An awareness in the body


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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An awareness in the body
The issues we face as humans
We are already equipped for such a journey
The issue of sex
The issue of trust
The questions
The need to act

The body is more than a vehicle for a physical experience just as we are more than spirit having a physical experience. The body is actually a bridge and temple. It allows us to span the world of the seen and unseen and is a place where we can meet the creative powers/Creative Powers of Creation face to face. It becomes a vehicle to manifest what is accessed in the unseen world by the bridge and provides a place, that temple, where we can meet and joint our creative powers and the Creative Powers.

The issues we face as humans (Top)

There is a powerful awareness and a profound wisdom and understanding about who and what we are, our birthright, what we incarnated to do, about the nature of Creation and ourselves, the creative powers/Creative Powers of Creation, and the source/Source of Creation locked within our body. It is accessible only through the depth of our feelings when we are open to feeling the very depth of our being simultaneously at each and every level of our being - spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.

The first issue we face is whether or not this feeling at the very depth of our being is judged by mind is painful or pleasurable. The answer is that it is simultaneously both. The feeling we sense is beyond mind and beyond the duality which mind creates. Hence our first really dilemma - how do we create the conditions such that we can be in this feeling and not have it turn into pleasure or pain. If it is pain full, we will run away. If it is pleasurable, we become addicted to the pleasure and miss the awareness and wisdom.

This awareness and understanding is accessible through feeling because, whether we realize it or not, our creative power is accessed and arises in feeling. Without some passion, some flow of energy, for what we desire to create, nothing happens. It is our feelings for and against things in life that pulls or pushes us one way or another.

In the awareness of the flow of energy that arises from the depths of our being simultaneously permeating each and every level of our being there lies a doorway. It is the doorway to all that humanity has every sought. To access this awareness, wisdom and understanding one must walk through the door way. But to walk through the doorway, it is uncertain what will one find - pleasure, pain or the awareness and wisdom?

We are already equipped for such a journey (Top)

At some level of our being, we all know the doorway to this awareness and understanding is there. In fact, we have internal mechanisms, such as our internal compass and intuitive guidance systems, that allows us to readily use this awareness and wisdom, when accessed, to be harness both as the inner and outer creative powers/Creative Powers available to us. The issue is accessing the awareness, wisdom and understanding that lies in feelings let alone understanding them and using them.

Since the awareness and understanding lies in a feeling, what we seek is beyond mind and what the mind is capable of creating from its own understanding. As a result of a quirk to Creation, that is creation is not done alone but with another or others, the key to this awareness is actually controlled by another and needs to be given to us by them.

The paradox is that the key is within us but in a place that cannot be reached without the assistance of another. We cannot get to the depth of this feeling without the assistance of another. Another is needed to call forth our creative spirit and awaken the awareness of the key let alone giving it to us to use. If mind becomes afraid in any way as to what it feels and or experiences or mind imposes itself on what it thinks, one will not be able to access the awareness and understanding.

Because sexuality has the potential to take us into deep feelings, it is a natural path to the doorway to this awareness and understanding in the body. We do not have to have sex with the individual who gives us the key. But we will have to be able to be deeply intimate with them at every level of our being and go to a place of vulnerability and great compassion within ourselves that goes well beyond the comfort zone of mind. The reason for this is that to access the depth of feeling required, we will have to experience and move pass that types and kinds of feelings found in sexuality. Exactly what is required depends on the individual. For many, the desire to engage in sex that arises because of the intimacy that is created is too much to resist and they move into sexuality and miss the awareness and wisdom that is available. But the issue is not sex or sexuality and whether or not one engages in sex.

The issue of sex (Top)

Sexuality becomes very confusing to many for three reasons. First, sexuality is a natural door way to this awareness and understanding as a result of the deep feelings and intimacy it can create. Second, the awareness, wisdom and understanding lies in deep feelings beyond sexuality so one does have to face the types and kinds of feelings that do arise in sexuality. Three, sexuality is the second most creative state one can enter and engaging in sexuality causes that creative power to be released. As a result, sexuality masks the awareness and understanding available to us and we do not use the depth of feelings available to us.

Many do see in sex something that goes to the depth of their being but they know not what it is. They engage in sex yet find something lacking. Many see, or may be better said, many intuitively understanding, that what they seek lies in someone or something external to them. So, they seek a beloved or that perfect soul mate who they can trust to call forth and give them what they seek. Others see what they seek beyond what a physical individual can provided and seek the Beloved - something, someone as intimate as the beloved but goes well past what a physical beloved can provided - something of divine power and origins. Many think it is a relationship with God so they seek God. But in seeking God, because of a quirk in most concepts of God, they create a separation for God cannot do what another human being must do.

What is sought lies beyond sexuality. Because one must go through the feelings that arise in sexuality, in many ways sexuality stands at the door way preventing us from entering the place where this awareness, wisdom and understanding can be readily accessed. But sexuality is ultimately not the issue. Some are frightened by sexuality and what it implies. This fear frightens many away from entering, which is a real possibility for most of us for a variety of reasons. Many seek the sexuality for the pleasure it provides and cannot find the wisdom and understanding for they have crossed over and stepped into the duality of mind. But the primary issue of sexuality is a result of the fact that sexuality is the second most creative state you can enter. Without a clear intention and a single point focus, because of the creative power of sexuality and our lack of knowing how to use it that we never see beyond what lies behind, or beyond, the sex, sex, and the way it creates, creates such a diversion, distraction and raises issues in our life that we get taken completely off track. But, surprisingly all of the issue of sexuality can be relatively easily be overcome. The real issue is trust.

