The conceptual framework for reconstituting our creative power


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Whether we realize it or not, our creative power and ability has been fragmented and scatter by the activities of life, the experiences we have had, and beliefs we have come hold about ourselves and life. Understanding the relationship between meditation and creativity, understanding and awareness we can reconstitute or reassemble the power which we have given away.

The following discussions provide a conceptual framework to help understand exactly what we try and do when we reconstitute our creative power. Mediation, as a creative tool, can help us to become mindful and aware of our thoughts and feelings. In doing so, it can help us achieve this end. These discussion provide a “theoretical” background for retrieving the soul of our being, our creative spirit and its power, as done in a soul retrieval. It opens the door to a self guided soul retrieval

It is recommended the discussions are read in sequence. Hyperlinks are available and the end of each discussion leading to the next.

Reconstituting the whole
Creativity, awareness and understanding
Reconstituting our creative ability
Expanding our creative ability
Creating within a tradition
The relationship of intention and perspective
Intimacy, meditation, creativity, celibacy and sexuality

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