Journey of reconstitution

The journey into the depth of our creativity and creative power

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Journey of reconstitution
Reconstitution and our composite intention
Regaining the ability to spontaneous play
We are on our own - and always have been
Awareness of our attachments
What we call emotions and our creative ability and creative power
Other individuals
Using intuitive guidance and body wisdom
Habits and patterns of the past
Freedom and a safe and secure space

Reconstitution, healing and wholeness
Time length of the reconstitution process
Reconstitution is not ego repair
Reconstitution is a love affair
Tithing our time and energy
Reconstitution Techniques
Isolation/going within and/or withdrawal
In summary

Reconstitution is the journey into the exploration of depth of our creativity and creative ability and creative power with the intended purpose of calling back and reconstituting our creative power. It is to call back from our nonconscious mind all the variety of ways we have given away our creative power and creative ability. Such a journey is really a return to our true self to claim our birthright to become the creator that we are.

Throughout the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material and applications, the attempt is made to build the understanding that our intentions are what create our experiences and the reality we experience. Reality will mold itself to whatever we intend. It will do so by how we focus our attention and awareness, and how readily and passionately we reinforce that focused attention and awareness by how we act in the direction of our focus. As an infinitely creative being of unlimited creativity and we are capable of creating any experience we choose in any reality of our choice. As such, it is through the clear intentional focus of our attention and awareness that we will reconstitute our creative ability and creative power.

In the same way there is a creation process to create our experiences, there is a reconstitution process. The issue is that in the creation process, we know where to look for what we need. In the creation process we start with our desire and the feeling within the desires to give us the passion to creation. We then simply act on that passion and the feeling within that passion to access the flow of energy we need to create what we desire.

In the reconstitution process, we need to find what we need. In reconstitution, we need to look for where we have directed our creative life energy and call it back. As discussed in the topic, “Reconstitution process,” the problem is we forget how and where we have directed it for the intended purpose of having an experience of Creation. The issue we face in the reconstitution process it to make the nonconscious conscious relative to where we have directed the flow of our creative life energy. The question is, “How do we find where we have directed our creative life energy and how do we call it back?”

As said repeatedly, the actual journey we take to reconstitute our creative ability and creative power will be unique for we each shattered and fragmented them in our own unique way. However, there are common aspect, some of which are provided here, and other related to starting such a journey are found in the topic, “Taking the journey of reconstitution

The recommendation made here if you are seeking to reconstitute your creative ability and creative power is to review these generic items and then begin your journey with steps outlined in the topic “Taking the journey of reconstitution."

Reconstitution and our composite intention (Top)

In understanding our intentions are what create the reality we experience and reality will mold itself to whatever we intend, it is through a single point and clear intentional focus of our attention and awareness that we will reconstitute our creative ability and creative power. However it needs to be understood, in reconstitution we are no long dealing with just obtaining clarity about a consciously held clear intention to create. Nor are we looking at a required sacrifice and transformation of some aspect of our life to access and free the energy to create what we desire. Neither are we looking for a few competing nonconscious intention which may be diverting our creative life energy from the direction it needs to go to create what we desire.

Rather we are looking at something much larger. How big a transformation of our life we will face totally depends on how much of our creative life energy has been directed into activities that have not honor and held our creativity sacred. Rather they have robbed us our creative life energy and/or held/hold our creative spirit captive. For some, their whole life will collapse. For other, there will be nothing out of the ordinary.

To reconstitute our creative ability and creative power, requires us to pull back our creative life energy from all aspects of our life where we have thrust out to create one thing or another that is somehow robbing and or depleting the flow of our creative life energy. This effort includes surfacing our nonconscious intentions that caused and/or were the occasion to originally create what we have created. It requires us to create a composite intention for our life that allows us to optimize our creative ability and creative power.

But the effort is still even deeper. It requires us to go into both the mental and body memories from the earliest days of our life which we hold. We look for the memories that in some way or another bind our creative life energy in past experiences where the energy was never fully dissipated and released. This includes both painful and pleasurable experiences. It is to become a pliable and malleable as a new born in all aspects of our being to be recast based on the what we now desire to create with a consolidated and coherent creative ability and creative power.

