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Leaving and grieving ceremony/ritual


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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A leaving and grieving ceremony/ritual is about letting go of the past, our attachments and the required sacrifice of creation in the creative process. We create the experiences we have and we create the reality we experience by how we bind our creative life energy in how we focus our attention and awareness in how and what we think and believe. There is nothing wrong with this. It is just that we often become attached to the existing creation and/or attached to the memories of the experiences we have had.

When we desire to create something new and that to which we are currently attached must become part of the sacrifice of creation we create ourselves pain in holding when we should be releasing. The leaving and grieving ceremony/ritual is about literally or symbolically releasing these attachments to make the transition in life easier.

One issue that does arise in releasing the past is often we must face the pain of the past which we experienced when we obtain the memory we hold where our creativity was some how thwarted. As such, often it is easier to grieve for a situation than face the pain directly and get on with our life. However, grieving results in bleeding away our creative life energy and we rob ourselves of our creative power. One should not be surprised if unexpected pain, if not anger arises in attempting to leave the past. Whether pain of the past arises or we become aware of grieving, we should be open to face and deal with what rises rather than continue to suppress it.

Creating a leaving and grieving ritual

For any creative endeavor, exactly what we should release will be unknown to our mind. However, our intuitive guidance will show us what we will face and/or what we need to do or create to release that which would effectively allow us to release our attachments. What we will need to do is unique to us and what we desire to create. We cannot follow the path of another and must rely on our intuitive guidance to lead us. However, with or without input from our intuitive guidance, we can do what our mind think we need to do to release our past. Although what mind thinks will not be correct, doing what mind thinks we needs to does open us to letting go of that which will be required to be released.

One approach for any creative endeavor is that we can create a ritual or ceremony for that which our mind thinks will need to be released. For each item, memory, event or whatever, we desire to release, we can write the item on an index card. Then take the card for each item and individually contemplate what is on the card and what that item means for our life and how it has impacted our life and our creative power. After contemplation, then burn the card, tear it into pieces, or throw it in a trash can while imagining the release of he energy and/or release of our attachment from the item.

A second approach is to obtain a symbol for each memory, event, or thing which we need to release the bury each of the symbols while contemplating the item and the release of any bound energy and attachments.

A third approach is to ask our intuitive guidance what we need to do to open ourselves to what needs to be released. Then honor what is received.

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