Creating Rituals

Restitution, penance, payment and punishment


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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For whatever reason we give, there are many things in life that we do where we think or feel simply forgiveness is insufficient. Even if we know we did the best we can sometimes we feel restitution, penance, payment or punishment is needed to assist clearing and removing emotional energy bound in both our mental and body memories and for our past actions.

One reason that the need for restitution, penance, payment or punishment seems to be necessary is our body is the vehicle for a physical experience and energy is stored in body memories. The body must and be involved in movement in some way for the energy of the experience to be processed and dissipated. Mentally absolving ourselves of our actions is incomplete relative to the processing the energy and releasing the energy in body memories. Some type and kind of action is needed. What kind of action depends on the situation we currently face and the energy content of the memory with which we deal.

Whenever we attempt to do anything, usually our mind will choose to go a route that is less painful. In doing so mind often avoids doing what really needs to be done. Relative to trying to release the energy we hold in past memories, we end up failing to release the energy bound in our memories. We can easily get angry at another and desire justice for that they did to us. However, rarely are we willing to provide justice to ourselves for what we did to another or even ourselves. Even less rare is to provide justice for what we did to our own creative spirit or creativity because of our fears, embarrassment, possibility of failure and the like such that we have kept our creative spirit in a cage of our own making. We need to become aware of how much pain we have causes another and ourselves because of our mind trying to control rather than surrendering to what the Universe desired of us.

We need to look at what we have done to others and to our own creative spirit to see where we have thwarted, or otherwise impeded, the free and unfettered expression of their and our creative spirit. We need to become naked in our truth look at what we did as if it is on a balance beam. We need to go into our intuitive guidance and look at the scale of justice. On one side we need to place our action which thwarted our creative spirit or that of another and/or caused us or them pain. On the other side we need to ask our intuitive guidance what ritual action or ceremony can we do to provide the penance or restitution we need to do to balance the scale.

For any item we think or feel needs to be addressed in a ritual or metatheater, we should plan on reviewing each item, one item at a time, as to whether or not any restitution, penance, payment or punishment is necessary to "balance the books." As we do this and act out the restitution and/or penance, and look across all that we have done in life, we will come to see, we cannot possibility "pay back" all that we have caused or been the occasion to happen. However, we can ask our intuitive guidance what, if any, generic solution exists. In doing so, we can come to see what we need to do in and with our life which allow us to "pay back" all that we have done. Yet, at the same time, create a life that allows us to both not be hindered by the past and not repeat these types and kinds of actions.

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