Analogies for understanding the
individualized points of consciousness
The origins of individualized points of consciousness
Analogies for individualized points of consciousness
Ocean current analogy
The piano/music analogy
The electromagnetic spectrum analogy
Pool of water analogy of energy consciousness
Summary comments on the analogies
Problem with all analogies
The starting point for this
discussion “The origins of individualized points of consciousness”
addresses many of the same concepts and principles found in the
topics an “Individuated
Point of Consciousness” and “An
Infinitely Creative Being.” It can be skipped when entered from
these discussions. This discussion “Analogies for individualized
points of consciousness” provides some analogies from the physical
world which lend themselves to understanding how the phenomenon of
individualized consciousness is possible.
origins of individualized points of consciousness
Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective presents the
concept that a unique
infinitely creative consciousness within Creation had no one
with whom to share itself. In its loneliness and desire to share, it
created a state of being which gives the illusion of an infinite
number of unique
individualized points of consciousness.
Each of point of consciousness is an expression of a different
aspect of the original consciousness capable of awakening to the
awareness of who and what it really is. Each seek a playmate or
someone with whom to share itself as did that original
consciousness. Only now each point of consciousness is capable of
experiencing and playing with any other point of consciousness. It
can find and experience it playmate.
However, each is unique. No one other point of consciousness can or
will fulfill the desires of another. Only in the totality of
experiencing all the
individualized points of consciousness or awaken to all other
aspects of itself will one individualized point of consciousness
awake to its true nature and true desire. Only the
illusion of Creation created by the
mind keeps each of these individuals points of consciousness in
the “dark” so to speak as to who and what it really is.
Each point of consciousness is similarly infinitely creative and
infinitely vast. It is ultimately identical to the original
consciousness and one with it. It is
just asleep and unaware of this fact. As a result of this
illusion, each is an entity and a universe unto itself. Each, if it
so chooses, is capable of expanding its awareness to encompass all
of Creation or creating a Creation as vast as the universe unto
itself separate from Creation. Each of us are one of those
individualized points of consciousness.
Additionally, each of these
individualized points of consciousness is
holographic. Because each individualized point of consciousness
is only the expression of an aspect of the original infinite
consciousness, each contains the whole. However, the
illusion of
mind, keeps the individualized point of consciousness in
unawareness of this fact. Within the illusion, the whole is
unavailable to the individualized consciousness to access it.
The greater the awakened awareness of any one
individualized points of consciousness the greater awareness it
has of the whole. Yet, the whole can be seen in any one
individualized point of consciousness. It is like a
hologram. The smaller the piece the less clarity as to whole.
The greater the piece of hologram, the greater the clarity. In
essence, we increase the size of the piece of the hologram by
expanding our awareness This is the whole basis of the concept
called enlightenment. It is to awaken our awareness to the wholeness
of what is. The greater the awareness awakened, the greater the
clarity as to the true
nature of Creation. If the individualized consciousness could
awaken to an infinite awareness it would achieve
a cosmic consciousness and have the awareness of the whole. But
then it would not be perceiving as an individualized consciousness.
Rather it would have come full circle back to the point of origin -
a Cosmic Consciousness looking for a playmate with Whom to share
The question is, “How it this possible - how can we understand this
phenomenon of individualized consciousness?” There are a few
analogies from the physical world which lend themselves nicely to
how this phenomenon actually occurs.
Analogies for individualized points of consciousness
In looking at Creation, we can see
there are a variety of individualized flows of energy in creation.
Many appear to be
creations within creation. For example, we can look at the
multiple different cloud that form in the sky all seemingly from
different currents in the air. We can similarly look at the ocean
which has multiple currents flow in it at any one time. Within the
energy consciousness model,
each of these individual currents can be seen having the possibility
of awaken to the awareness of itself as and individualized entity.
If it does so, it would be an individualized creative spirit. The
following analogies have been found useful in understanding the
concept of how
individualized points of consciousness can arise.
What we do need to emphasize now is that there is an infinite number
of individualized views that can be taken by the consciousness
within the universe and each is different yet each is essentially
the same. This characteristic of sameness but yet being unique is
the common property of all these analogies.
Ocean current analogy
When we look at the ocean, we see the entire ocean is water. At
first glance it all looks the same. However, within the ocean are
definable currents with reasonably perceivable boundaries. In some
cases all that separates the current from it environment is simply
the temperature of the water which is only a measure of the energy
it possesses. Otherwise the current and its environment are
identical. Yet, they are all part of the same ocean.
So too the flow of energy within our being. There are definable
currents with perceived boundaries but yet the are all part of
something larger. Consciously, we perceive these definable currents
within our being as roles we play and think nothing of them. The
role we play with a small child is usually quite different than the
role we play with an adversary in our work place. Yet, each of these
roles we play are only how we choose to channel and define the flow
of energy within our being to act one way or another. Similarly, we
too are only a flow of energy within a larger process only playing
what could be called a role.
