Sample Format-

Exploring our unique limits


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The following is material developed by the author to assist himself and/or others to step into their own creative power. You may find the following useful in your own creative endeavors. They are provided here only as a sample. Although you may like with you see and use it as it is, it is recommended you develop an equivalent in your own words and in the way that works to empower you. Use creating the equivalent of the following as an opportunity to step into your own creative powers. To do so, it is recommended you eat and digest what you think you want to use, then allow the insights to arise from your own being as to how you should use what is here, rewrite it or create your own equivalent.


We each are a being of infinite consciousness and infinite unbounded energy. We can use the guided meditation technique to see how we have consciously or subconsciously created limits and barriers to contain our energy. These limits and barriers have been constructed either as a result of past experiences or were chosen to create a certain type and kind of experience. If we so choose, we can explore the limits and barriers and why they exist and why we have created them.

To do this exercise, we will first need to become aware of our thoughts and have practiced watching our thoughts as if you were watching the clouds pass in the sky. How long it takes us to do this can be as short as just doing it or as long as it takes us to watch the clouds and not think of anything else. If we can watch the clouds float in the sky, then we can already watch our thoughts if we choose to watch them.

What arises in this exercise are the literal or figurative actions we will need to take to being our healing process and/or address the limitation we have imposed on ourselves. It should be repeated for each direction and each barrier that we see. It can be done as often as we need to do it. Remember, our subconscious will continually raise the barrier it already has until we work though all the ones that are interfering with what we desire to create.

On this note, the goal is not to remove all the barriers and limits in our life. Some are there to create the experiences we desire. The goal is to work through all the limits and barriers that interfere with what we wish to create in the present moment.

How to use this meditation exercise on your own

Normally guided meditations are read to us when we are in a relaxed state. If you have no one to read this script to you, the it is suggested you record it and play the tape back to yourself. Read the guided meditation out loud slowly and calmly while recording what you read. Then relax yourself and play the tape. Alternatively, you can put a relaxation exercise on the tape before you read the script and then have the tape guide you thought the whole process. In reading the transcript onto a tape or for another, allow yourself to pause when you come to the dots (“......”).

It is noted that transcript below uses the second person “you” as if this transcript was being read to you. If you record the transcript on a tape to playback to yourself, you can change the pronouns from second person “you” to the first person “I” as appropriate.

Exploring our unique limits transcript

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center and still yourself.......

Take as long a it takes to still yourself........

Imagine yourself surrounded by walls of your own construction......

You may, or may not, want to pay attention to how you constructed them. The type of construction you use may give you some indication as to how strong, or big, the energy is that you are trying to control/contain......

Focus in any given direction and let the wall tumble down......

As it falls, examine without judgement, criticism, guilt, and/or fear whatever underlies the need for that wall. You can always rebuild the wall if necessary so there is no need to fear what may happen. ..........

We are not going to look at several different aspects of this wall.......

What fear caused you to construct that wall or for what purpose do you need that wall? ..........

If you are protecting yourself, from what are you protecting yourself?.......

How are you, or in what way do you see yourself as being vulnerable?......

How do you think you will be harmed? ........

How do you feel you will be harmed?.......

What do you need to do or what can you do to heal the separation this fear causes? .......

How can you do to become whole again? Ask yourself “What does it look like for me to become whole?” .......

If the wall is constructed to channel your energy for a given purpose or experience, what is the purpose or experience this wall allows you to have?......

Why do you need or desire this experience? .......

When you are ready, comeback to the awareness of the room and record what you experienced.

Honor the intuitive guidance and insights that you get.

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