The issue of trust (Top)

Trust has several different meaning and does mean different things to different people. Trust, as used here in this context, is about something committed to one’s care for use and safekeeping. It his about having a charge and responsibility to ensure the integrity of what is used and having the integrity to use what is given wisely and in a way that maintains its safekeeping. Yet, trust requires a confidence in the reliability of another without careful investigation and necessarily the proof one would like to have about one’s integrity and trustworthiness. To trust someone causes us to enter the unknown and makes us very, if not extremely, vulnerable.

The question is, “Who will call forth and gives us the key to open the door to this awareness?” Who can we trust to go to such an intimate, space? Who can create the safe and secure space and call forth the depth of our feelings beyond what even sexuality can arouse? Who can we trust to cause the deepest possible sexual feeling to arise in us to experience their joy and not trap us in their own desires? Who can we trust that will keep us focused on what we need to do and address to access this awareness and bring it forth into our life to survive in the world we have created? Who can we trust that will not allow the sexuality to become the distraction nor the past it surfaces, or the energy that is released? Who can we trust that will not take the energy that is releases and the vulnerability created within us and used for their desires? Who can we trust to use this key and yet freely and willing give it to us? Who can we trust to help us go to the most intimate and most powerful creative place anyone can go and yet not use what is found for their own gain? How do we construct a way with another that allows us to access this awareness within the body and yet use it in our life and remain free from all that traps and bindings that have prevented us from readily accessing it in the past?

Of course, along with the issue of trust in another, we must face the issue of trust within ourselves.
Can we trust ourselves to go to such an intimate, space and face all that keeps us from living in and from that space? Can we trust ourselves to create that safe and secure space that will give permission for the depth of our feelings beyond what even sexuality can arouse to come forth? Can we trust ourselves to be in the deepest possible sexual feeling and not become trapped in our own desires? Can we trust that we will keep ourselves focused on what we need to do and address to access this awareness and bring it forth into our life to survive in the world we have created? Can we trust that we will not allow the sexuality to become the distraction nor the past it surfaces, or the energy that is released? Can we trust that we will not take the energy that is released and the vulnerability created within us and used for our own desires? Can we trust ourselves to use this key and not lock ourselves into a cage of our own making? Can we trust to go to the most intimate and most powerful creative place anyone can go with another and not use what we find for our own gain and at the expense of the other? Do we trust ourselves that we can find a way with another that allows us to access this awareness within the body and yet use it in our life and remain free from all that traps and bindings that have prevented us from readily accessing it in the past?

There is only one way to answer these questions on trust. It is to step out and see what happens. This step can be the most frightening anyone can ever take. Yet the rewards and beyond belief and too much for most to believe.

The good news is there is a way, or ways, to access this awareness and bring it forth to use in our life without become trapped by the past, by sexuality or the one who gives us the key. The bad news is we cannot do it alone. There will have to be someone, somewhere, at some time, we will have to trust. But there is a way to find someone whom we can trust. But first we will have to learn to trust ourselves to learn to know when we are being served or not being served by another at each and every level of our being.

The questions (Top)

Aside from the issue of trust, the questions that do arise in accessing this powerful awareness and profound wisdom and understanding tend to be the following:

What does it mean to be open to feeling?

What does it mean and feel like to feel the very depth of our being simultaneously at each and every level of our being - spiritual, mental, emotional and physical?

How does one create a simultaneous feeling that goes to the depth of being spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically?

How does one walk through the door way?

How do we create the conditions such that we can be in this feeling and not have it turn into pleasure or pain?

What does the key to this awareness look like?

What about people who cannot physically function sexually and they still go there and access these deep feeling?

How can we cause the deepest possible sexual feeling to arise in us and not become trapped in our own desires or the desires of another?

What does it mean to be served or not served by another at each and every level of our being?

How you answer these questions will ultimately be unique to our own being. There are similarities each of us will face. There is a common ground that can be shared. However, each of our journeys are unique. The best way to start the journey is to open ourselves to feeling and what we feel, calibrate our internal compass and learn to use our internal guidance. We will then have the tools so as to not get lost or distracted on the journey we take into the awareness of the body.

The need to act (Top)

To truly understand and learn what the body feels and how it feels we will have to step out of mind. Somewhere, sometime, someplace we will have to find a safe and secure space and give ourselves permission to truly be out of mind. We must step out of all thinking, judging, analyzing and be totally consumed in feelings and sensations. we have to completely step out of how we think the universe works and what they believe. Otherwise the mind will mask what we feel and what is symbolized in the heart.

If we step out of mind in awareness, we will be able to calibrate ourselves as to what it feels like to be in the body and in flow with what is symbolized in the heart. That memory can then be used as a compass and reference point to know when the mind is masking what we feel and any other body sensations. How we each choose to step out of mind will have to be unique to the individual and how our mind has learn to deny and mask what it feels and how their mind creates its “feelings” that it uses to maintain control.

On this note there are levels to stepping out of mind and it may have to be an iterative process. The deeper we can step out, the more profoundly we will feel and experience the interconnectedness of all things and experience the oneness of the universe. In this regard, the goal as to what depth we need to experience the feelings the body is entirely dependent on the environment in which we live.
The rule of thumb is that we will have to step out of mind and go to a depth within ourselves that takes us past the deepest separation we experience in our world. If we feel separated from a loved one, we have to go to a depth that take us past the separation to see the oneness of all that is and the role our loved one is playing for us. If we feel separated from a member of another race, religion, or philosophy, we again will have to go to a depth that takes us past that separation to see the role they play in oneness. If we feel a deep longing in our heart for a “beloved” whether that beloved is a person or a concept of God, we will have to go to a depth within our being to see past the separation to find the true nature of our longing for there is only oneness and all that we feel is only a creation of our own mind.

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