Within Creation all can be seen as different currents of energy
playing different roles simultaneously. All that separates any one
aspect from any other is the perceive boundaries. Yet within the
wave-particle nature of energy, there is an aspect of the energy
of any particle that permeates all of reality and there are no
boundaries. It is just that the energy localizes in such a way to
give it a definable form as a particle.
The music analogy
We can look at consciousness as the 88 keys of a piano. The piano
(with all its keys) is the Consciousness of the Universe. God, a
Cosmic Consciousness, the Consciousness of All That Is, the
Creation Power of Creation, if you wish to call it that. Each key on
the piano functions exactly the same way but each is a separate
unique tone. Our individualized consciousness can be seen as one of
the key. we are one key. We are one unique expression of that piano.
Although each individualized consciousness is not the entire piano,
the piano is incomplete without each and every key and every key
functions exactly the same way as any other. They only sound
The God or Creative Power that is within us is the key of the piano
represents us. No other key on the piano is like our key and no
other key can make the sound we can make .But, in many ways, we
function just like every other key. Only our sound is different.
We can look to see how any one piano string works and find they all
work the same way as any other. Each produces a note or sound when
struck that functions like any other note or sound. In this regard,
our ego - our unique experience of our individuality - is very
important to the universe. This piano is incomplete without us - and
our ego. We, in many ways, are incomplete without all the other
keys. Music is only made when our key is played with all the other
keys and in relation with the other keys whether simultaneously or
in series.
We only need to learn what other keys allow us to make harmonious
music and what keys cause a discord or unpleasant sound. Yet it is
to know that at times, the unpleasant sounds are needed to contrast
the beauty of harmony. Even those aspects of our ego that seem so
seemingly awkward and annoying to others may only exist for the
necessary contrast.
Extending this analogy into Creation, Creation can be seen like a
piece of music played by an orchestra - the superposition of many
such notes The topic, “Music
analog for creation/Creation,” further discusses this concept.
The implications of an infinite number of unique and independent
individualized points of consciousness “making music” is much
broader and deeper than we may first suspect and the piano analogy
cannot begin to cover all of them. The piano keyboard is not
infinite. Although there may be an infinite number of sounds between
any two keys and as above and below, the key board itself is finite
and limited to only eighty eight notes. But, as discussed below,
this is the problem we face with all analogies, each in some way is
electromagnetic spectrum analogy
Another analogy, but perhaps more difficult for most (because most
have not studied the physics of electromagnetic radiation), to
understand individualization of energy and consciousness is the
electromagnetic spectrum analogy. It is to look at the different
frequencies of the infinite electromagnetic spectrum.
The electromagnetic spectrum of electromagnetic radiation includes
radio waves, TV waves, infrared radiation, sunlight, ultraviolet
radiation, x-ray and other myriad of higher and lower energy
radiations. Each frequency of the electromagnetic spectrum can be
seen as an individual independent frequency analogous to the notes
on the piano but here our piano, the electromagnetic spectrum, is
infinite in size.
The electromagnetic spectrum is an infinite spectrum of vibrations.
A vibration can be represented as an oscillation up and down and
drawn as a sine wave. For those
not familiar with electromagnetic waves or the electromagnetic
spectrum an introductory discussion is provided in the topic “Introduction
to Electromagnetic Waves.”
The electromagnetic spectrum has an infinite number of
electromagnetic waves all of the same basic nature and each
exactly like any other except they differed only in frequency and
wavelength. The colors of the rainbow is an example of seven of
them. However, most electromagnetic radiation lies above or below
our normal range of perceptions. We need specially constructed
instruments to detect the energy above an below visible light. Each
point on the electromagnetic spectrum is a frequence of vibrating
energy and functions the same way. Yet, each is uniquely different.
Each appears and is perceived differently yet they are in essence
the same. They each interact differently with matter. Frequencies
that are near each other on the spectrum act is a similar way.
Frequencies that are widely separated seem to be something totally
What is important in the electromagnetic spectrum is the contrast
between how a given type of wave at one end of the spectrum, such as
radio waves, will interact in the physical world in a seemingly very
different way than another part of the spectrum, like an x-ray. Yet,
both types of waves are essentially the exact same thing—a vibration
or variation in the electromagnetic field caused by accelerating a
charged particle. For example, the AM radio waves will be stopped by
things the x-ray can readily pass through although either type of
wave follows the same laws of physics. A similar example is the
rainbow caused by sunlight passing though a prism. Because of the
thickness of the glass of the prism, some frequencies of the
sunlight slow down more than others and we get the typical rainbow
pattern of red, orange yellow green indigo blue and violet. Yet all
the colors are following the same laws.