Initially this requires us to access the intention for our life for it is the baseline for our life. It is what brought into life and gives us life before we diverted the flow of our creative life energy as a result of the experiences of life. Then from this alignment, with a reconstituted creative ability and creative power decide what we desire to create.

To do this, we ultimately need to return to a state of being similar to when we entered life. It is to return to the most powerful creative state of being. It is a state of being where we are free to enter spontaneous and innocent childlike play to discovery and explore any aspect of Creation at each and every level of our being - spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Exactly what will need to be explore will depend on how, where, and why we have diverted the flow of our creative life energy from the intention for our life and the type and kind of cage we have created that holds our creative spirit captive.

To take such a journey, we need to set the intention to reconstitute our creative life energy and regain our creative power and creative ability to create the reality of our choice but we need to do it in a slightly different way. This includes setting the intention to explore any nonconscious intentions which may be diverting the flow of our creative life energy away from what gives us life and in all aspects of our being to return to as state of being similar to which we entered this life. It also includes being very clear on what we desire to create when we reconstitute our creative ability and creative power and why we desire to create it.

Although doing this appears like any other intention we set to create something, the focus and direction of our focus in different. We need to look inward into the depth of our being for all the beliefs, thought, habits, body memories and the like that maybe someone diverting our creative life energy and/or hold our creative spirit captive. Some will surface in a conscious awareness where as others will only be felt as a feeling in the body as the energy is processed. Many of these will not surface except in context so consequently, the journey will appear to be layered. Our path will appear spiral like in nature seemingly returning to old previously processed material but in a new, deeper more uplifting and expanding way.

The topic, “Setting and acting on an intention to reconstitute our creative ability and creative power” discusses some considerations as to setting this intention. The topics “Perceived levels to our creativity” and the “Spiral path of accessing or reconstituting our creative ability or creative power” address these considerations respectively

Regaining the ability to spontaneous play (Top)

Any exploration of our unlimited creativity, our creative passion, the truth of our being, the essence of our being and/or the Source of Creation will ultimately takes us into the reasons as to why we ever left the state of play of the Source of Creation. The issue with which we are ultimately faced is either facing the reason why we lost the ability to be in the state of spontaneous and innocent childlike play one at a time or simply embark on a journey to regain that ability and then pursue whatever creative endeavor we wish. The topic, “Why the recommendation to restore our ability for spontaneous innocent childlike play first” provides some thoughts on this issue.

We are on our own - and always have been (Top)

Probably the most important thing to realize in reconstituting our creative ability and creative power is that we are on our own and always have been. We each are an individuated consciousness and a unique creation. We each had/have our own unique way of  fragmenting and scattering the flow of our creative life energy. The journey we take will be unique. It will be like no other. It will have similarities and overlaps with others, but nevertheless our journey will be totally unique. We will need to do our own experiments to see what works and does work for us and allow effectiveness to be our measure of truth. We need to eat and digest what others give us and use with works for us and discard the reminder.

Awareness of our attachments (Top)

Awareness of our attachments is important for it is how we bind the free flow of our creative life energy in our attachments that we what create the experiences we have. On this notes it must be realize that a dislike and avoidance of something is just a powerful attachment as a desire for something. It is in both the pain and pleasure we experience that will reveal our attachments if we follow the pain/pleasure back to their source. In revealing our attachments we can see how we have robbed ourselves of our own creative ability and creative power.

Attachments are addressed in the topics, “Attachments in creation/Creation” and “Pain, ego and attachments

What we call emotions and our creative ability and creative power (Top)

Emotion are the name we give strong feelings that arise within our being. This strong feelings arise from our attachments and it is essential to understand the root of those feelings. Some of them rob us of our creative ability and creative power, others only add to our passion increase our creative ability and creative power. From a creativity perspective, the issue is not whether the emotions is judged as positive or negative. The issue is whether or not the energy is directed in a way that truly serves us and hold our creativity sacred.

