Ultimate goal of our journey into play


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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We can look at journey into creative play in many different ways. These are a few of the ways it can be experienced:

  • It is as a journey of healing.

  • It is as a journey of remembering.

  • It can be seen and experienced as the path to becoming enlightened as to who we are and the way we have created our experience.

  • It this regard it is the journey of awakening.

  • It can be seen as removing the veil of illusion.

  • It can be seen as claiming our divinity and our birthright as a creator.

  • It can be seen as the longing of the heart to return home.

  • It is that search for an inner satisfaction that never runs dry

  • It is the journey from separation into back into oneness

  • It is the path of salvation and becoming clean and removing our sins - or rather the illusion of sin

  • It is making the subconscious conscious

  • It is the rekindling of the flame within the heart

  • It is becoming self determined at all levels of your being

  • It is become free and obtaining ultimate freedom with no boundaries and no limits

  • It is ultimately is it about a transformation of an individualized consciousness experiencing Creation from within an ego to Consciousness at play with Itself experiencing Creation with a physical vehicle that happens to be a human body.

As an ego within a human body, because so much of our life appears to be beyond our control, many hold the view there is a God as something outside oneself, hiding and/or residing somewhere, such as heaven, that controls Creation. This God is then often seen as someone to whom we need to get close. In being close to this God, in whatever form we believe, we see ourselves as getting close to the power of Creation and in that closeness we expect to experience protection from Creation and/or to control Creation.

However the problem is this “God,” that is being sought, that creative power/Creative Power that gives rise to Creation, is within our own being. It is flowing and bursting forth and expressing itself in who and what we are. The “God” that is sought cannot be shown to us or found by us for It is already within our being. It lies dormant like a seed waiting for conditions to be come correct to burst forth in all its glory manifesting itself in the world. It is something that we already have. We just need to awaken it and allow it to burst forth. When it bursts forth is it something to be experience in the moment and freely let go and experience like the wind - completely free and unattached, unmasked and unexpected to be fully savored and experienced in the moment. It is not something to be controlled.

What needs to be understood is that at this God that resides within our being is still growing. Or, maybe better said, still awakening. It has not reached it fullness. It still resides as a potential and a possibility to be experienced in this life. It is not there yet. In the same way a child only represents the potential of an adult, the consciousness residing within our body is similarly still a child. The body is only the vehicle it is using to awaken to its destiny. However, we must allow the potentiality to manifest and we must choose it to awaken.

It lies dormant like a seed and we have to choose to create the conditions for its unfoldment and growth. We have to help it to grow. We must plant it in a fertile soil, water it, give it the necessary sunlight and any supplemental nutrients and keep the temperature warm and appropriate for its growth.

As a seed, the unfoldment will look nothing like the tree it produces. It also must be realized is that the seed that unfolds within us is very unique and we cannot look at another and expect to see what our unfoldment will look like. How we unfold into our divinity will be unique to us. No one else in this entire universe will unfold quite like us. We are an independent reality and a unique creation.
When we look at another when our seed lies dormant, we will not truly see the divinity in another for our eyes will not have become acclimated to seeing divinity. We cannot see through the eyes of a human to see the divinity in another. What needs to be understood is that seeing is as much experiencing as it is observing. We can only see divinity through the eyes of divinity. Then we will be experiencing life from the viewpoint of being divinity. The seeing and experiencing are one and the same. As we open ourselves to our own divinity and our creative power, more and more of the divinity that surrounds us will become obvious for it will be our experience.

In the same way a gardener can recognize the seed and “see” the unfolded plant within the seed, one who can view through the eyes of divinity can see the see that lies dormant within our being. The God that lies within our being lies dormant and buried within our own subconscious as a seed lies dormant beneath the soil of the ground. Our seed is still struggling to break through into the light of day to grow and manifest. The shell of our ego that has developed over our life is hard in the same way the ground is hard. In some cases, our divinity lies beneath buried rocks and stones and it can’t figure out why it is having so much difficulty breaking through.

One who sees through the eyes of the divine, such as the rainmaker, can see our seed and its struggle to break through the hard ground of the ego shell that has become encased around our seed. They can see the God within our being and what its unfoldment will look like. The can see how the current environment does or does not nurture the growth of our seed. Yet, as with an individual acorn and knowing what the general shape and form of the tree will look like, the actual tree that manifests cannot be predicted in detail. All of the conditions that exist as the seed grows will have a great bearing on exactly what that final tree and it shape looks like.

To view from the eyes of divinity is to see each individual in two forms. One form is their current form and how they are expressing and manifesting it in the world. The other is to see the seed that lies within and its unfoldment as the individual will be and as they can be within the conditions that currently exist. However, the seed must be allow to grow and only we can allow that seed to germinate and burst forth. We will have to be courageous enough to die to the old form of the seed to allow what is within the seed to come forth.

What is surprising is that when that seed unfolds and the fruits of that seed are produced, they are the experience of the ultimate state of play as Consciousness at a play with itself. The individual become enlightened and awakened as to who and what they are. They claim their birthright as a being of unlimited creativity and can fully participate in consciousness as that co-creator of reality as one of the many individualized consciousness at play. It is here creation come full circle.

The individualized consciousness grows from an infant and child like state into adult consciousness claiming its birth right to be Consciousness at play with Itself. As Consciousness at play, it becomes a playmate to Consciousness Itself. That is the destiny of each and every human if they are willing to choose to become it and allow the seed that lies within their being to germinate and unfold. The only question that lies on the table is, “What is the transformation that we as an independent, unique, individualized consciousness must undergo to become this Playmate?”

Unfortunately, others may guide, help or assist us but only we can determine what needs to done to become a Playmate to Consciousness at Play. It is here we must chose to become the Phoenix and recreate ourselves into our birthright. It is also here we can exercise our birthright in consciousness and choose to have a gentle transformation, a gentle Phoenix.

The ultimate goal of the journey into play is to become consciousness/Consciousness at play with itself/Itself.

It needs to be realized, God is a concept where an all powerful Creator stands apart from Creation. However, this God is not all powerful and less that All That Is for both this God and Creation are needed to make the whole. A God that stands apart from Creation and is in separation is less than the whole. The entire concept of God and holding this concept in one’s mind forces us into duality and separation from the Oneness of All That Is. How this phenomenon works as discussed in the topic “The observer-observed pair within a context of observation and the nature of duality” As long as we believe and experience God outside of ourselves, we cannot live in wholeness and in oneness. We are a particular view of all that is, or All That Is if you prefer, uses to experience Creation. As such, we are ultimately Consciousness that has individualized to play with Itself and experience Its Creation. We are Consciousness at play with ourselves The goal of the journey into play is the journey into rediscovering who you truly are, that is Consciousness at play with Itself. The journey is about uncovering exactly how we have created the experience that we have.

Related topic
The observer-observed pair within a context of observation and the nature of duality

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