Self initiated initiation


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Within the creativity perspective where we hold our creativity sacred, an initiation is some type and kind of action where the door is proverbially open to another aspect of our creativity which we have never explored or use and/or it provides an opportunity to revisit and free aspects of our creativity which have been placed in the cage of our own making for whatever reason.

Any initiation is really about getting us out of our mind past what we currently think and believe to create a doorway to take us into the unknown. To get us out of mind and keep us out of mind, normally an initiation of some type is done to us by another. At first glance, a self initiated initiation seems to contradict the whole concept of initiation since mind will create that which is suppose to cause us to step out of mind. One does not step out of mind if one is in control of what occurs.

Given what an initiation is suppose to do, it would appear impossible to create a self initiation for our mind would be controlling what we experience. It is paradoxical in that sense that initiations are normally done to take us out of the mind we have. For mind to create any ritual, it really can’t initiate itself unless it is an intentional ego destruction of itself. That, in turn, is only the phoenix. A self initiated initiation is really to become the phoenix and voluntarily destroy oneself. The key issue is the control of the ego and need to find a way to destroy it and to step out of the limits of what we think we believe.

There is a way to do a self initiation into the true depth and breadth of our creative ability and creative power. It is simply to become the phoenix. To do so requires us to essentially create a could be called a critical mass of enlightenment something similar to what is described in the topic, "Creating the occasion for the Ultimate Accident - assembling a critical mass."

A self initiation is about creating an intention and choosing to create something that transcends the ego for another with "no strings" attached that our mind considers impossible to do and then surrendering to the flow of energy that rises from the intention. In essence it is to create the conditions to increase the probability of stumbling into the conditions to create the Ultimate Accident. It is to pull together a sufficient number of actions that cause who and what we think we are to be totally shattered. If we are successful, we will stumble into the Ultimate Accident and we will initiate ourselves into a feeling beyond belief.

A typical example of a self initiated ritual is where we create a ritual, ceremony and/or metatheater which allows us to catalyze and energize ourselves to manifest the intention as described in the paragraph above that we hold and to surrender to the flow of energy created by that intention. In essence we initiation ourselves into our own intention. In surrendering to the flow of energy, we become the embodiment of the intention. The intention is no longer something we hold in mind but our lives becomes the intention. What we do is create conditions that allow us to step out of how and what we currently believe to step into the unknown to access and follow the flow of energy for whatever we desire to create wherever it leads. It is to  where mind works to keep us aligned with the flow. In essence, in navigate from the heart creating the experience we become the conscious creator experiencing its creation.

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Setting the stage for the Ultimate Accident
Choosing to become the Phoenix
Creating a Phoenix experience
The possibility of creating a gentle Phoenix
The third path to creating a gentle phoenix

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