When an emotion arises within our being that does not serve us and it is understood and its roots are illuminated as opposed to being suppressed or otherwise denied or diverted, the energy behind the emotion diminishes and even disappears. The understanding that comes with illuminating the root allows us to better understand who and what we are. When we feel angry, the health response is to learn what caused the anger, to rectify the situation internally and externally if that is possible. In doing so, we will find we don’t have to let go of the anger for it simply dissipates in understanding. That is, of course, if we have truly accessed the root of the anger.

At the depth of our being, we know what serves and does serve our creativity. When we get past mind and see the root of what causes our frustration, we can direct that blocked energy in a way that serves us. It needs to be remembered that there are really only two reasons to get angry. One is our expectations of the mind and how we think they are not met. When the expectation is realized and we change how we think, the anger dissipates for the energy is no longer bound within that belief structure. The other anger occurs when we are not allowed to live our heart and follow the lead of our creative life energy/creative spirit and the reason why we incarnated. In this second case, there is often a deep sadness and/or frustration underneath our anger. Here the anger is acting as a protective coating for the vulnerability and despair when we see we are unable to live in alignment with our creative life energy and the desires of our creative spirit. In accessing this understanding, the energy can be directed in a way that allows us to use our creativity to figure out a way to allow for its free express and unfoldment in the environment in which we find ourselves.

Other individuals (Top)

In looking as to where we have directed our creative life energy, it will become evident very quickly, that creation/Creation is not done alone. There will always be another, or other, that will helps us create the experiences we desire. More often than not, another individual has been involved in one way or another as to why we have directed our energy the way we do and robbed ourselves of our creative ability and creative power. Sometimes they thwart the free flow of our creative spirit and at other times it is simply they give us beliefs and/or ways of thinking that do not ultimately serves us.

Although the journey is a solo journey that cannot be done alone. We will need certain types and kind of external support and the assistance of individuals. But only we can reconstitute our creative ability and their assistance needs to be in a form or way that serves us. In this regard there are several areas of which we should be aware in our relationships and choosing the assistance of another, especially those who may support our journey and/or provide guidance to us. The following topics address some consideration in these areas.

Relationships and attachments
Support for, and getting support from, another
The commitment of those who work with us
To choose or not to chose a teacher?
The question of love

Using intuitive guidance and body wisdom  (Top)

Reconstitution is a creative endeavor like any other. It is a journey into the unknown where mind is of limited value. The best guide we can use for such a journey is our own intuitive guidance and body wisdom.

If we get a clear intention our body wisdom and intuitive guidance will lead us to the experiences to provide us the understanding, information, and/or assistance that is necessary. However, we will not necessarily know or understand the path before hand. Rather, it will be much more like crossing the proverbial stream on stepping stones in a dense fog where you can only see the next step after we take the one directly in front of us and have to trust all the additional stones will appear as they are needed. Using our intuitive guidance and body wisdom requires trust and confidence that our body wisdom and intuitive guidance have our best interest at heart. It must be remembered and fully acknowledged that our body wisdom and intuitive guidance grew us from an infant into an adult without the need of mind and they are perfectly capable of aligning we with the flow of our own creative life energy.

The attempt to use mind in the reconstitution process and follow its lead and what it thinks needs to be done will always result in a path that is more difficult and longer than necessary. It is inevitable for several reasons. The mind can only work with what it knows which is a very finite part of both the depth of who and what we are and Creation. It can lead us to reconstitute the flow of our creative life energy but we will have to in some way backtrack the path that fragmented and scattered our energy in the past for it is the only path mind knows. Our body wisdom and intuitive guidance works through the nonconscious has access to the infinite nonconscious and all of Creation if one knows how to use them. It is this fact that can allow us to have the gentlest, fastest and safest way for the nonconscious mind can look at all the paths and see the path of least resistance. We only need to be aware of what is presented to make it gentle.

