself. It is what is symbolized by the heart, our creative spirit, which both created and sustains us. How free our creative spirit is to follow its truth is what determines what healthy or unhealthy conditions it creates in our life. That understanding is discussed in the “Creativity Perspective on Health and Related Issues.”

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