The third path to creating a gentle phoenix


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The third path to creating a gentle phoenix
The simple third path
Creating a unique third path
Increasing the details

The simple third path  (Top)

The third path to creating a gentle phoenix is to alternate between the masculine path and doing what mind wants and the feminine path of surrendering to the flow of energy Since it is a dance between the masculine path and feminine path, what is provided for those two paths is normally more than sufficient for the third path. In taking the third path, one simply does what one thinks or feels they should do dancing back and forth between what they think and what they feel.

Creating a unique third path  (Top)

However, there is a way to use the third path in a very playful way that moves beyond just alternating between the masculine path and feminine path. It is to play with each step of the process with triangulation. That is, use the mind to find or create three different ways to access the intuitive guidance and body wisdom and/or use some type and kind of divination tool. The recommendation is to make what is used and how it is used as playful as possible. Then use the three methods to inquire as to what the next step should be to access the understanding to create a gentle phoenix for our creative endeavor. We then honor whatever guidance that is received iterating the process each step of the way.

For example, three different guided meditations based on three different views, assumptions or ideas about Creation can be used to establish what need to be done for a gentle phoenix. Or, one could use the sample guided mediation as guide to create an inquiry along with the Creative Building Blocks used as a divination tool and some other third divination method. The gentle phoenix lies in the middle of the three views where each can be seen as forming the side of triangle. Hence, the concept of triangulation.

Increasing the details (Top)

Now it is possible to take the triangulation method a step further. A three sided pyramid is a four sided triangular object (three sides and a bottom) and a four sided pyramid is a five sided triangular object (four sides and a bottom). If one desires, they can do a triangulation for each of the four aspects of our being. That is, each of the four aspects of our being, (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical) are seen as a sides and bottom of a three faced pyramid. The overall gentle phoenix lies in the center of the four sided object. Or, one can use a four sided pyramid where the four sides are the four aspects of our being and the fifth side may be represents the unseen world or the unseen aspect of our being. Or, the fifth said may be a question as to the best location or environment in which to create a gentle phoenix. Here again, the gentle phoenix would like at the center of the object.

Whether a four sided or five sided triangular object is used, each face is a triangulation. That is, a triangulation is done for each aspect of being and the unseen or the locations as to what needs to be done to create a gentle phoenix. Then after the four or five individual triangulations are done and there is guidance as to what to do for each aspect of being, all the guidance is combined into one overall action.

The ideas is that we are a whole being with four or five aspects. When we act all, our aspects of our being are acting. So whatever action we take to create a gentle phoenix should includes all aspects. That, is, whatever action we take includes the results of all the separate triangulations.

This process of doing individual triangulations and then combining the results can be done for as many aspects as we feel appropriate. For example one could look at each fear we have or difficult issue we need to face as a separate aspect of our being. Our understanding of God facing our sexuality, dealing with traumatic or painful events of the past, illness that have been faced, and the like can all have separate triangulations and then into an overall process integrating all the guidance that is received.

In may ways doing the process in this fashion can be used to create either a self initiated initiation into a new of being and/or as a creation ritual representing the world in which we wish to move. The action we take or the ritual, ceremony or metatheater created in response to the guidance can be quite powerful.

The recommendation here is to become as playful as possible and play with the process continually doing what mind thinks but honor any intuitive guidance that may be received.

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