To live within the guidance of the body wisdom and intuitive guidance, instead of worrying about specific outcomes and results, we just do the “right” thing for the situation at hand where “right” is acting in accordance with that guidance provided and follow the inner satisfaction within. It does need to be noted here that inner satisfaction is not just an internal joy and bliss, being happy and feeling good. It is about an internal knowing that all is fine exactly the way it is no matter what is happening.

Habits and patterns of the past: There are two set of habits and patterns of the past that affect the reconstitution of our creative ability and creative power. One set are habits of the mind. The second set are habits of the body.

Habits and patterns of the past tend to make the journey in life easier
(Top). However they make the journey of reconstitution longer than necessary, if not more difficult. The mind is a great love of habits for it does not have to think. Rather it can just respond. There is a tendency for mind to fall into and use patterns of the past that either are continually repeated or there was a significant emotional memory imprint.

Habits do not allow us to easily to step outside our limits and barriers to break the patterns that are holding our energy in a fragmented and scattered pattern. In regards to habits of the past, it is hard work to stay out of the rut of the past. To reconstitute our creative ability and creative power, the journey will require several things. One is we will need to become very mindful and aware of when we respond to any situation how we are responding. The second is we will need to search within and to truly understand ourselves and what it driving our actions - is it free choice or only a habit. To do this we will also needs to foster a sense of detachment and perspective. We need to become a mindful and aware detached witness. Additionally, many habits which bind our creative life energy do not reveal themselves except in context. So it is not surprising to be unexpectedly haunted by memories of the past.

Looking for these habits and changing them can difficult and will require patients and much practice. The journey through the mind can be arduous and long. But is well worth it in the end if we elects to chose this path. (More on .... habits of the mind)

But there is an easier way. It is to understand freedom and to create a safe and secure space where freedom can be experienced.

Freedom and a safe and secure space
(Top): One of the most important lessons we will need to learn to reconstitute our creative ability and creative power is independence and to understand freedom. In particular what freedom feels like. This does not mean freedom in the political and social sense. Rather it is freedom at each and every level of our being to do what we need to do and express ourselves free and unfettered in the way we need to express ourselves. It is a profound experience. It is about learning what it means to be independent from attachments, from results, from opinions, and from expectations and any thinking that attaches to the past and the future and/or the ego.

It also means learning and understanding how breaking attachments leads to freedom. If we can find a space or create a safe and secure space were we can be free, we will begin to see all the reasons why we are unable to be free to express ourselves. We place our creativity in a cage of our own making because of the world we experience where we are unable to free to express ourselves. When we remove that world, all that keeps us bound is our cage. In a space of freedom we can see the cage that keeps our creativity bound. The question then becomes, “Do we want to dismantle the cage we have created?”

A safe and secure space is discussed in the following topics: “A  safe and secure space,” “ Issues around creating a safe and secure space,” and “Creating the space for creation - preparing the environment

Reconstitution, healing and wholeness (Top)

Within the energy consciousness model of the universe because of how we generate pain, healing, creating wholeness within our being, living our truth, reconstitution of our creative ability and creative power are essentially the same journey and each comes from within our own being. In reconstitution of our creative ability and creative power, we should not be surprised unhealthy condition being healed or the opposite, creating conditions of accident, illness or disease to release energy bound in past experiences. What we experience we be unique to own journey. (More on....Reconstitution, healing and wholeness)

Time length of the reconstitution process (Top)

One question that always arises is “How long is it going to take for me to reconstitute my creative ability and creative power?” The answer is, of course, “It depends.” It depends on what we desire to experience and how our composite intention composed of all of our conscious and nonconscious desires, wants and intentions do, or do not, support the reconstitution of our creative ability and creative power. The topics, “Time and our creative endeavors” and “ Time and the unfoldment of any physical creation” provide some thoughts and ideas as to what we can expect and how we may go about shortening the length of the journey.

Reconstitution is not ego repair (Top)

The reconstitution process is not ego repair nor is it about getting the ego functional in society such as may be done in psychoanalysis or psychotherapy. Rather it will destroy the ego to create the space to allow us to recreate ourselves in a way that reconstitutes our creative ability and creative power.