What differs is how they interact with the particular environment
through which they pass because they have inherent differences in
their frequency of vibration. They are the same but different—like
the two keys on a piano. But rather than just sounding different to
one’s ears (like the notes from two different keys), the interaction
is so different when in the same environment they seem to be totally
different in their essence when they are not. From a music
perspective this is like listening to the sound of a very deep base
guitar and the high pitch sound of a flute in a different room from
which they are made. The very low sound of a base guitar can be
“felt” as a vibration and seems to travel though solid materials and
the walls itself where as the high pitch sound of a flute is stopped
simply by covering the ears or shutting the door to the room.
It is the difference and contrasts which gives rise to the
experience of Creation. Any one frequence is no better than any
other, just different. We have a preferences but they are only our
judgement of what we like and dislike that makes one better than
another. Yet that difference between the expression of the different
frequencies of electromagnetic radiation no matter how small, is
enough that we perceive a whole Creation because of those
differences. If we look carefully, many of the advances in
technology over the past one hundred years resulted from our
understand of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is anticipated
similar phenomenon changes will accompany the understand that we
each are
individualized points of consciousness.
There are several things that can be realized about these
individualized points of consciousness. One is that each point of
Consciousness i, in essence, the same but uniquely different and
will appear different depending on the environment in which we
observe them. Another is that the consciousness that is us, the
awareness and witness that looks out from behind our eyes and can
observe the thoughts that pass through our mind is a unique
consciousness viewing Creation. It is viewing from the perspective
of, or from within, the Consciousness that is manifesting physical
reality. In other words we are a view of Consciousness. This unique
perspective is the foundation of our ego, that is, who we come to
believe we are because of the experiences we have had. Yet we are
not our ego and who we think we are. As we will can come to see and
experience, as long as we see ourselves as separate from the world
we experience we will not be able to rid ourselves of our ego.
Similarly, if we are attached to our physical body and we believe it
is who we are, we again will also not be able to transcend our ego.
Although the electromagnetic spectrum is a very powerful analogy it
too does not being to express the full depth and breath of what is
possible. The physics of electromagnetic spectrum and
superposition of waves to create things like AM and FM radio and
other electromagnetic phenomena gives some fantastic insights into
the deeper and broader aspects of reality, discussion of these
analogies are beyond the scope of understanding of most in less
unless they have background and training in the field radiation
energy physics, communication engineering, electro optics and other
similar disciplines. There is no desire to create a physicist and
an engineer here in this writing. The desire is only to create the
space for you to understand how deep and broad your
creative abilities are. It is up to you and your own
creative passion to figure out how you will understand and
express what you know and desire to create.
Pool of water analogy of energy
The way a poll of water creates ripples is another analogy related
to how this process of consciousness separates itself into an
infinite number of
individualized points of consciousness how each can expand and
encompass all that is. Here, we look at
energy consciousness as a vast pool of water. The water is the
energy consciousness. For now, we can let the pool of water have
boundaries that we can see.
If we drop a pebble or small stone into the center of the pond, we
will cause a vibration, a ripple, an oscillation, in the water that
moves out from that point to encompass the entire pool. What we will
observe is that the size of the ripple near the edge of the pool is
not as large than at the center and as the ripple moves away from
the center it gets smaller and smaller. If the pool of water is
large enough, the ripples eventually expands so large it seems to
die out. However, there is an infinitesimal amount of energy that
extends to infinity.
Similarly our actions span all of Creation. If our actions carry
little awareness, we affect only a small area around us. Although
our energy is felt through out Creation there is no effect beyond a
limited radius around us. If we have large awareness, our actions
ripple outward into a larger and larger segment of Creation. If you
have totally awareness, we would affect all of Creation by our
If you drop two pebbles into the pool, there will be two independent
ripples. Each ripple is independent of the other. Yet each will
interact and interfere with the other creating a pattern different
from the pattern if there were only one ripple.
Similarly if there are three pebbles, again there will be three sets
of circular ripples each independent of each other. Yet all three
interact forming a pattern unlike that found by one or two ripples.
Each ripple and the way the interact all follow the exact same laws
of physics.
Obviously the effect goes on and on as we drop more pebbles into the
pool. Each pattern creates is completely different than any other.
The size of any one ripple depends on the pebble that causes the
disturbance. A small pebble or less energetic pebble will produce a
small ripple going only a short distance before dissipating its
energy. A more energetic pebble (in either mass or energy) will
create a larger ripple that can extend to the boundaries of the pool
without its energy dissipating. Similarly, the more energy we adds
by a consciousness focus of awareness and attention behind our
actions, the greater the effect they will have.
