Dormant consciousness and levels to our awareness


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

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It studying creativity and our creative ability it has been observed that our ability to creatively respond to any situation depends on whether we are aware and awake to what is occurring. From a creativity perspective, the awareness of consciousness can exist in three forms - a conscious awareness, subconscious awareness, and unconscious or an asleep or dormant awareness.

These three forms of awareness give rise to three types of consciousness - conscious consciousness, subconscious consciousness, and dormant or unconscious consciousness. Similarly they give rise to three types of “mind” - a conscious mind, subconscious mind and unconscious mind. Mind is a property of consciousness and is a result of the experience the consciousness/awareness has. For any of the discussions on creativity using the energy consciousness model and as used in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material, the term subconscious refers to that which exists in mind as a result of the experiences in our current life. The term unconscious refers to that which exists in mind prior to this life.

Before  proceeding, it needs to be noted that as used in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material and the creativity perspective the use of terms conscious, subconscious and unconscious may or may not be consistent with how these concepts are used within the various fields related to psychology, psychiatry, spirituality and metaphysics and the like. The fact there may not be a consistence in these terms does not really matter for in actual practice, little reference to the concepts of a conscious mind, subconscious mind and/or unconscious mind is made. Rather, the use of these terms is focused on understanding how to make the nonconscious aspects of our creative power conscious. These terms are used relative to our awareness that is best described as a detached witness to what we experience and how that awareness responds to what is experienced as described below.

Within the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material conscious awareness is what we perceive as consciousness. That is, we perceives ourselves as existing. How we define ourselves is another issue. Conscious awareness is the awareness of existing and the ability to make choices in the awareness of the choice. If we use a computer analogy, conscious awareness is the part of the software that waits for a response from the user before the program can continue to run. However, it needs to be noted that there is a program running and a deeper question is whether or not we are aware of the programming and exactly what it is doing for us and how it is designed and runs..

Subconscious  awareness is the ability to respond but without the conscious awareness of knowing what one is doing. It is more like an autopilot with a set program and/or default settings. It will respond to what is experienced but it only responds to the preprogrammed setting with a programmed response. There are no options to the response unless there is a preprogrammed response to adjust to different conditions. Most of the experiences we have in life are determined and created by the subconscious programming. If we use the computer analogy, subconscious awareness is the software we are using. If we want to create something different in our life, we will have to change the software or use the software in a different way. More often than now, we have to change the software.

Unconscious awareness has no ability to respond. It is very much fixed and frozen. It exist as pure potential. That is, you have the potential to have an awareness but you have to go and consciously choose to awaken it. It is the premise of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding that we have an infinite awareness that permeates all of Creation. However, most of it is unconscious much like an ice berg. Little of the ice berg is above water. Most of it lies below the surface. So too our consciousness. Most lies below the surface in an unconscious state. The form of our unconscious awareness is ultimately what give rises to the reality we experience. Using the computer analogy, unconsciousness awareness and programming is analogous to the hardware.

However, the unconscious is not fixed as computer hardware is fixed and must be removed if it is to be changed. Rather the unconscious is dormant or asleep. Dormant awareness is awareness that is dormant, or asleep. As such it appears unconscious and function as unconscious awareness until awaken when conditions are correct. It is much like a tree that has become dormant in winter. When spring comes and environmental conditions are correct the tree springs to life. Dormant awareness awakens when certain conditions exist much like a tree. Exactly what awakens depends on the conditions experienced. When it awakens within our being, it can be experienced as a whole new aspect of life unfolding. In radical situations, it can become a life or personality unto itself and/or seem foreign to the identity we have given ourselves.

Dormant awareness and the unconscious tends to be associated with memories of experiences long past. Whenever conditions similar to the past are again experienced, there is an increased possibility that this dormant awareness will awake spontaneously in a remembrance. This property of dormant consciousness can be use in metatheater to surface the conditions that created subconscious programming so that it can be changed. Continuing with the computer analogy, dormant awareness is hardware components that can be easily changed because they are modular or they have jumpers or switches that can change their function if we change the position of its jumpers or switches.

Observing dormant consciousness is like observing the nuclear structure of the atom and the elementary particles of reality. The nucleus and elementary particles exist and how they function are essential to how reality is constructed. However, unless under special laboratory conditions, we do not normally observer either the particles or their individual characteristics. So too with the dormant consciousness. In the way the nuclear and elementary particles of matter lie deep within the mass structure, dormant consciousness lies deep within the unconscious below the subconscious. Although how the dormant consciousness functions is essential to how the reality we experience is constructed, unless we establish the correct conditions, we will not observe either it or its characteristics These three types of consciousness can ve viewed in two ways. One is analogous to the atomic structure of matter and the other is as an iceberg.

In looking at these three forms of consciousness relative to the Creation we experience, the dormant consciousness/unconscious consciousness has a fixed form and that fixed form is what determines much of the creation experience that we have. We can look at the dormant consciousness as creating the reality that we experience, that is Physical Creation. The subconscious as creating the details of the reality we experience that can be changed with effort. The conscious aspects of consciousness creates the flow and animate the experiences we have within the details and reality that we experience. If can look at our dormant consciousness as the mass and the arrangement of that mass of the physical world we experience. Our subconscious as the time, place and details of the particular physical experience that we have and our conscious consciousness as our ability to manipulate and change the details of what we experience.

Some analogies for these three types of consciousness

Iceberg analogy of dormant consciousness. One way to explain dormant consciousness is to look at consciousness as an iceberg. As an iceberg, conscious consciousness is the surface of the iceberg that rises above the water. It is what consciousness readily sees and experiences within itself. The subconscious is the surface of the iceberg that would come above the surface of the water if consciousness could flip the ice berg over or flip it on its side. It is that part of the iceberg under water that is in direct contact with the water. The dormant consciousness is all that lies below the surface inside of the iceberg that consciousness cannot access unless it melts the outer surfaces and/or probes into the depths of the iceberg. However, the portion of the ice berg that is above water, the conscious portion is determined by the entire shape and size of the iceberg. If conscious changes any aspect of the iceberg, a different portion will be above the surface. It is an extremely dynamic and instantaneous process for from the perspective of energy consciousness there is no time. Time only exists in relationship to something else and all that is is energy consciousness so there is no time as we know it and experience it.

Atomic structure analogy of dormant consciousness. Functionally, we can look at dormant consciousness as the structure of an atom. As an atom, conscious consciousness functions as the outer electrons. It is what allows consciousness to interact with its creation or world to have the types and kinds of experiences it does. However, in this model, consciousness cannot do everything that is possible because it only has only so many outer electrons in which to interact with other atoms. There is a set of inner electrons that, if consciousness creates the correct conditions, it can get some of them to interact increasing the types and kind of interactions that it has. This inner set of electrons is the subconscious. By accessing and using the subconscious, consciousness can create a much larger set of experiences that possible with only the outer electrons.

In the same way an atom is limited by its nucleus to the number of electrons it can have, dormant consciousness holds consciousness to a particular time and place in a given creation, physical or otherwise. As long as consciousness realizes it is limited to a particular creation that is has created through its dormant consciousness, it can have any type and kind of experience that it chooses within the bounds of that particular creation. For example, if consciousness creates a physical reality and a body to experience that physical creation, it is limited by that body to have the physical experience. It can have any experience that it chooses within that body and its environment. In the same analogous way that we can rearrange the nucleus of an atom to create a different atom, if consciousness successfully and permanently rearranged the dormant consciousness, it would find ourselves in a different world. How different the world would be would depend on how much of the dormant conscious it rearranged.

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