Reconstitution is not about creating social misfits, rebels or anarchists. Rather it is about getting us to create ourselves in accordance with our unique truth within their environment in which we find ourselves. Recreating ourselves true to our truth allows our inner world to be harmoniously reflected in our outer world and the universe we see and experience. (More on ..... reconstitution is not ego repair)

Reconstitution is a love affair (Top)

The journey of reconstitution is a love affair between our inner world and the relationship to the world we experience. It is to engage in the outer dance of our creative spirit in the deepest levels of love. When the reconstitution process works, it is because the individual connects with both their inner world and the external world they experience on a truly caring, compassionate, level. This relationship between the inner and outer is what heals. It is not any one particular thing that was, or is, done. What we do only becomes the occasion to give what is need internally to change what we experience externally.

It is a love affair at the deepest levels of being in that the journey of reconstitution is a journey to explore the feminine within our own being. It is about learning to nurture and to love our own being for what it is and what we have created. Reconstitution is about creating a coherent focus of our creative life energy that sustains us. That flow of creative life energy is the feminine aspect of our being and it is what nurture our life and the world we experience. To know how to reconstitute that flow into a coherent focus requires us to become very intimate with that flow. That, in turn, is only to become very intimate at the deepest levels with the feminine of our own being and what nurtures our creation. It is the most intimate affair we can have.

As a result of this deep love affair of becoming intimate with our inner feminine, there is a define “polarity” to the journey and our human sexuality will most probably arise in one way or another. Realizing the inner is reflected in the outer, a deep love affair with our own being will be reflected in some way in the external world. The love affair that is offered may or may not involve sexuality, but it will involve an intimacy at the deepest levels of our being. It will be our choice whether to take the love affair that is offered and to surrender to it. If we do take it, it will be learning how to truly love ourselves for who and what we really are and the world we create in response to that love.

Since this journey is a love affair, we can expect that we might find ourselves dreaming about relationships. They may dream about every man or woman we had ever known. Or we may dream about faceless or unrecognizable men and women that bring up the essence of our relation to sexuality and how we relates to members of the opposite sex. Although the dreams may be about sex, or have strong sexual overtones, they are really about our most intimate identity and what it means to be a male or female. It is as though the dreaming is a cleansing of what had gone into our previous relationships and/or the desires and longing to make room for a new affair. An affair with our own being.

This journey is about being finished with the past and the individuals of the past to make room to be ready to move on to some other way of operating with our sexuality. Namely, it is about coming into a balance between our inner masculine and inner feminine. The dreams will not necessarily be really clear. They will most probably be a collection of the baggage we, or the individual whom we are with, brought into the various relationships and unions. If we explore the essence of these dreams, we would see or sense that in these images of the past, neither we or the other individual had been whole. Rather, each was looking for the other to fulfill a void within themselves. Rather than coming together with a partner to celebrate a fulfillment each had found in themselves to share it with another, each was attempting to find what was lost in themselves in the other. We may or may not be aware of such dreams and we may or may not understand the dreams we do remember. But, this process will occur at some level within our being for it needs to occur if we are going to take the journey to reconstitute our creative ability and creative power.

Tithing our time and energy (Top)

Reconstitution is about holding the focus of our attention and awareness to become mindful and aware of where we have robbed ourselves of our creative power. It is to pull back our creative life energy from those memories or creations to create something that better serves us. As such we will have to give of our time to both holding focus and to explore what we need to explore to figure out how to recall our creative life energy. Similarly, as we recall our creative life energy, we will have to stop financing those way of being in the world that rob us of our creative power and/or direct our creative life energy into activities that do not serves us. How much time we give and how much we must withdrawal our energy and redirect is totally dependent on whether or not the experiences we have do or do not serve what we desire to create. (More on....tithing our time and our energy)

Reconstitution Techniques (Top)

There are a variety of techniques that can be used to reconstitute our creative ability and creative power and what is available cannot begin to be addressed here. But, in any case, the most import of which is understanding.