What needs to be noted here is that the pebbles can be dropped
anywhere in the pool of water. If there is only one pebble, it
doesn’t matter where we drop the pebble for a circular pattern will
be produce rippling out to the edges of the pool or to infinity if
the pool has no boundaries. However, if there are two or more, the
location of the pebbles becomes important as to what pattern is
produce. Each point in the pool of water will now cause a different
pattern to be produce when two pebbles are used. Although the
composite patterns have the same general shape and/or form, they are
different and unique. Although any one pebble produces a circular
pattern, two or more ripples depend on where the pebbles enter the
pool. Hence each point although producing the same circular shape
will cause a different overall pattern to result.
Our consciousness is any one point in the pool. Although the ripple
created by our consciousness is the same as any other point or
consciousness, the pattern created when it interacts with another
will be different than the ripple created at any other point. Since
energy and consciousness are one and the same, our awareness
determines how much energy is put into the ripple. Of course, our
ripple can the be very small or extremely large. The greater
awareness you have, the larger ripple you can create and it is
possible to have an awareness that can cause a ripple to expand the
entire poor, or analogously, all of reality.
Although the consciousness is what causes the ripple and determines
the amount of energy that forms the ripple, the consciousness only
observes the ripple it creates. It is not the ripple. The ripple is
the experienced as the creation in which the consciousness find
itself. Depending on what the consciousness creates, it can create
an experience of a very small part of reality, a small ripple in the
pool that dissipates it energy quickly, or it can create an
experience of all of reality, the whole pool. The only point that
needs to be understood is that whatever we experience, in any
reality, is the composite or collective of what all the other points
of consciousness create with we.
Summary comments on the
In all of these examples it needs
to be noticed that for ocean current, the sound of the piano, the
formation of an electromagnetic wave or the ripple on a pool of
water, we must continually move the water, disturb the piano string,
disturb the electromagnetic field, or the pool of water respectively
to continue the promulgation of the current, sound, electromagnetic
wave or ripple. From a consciousness perspective, we must
continually focus our attention and awareness in a given way to
maintain a give experience of energy or creation. If consciousness
does not choose to change its focus, it will continue to focus its
attention and awareness in the same way whether it goes to sleep or
not. It is only in changing our awareness that we change the energy
and the creation we experience and hence have the possibility of
significantly changing the creation we experience.
The examples talk about how Consciousness fragmented itself into an
infinite number of independent consciousnesses. What needs to be
understood is that we are a fragment or piece of Consciousness. As
such we are identical to It and capable of fragmenting ourselves
into an infinite number of parts in the same way as Consciousness.
In the same way consciousness is the ocean, the piano,
electromagnetic spectrum or pool of water that has an infinite
number of parts creating Reality, we are the ocean, the piano, the
electromagnetic spectrum and the calm pool of water that has an
infinite number of fragments creating the reality we experience. In
much the same way a piano player, the observer of Creation, can
choose to stop all the music of the piano, the Creation, so too with
Consciousness. It can calm Its pool of water if it so chooses to do
so and we can calm ours. However, that does not mean we cease to
exist. It only means we cease to be expressed until Consciousness
awakens us or we awaken ourselves for we do have a
free will.
Similarly, whether we realize it or not, we are capable of calming
all the individual fragments of our consciousness to create a calm
pool of water in which to recreate our reality. As with
Consciousness, that does not mean all the individual fragments will
necessary stay asleep unless conditions are correct to keep them
asleep. The fragments within our begin are made of exactly the same
material as us. In the same way we have a
free will, they to has a free will. So it become incumbent to
learn to list and communicate with entities who have a free will
both within ourselves and outside ourselves.
Problem with all analogies
All the analogies presented here,
as are all analogies, are in some way incomplete. If what was being
discussed could be adequately and effectively expressed, analogies
would not be needed. It is important to not take the analogies as
the literal way the individualization of consciousness works. None
of the analogies can do justice to what this individualization of
consciousness really is. Although the truth of the individualization
of consciousness can be said in words and discussed in the
Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective, what these words
really mean and imply is beyond what
mind can really fathom.
Consider the following and what it really means about us and
Creation. We each are an aspect of the Consciousness within Creation
experiencing Creation as viewed from that aspect. In some ways you
can say the Consciousness within Creation is schizophrenic and has
only split itself into an infinite number of illusionary
personalities that it thinks are real. Each of these
“personalities,” the
individualized points of consciousness, are capable of creating
a whole universe unto itself the equivalent of the Creation we
experience or it can experience the creation of any other
individualized point of consciousness as a
creation within creation. We create what we experience and the
reality of those experiences by how we focus our attention and
awareness. We focus our attention and awareness in and through what
we think and believe.
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Individuated point of consciousness
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