There is a story about four men
who attempted to enter and study the world of the mystic. That is,
they consciously journeyed to the Source of Creation to access the
reported untold powers of Creation. In doing so, one is reported to
have died, one went crazy, one become an atheist and the fourth
become a mystic. Having danced with the mystical side of Creation, I
would add a fifth man. The fifth man become blinded by what he saw
and experienced.
Yet this is not a story about five individuals. Rather this story is
about what will happen to each individual who fully embraces their
spirt and allows themselves to dance with this spirit. If one
chooses to explore the depth and breadth of their creative powers
and dance with the creative spirit that is released in the process
they will find they will have an experience all five men in some way
in their life. What you experience depends on what level of power
and ability you seek to access and why you seek what you do.
In undertaking such a journey, the most important thing you will
find is that a part of you will die. Namely, all that you think and
believe about yourself and how Creation works. In particular your
past will die. That does not mean you give up all your past. You
cannot really leave your past. It is always with you. Rather it is
you become a scarab - the dung beetle and ancient sacred symbol of
Egypt. You take from what is left after you have had your experience
to use and recycle what is of benefit to your new creation and you
let the rest go. You do not hold onto what does not serves. You die
to your past and continually die to the past of each experience you
A part of you will deny what you see and experience. You will become
that atheist denying the true inner and outer Creative Powers of
Creation and how they work for they are
too much to be
believed. Yet, once you have seen even a glimmer as to the true
depth and breadth of your creativity you will deny it. But you will
struggle with denying it because you know you can’t deny it. You
have seen it and experienced it. Rather in essence, the struggle
drives you crazy. You are torn between two worlds. You are pulled to
your past and what your past demands you to believe and the truth of
what you have accessed is calling you to believe. To stand on one
side you deny what you have found. To stand on the other side you
become a mystic. You find yourself living in a world of infinite
possibility such that you find yourself denying the way the world is
To try and stand between both worlds only drives you crazy in the
eyes of the world and maybe in your own mind. To survive you find
you need to become blind and/or are blinded. You can no longer see
the world as you did. In dong so, you also become very vulnerable
for you no longer respond to the world the you once did with the
protective response patters you developed early in life. You are
blinded to the illusion of mind and no longer see the mask and
facade that your mind or the mind of others puts over the events
that occur in front of you. You can see through events and beyond
events. In this blindness you can see through time and space. You
can no longer live in the world as you once did for you no longer
see it the same way. You are in it but not of it.
Here again, any creative endeavor will cause you to experience each
of these five conditions to one degree or another. You need not be
afraid of them. You only need to become aware of the process and why
these conditions arise. The easiest way to do is to realize that you
are a creative living process continually recreating yourself
consciously or subconsciously . Only now you do consciously what you
have done subconsciously in the past.
You only need to realize that a part of you is always dying. A part
of you is always denying the truth of what is. A part of you is
always a little bit crazy when your mind tells you one thing and
your heart another. A part of you is always blind you what you
desire to see and what to create. And finally, a part of you is that
mystic in touch with the source of your creative power and the
Source of Creation.
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