The understanding we have underlays all that we do. We needs to have an understanding that is broad and deep enough to encompass all were we need to go to reconstitute our creative ability and creative power. We need such an understanding so that what we understand what we experience. We need to be able to put whatever we experience in a proper context for who and what they are. A creativity perspective that holds our creativity sacred is a starting point. However, it needs to be understood, an intellectual understanding is insufficient. We will need to make what we understand experiential. We need to see and experience for ourselves the truth of what they have learned. In particular, we need to see and experientially understand our own truth.

To become aware of the understanding we have, we will need to take a close look at the perceptions we have based on the way we were raised and the beliefs we have adopted. Sounds simple. We may be very surprised at the depth to which we hold certain beliefs and how much they interfere with our inherent creative ability.

Our beliefs and the belief structure we create are like an iceberg. We only see a small portion of what exists. The rest remains deeply buried. As we ascertain exactly what our beliefs are (and many lie in our nonconscious), we will need to experiment with them to learn which beliefs serves us and which ones may not.

The stories we tell about ourselves are the doorway into both seeing and changing our perspective. There are several stories we can tell and each can shed some light on how to reconstitute our creative ability and what we need to address to change our thinking. The question is, “To what level do we wish to reconstitute our creative ability and creative power or how much of our unlimited creativity do we wish to access?” The topic, “Becoming aware of the story we tell,” provides some information on analyzing the story we tell as to how it affects reconstituting our creative ability and creative power.

In addition to learning to use body wisdom and intuitive guidance, and becoming aware of the story we tell, “Learning to step out of mind,” and “Reconstitution rituals and metatheater” have been found to be very powerful tool.

Isolation/going within and/or withdrawal (Top)

In the journey of reconstitution, isolation is part of the journey and always has been. It is not uncommon for an individual to seemingly have isolation forced upon them to create the space for transformation necessary to call back their creative power. Going within is essential for the journey of reconstitution. Quite simply, we need to be able to unplug ourselves from our external world to learn our own truth and what exactly it looks like. In going within to do our exploration, we may find we are pulled to isolate ourselves and/or isolate ourselves from various aspects of our external life. We may need to spend an enormous effort and time exploring our internal world without the distractions of the external world.

The isolation that is required will come when it is required in the way it is required. We cannot force ourselves into isolation and elect to isolation ourselves. It does not work for the isolation we create is of the mind and ego and in reality is only an ego trip. Nature itself will force the isolation when it is necessary for it is part of the journey. What it looks like will vary from person to person. The problem is we do not allow ourselves to experience the isolation when it is required and when it presents itself. For most of us, we don’t recognize the call when it comes. As a result we fight again the isolation rather than accepting what is. (More on .....isolation/going within and/or withdrawal)

In summary (Top)

What has been presented here are some of the more powerful and effective concepts to understanding where we have placed our fragmented and scattered creative life energy. The items here by no means exhaust all the concepts and techniques that are open to our use. The emphasis here has been on those things most fundamental to the overall process - what we believe about creation, our story, not doing and meta-theater to break us out of the mold we created for ourselves, and learning symbols to give our body wisdom the most complete set of communication tools that we can.

It is recommended that we need to allow our intuitive guidance to guide us and ask it where we need to go, who we need to see, what we need to do and related type of questions. It will guide us more accurately than any external guide. Our intuitive guidance that comes from the source of our being is the closest thing that we posses that can be in direct contact with the Source of Begin and the Source of Creation if we allow the connection to become conscious. However, we must first give ourselves permission and then act on the intuitive guidance that we get for our intuition to be in that direct connection. We also need to set the intention to do whatever we are lead to do to allow that conscious connection to take place.

We need to use our intuitive guidance and allow it to lead us into exactly how and what we need to do to reconstitute and consolidate the flow of our creative life energy and creative powers. We can find no better guide than our own heart. After all, what is symbolized in our heart is what sustaining our being. We are on our own and we always have been and always will be. Our intuitive guidance will always lead us true if we learn how to use it. We only need to experiment with it and discover its preferred way of communicating with us, learn the inner language it uses, and any symbols it may prefer  to use.

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