Iceberg analogy of consciousness


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Given the wave particle nature of energy, energy permeates both the seen and unseen realms. Within the unseen realms there are a variety of radiant forms of energy. Within the seen world, all the mass we see is only a form of energy localized in the mass that contains it and we see energy animates all the movement we observe. It is the form that energy takes which gives rise to the Creation we experience. Yet, all is energy and all ultimately arises from the “stuff” or material of Creation.

Within the perspective provided by the energy consciousness model, energy and consciousness are considered one and the same. The “stuff” of Creation is energy consciousness. As such all that contains energy is also a form of s consciousness. However, the form energy takes does not provided the best way to view and experience Consciousness.

One analogy that can be used to understand consciousness and the relationship of the three aspects of consciousness is to look at consciousness as an iceberg in the sea. An iceberg is a good example for consciousness in that an iceberg is part of the water in which it floats. It is not separate from the water. Although icebergs as we experience them on earth are usually frozen fresh water floating on salt water, think of a pure water iceberg floating in pure water. In this case the iceberg and the water are the same. They only differ in the form.

If you study the energy consciousness concept and apply it in the creative perspective, you will find we are like icebergs flowing in the sea. We are the stuff of creation but only appear different because of how we have come to define ourselves. How big an iceberg we are is determined only by how we have defined ourselves. That most natural way is to define ourselves as our body and never consider the fact that we are infinite creative beings and both our energy and consciousness permeates all of reality much like the wave aspects of a particle permeates all of space.

In the iceberg analogy, what is above water on the surface of the iceberg is what is conscious or our conscious awareness. Our conscious awareness is only a small part of the total consciousness that has created and sustains the creation we experience. It is what consciousness readily seen and experienced

What is below water on the surface of the iceberg is the subconscious. It is that part of the iceberg under water that is in direct contact with the water. The subconscious consciousness is on the surface below the water or below the conscious level. It is the same as the conscious consciousness but is it only below the conscious level. Subconscious consciousness is that which you know you have but don’t know how to find it. You can’t see it because it is below the surface but you only need to lower the level of the water or raise the iceberg or flip the iceberg to find it. The subconscious is the surface of the iceberg that would come above the surface of the water if consciousness could flip the ice berg over or flip it on its side.

That which lied inside the iceberg and below the surface is the unconscious. It is deep within; much below and inside the surface. It is that which you don’t know you have or what you can not see or find. That which is not what you know or experience or are capable of knowing and experiencing without a significant shift in the environment of one’s being.

That which can be readily melted revealing the next layer down is what we have called the dormant consciousness. The dormant consciousness is all that lies below the surface inside of the iceberg that consciousness cannot access unless it melts the outer surfaces and/or probes into the depths of the iceberg. Dormant consciousness normally awakens or reveals itself whenever, or as long as, conditions are correct. The dormant consciousness lies below the surface and conditions must change for the dormant consciousness to be expose or be awaken.

Much of what we use to create the reality we experience lies in our subconscious or unconscious. It is the normal way we create and experience our reality. Most of our consciousness will remain subconscious or unconscious. Yet it needs to be noted, the portion of the ice berg that is above water, the conscious portion is determined by the entire shape and size of the iceberg.

We need to bring part of our subconscious or unconscious to the surface to work with it if we are going to change our experiences. However, that is like trying to flip or change the shape of the iceberg where most of it will still remain subconscious and the part we are working with is on the surface.

If we only flip the iceberg it is unstable. If we change its shape to keep what we want on the surface, most of the iceberg will still remain subconscious. It is inherent in the process that most of the iceberg remains under water and most remains unconscious. So too our consciousness. Parts will always be awakening and going to sleep and/or moving from consciousness into the subconscious or the subconscious moving into consciousness.

As an iceberg always changing as it floats in the water all what is conscious, subconscious and unconscious are always in process of continually based on the experiences that are had and the environment of the experiences. As conscious changes any aspect of the iceberg, a different portion will be above the surface in our consciousness. It is an extremely dynamic and instantaneous process for from the perspective of energy consciousness and there is no time. It is an ongoing and never ending process. Time only exists in relationship to something else. All that is is energy consciousness continually remolding itself. From the perspective of energy consciousness there is no time as we know it and experience it. Time only exists when we focus onto or into a give form of energy or consciousness.

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