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 Impregnating dreams into others 

Impregnating the dreams of others

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Traditionally the heart has been described as the seat of one’s love of life and in life, and represents the passion and enthusiasm that animates life. If we are fully in our passion, we have all the fuel we need to create whatever we wish. If we have little passion for what we do and/or for life, we have minimum energy to bring a new creation into existence. We may function well in our job and/or satisfactorily meet the expectations of those around us, but we will not have the creative inspiration nor the magnitude of energy that accompanies our creative passion. Similarly, many individuals perform very creatively with great energy but the individual never realizes their passion because they are not following where their creative passion leads. Rather they channel what creative passion they have into what is acceptable to the world around them and they may be actually manifesting a dream another impregnates in them.

As discussed in the topic of dreams, a dream is our mind’s characterization of an energy we experience in to a thought and it is a thought for which we have a passion to manifest. If we align with that flow of energy which brought us into Physical Creation we will manifest the dream of our heart and the intention for our life. However, our current mind can override any feeling we have and can choose or not choose to manifest any thought we have. Without the strong inner masculine to live the truth of our being, we can become impregnated with the dreams of others. This is done by giving us a belief, perspective or way of thinking and believe which overrides our truth. Often this is done by castrating the inner masculine and then programming the individual to think and believe a certain way.

Impregnating dream within others can be done one of two ways. One is to overlay the dream of the heart and the other is to overlay dream of the mind

Overlay the dream of the heart

Reviewing the process discussed in the topic, "How the dream manifests," Mind of Consciousness thrusts Its beliefs into Its energy to manifest a given form of energy, our spirit, our soul, or we as an individual point of consciousness, which nurtures and grows into a new way of being within reality. That individual point of consciousness has a mind of its own and it can thrust itself into the energy to create a new child. That is, a body having a human physical experience. The child of our energy consciousness as an individual point of consciousness is expressed within our minds as a dream and is expressed by our energy as a body and our way of being in the world as the dream manifests and unfolds. The dream and our body and the world we experience in that body, are both the same. Different views of the same thing. Exactly what we see only depends on the perspective we choose to have.

Impregnating dreams

In this realization, special note needs to be made that one can have their psyche impregnated with a dream of another and the process of impregnating dreams is as natural a process as a male and female joining to create an offspring or a follow a process similar to artificial insemination where the fertilization process is somewhat masked. We can create the dream of our choice or someone can create a dream for us and we may not even know that we have been impregnated with someone else’s dream.

There are dreams that are planted in us by the world in which we incarnate that we do not even recognize they exist until conditions are correct to act on that dream and then suddenly we find ourselves pulled along by a dream that we really don’t know where it came from. Dream impregnation is about creating passion in another that is not of their heart and not of their mind in that they would not choose it if they could choose. Impregnated dreams of another is about the diversion of our creative life energy to serve another. Often dream impregnation is accomplished by a castration of the inner masculine.

Many, if not most, both males and females alike, have had their inner masculine castrated and the dreams of others planted in the fertile womb of the inner feminine. The result is that the inner feminine is unknowingly forced or coerced to nurture the dreams of others rather than her own dream. Additionally, if our inner masculine is poorly develop or the inner masculine is castrated, we will be unable to find the creative solutions we seek and/or thrust out to manifest them.

The way dream impregnation works is quite simple. Only a few things need to be remembered. Mind, any mind corresponding to any aspect of consciousness, is a fertile space or womb. It will grow and manifest whatever is planted. As long as mind believes and holds that belief, it will grow into an experience or influence the experiences we have. Unless we are mindful and aware and tend to the beliefs we have as a gardener looks carefully at which is growing in their garden, we will manifest experiences we don’t want or were unaware we were creating. Although mind works the same way at any level of consciousness, we will focus on the mind of the body.

When we were conceived, a body began to form around or from that original fertilized egg. That body, because of its energy, has a consciousness and a mind whether that mind is aware of itself doesn’t matter. It still exists. It came into existence at the moment the egg was fertilized and only became aware of itself somewhere around 2 -4 years of age. That is, it became fully aware of "I am" in the sense of "I am this..." and "I am not that...." The "I" is not necessarily aware the "I" exists as a separate individual identity. It is only aware to the level of "I am" in the sense that "This hand is part of me, but this toy or mommy is not." It probably took another 2-3 year (about age 4-7) for the consciousness to really begin to understand what "I am" really means as a separated identity and it may never become aware of what "I am this and not that" means relative to the ego. That is, it may never be aware of the way mind has defined itself and that it is a separate identity and being. In this sense "Mommy is not me but it is my mommy" and the ownership of ego begins to pay a major role in identity. In this later 2-3 year period, the child beings to construct a life based on a conscious awareness and choice based on what it knows and has learned. Although this developing mind could not make conscious choice in all aspects of its experiences and life, it nevertheless starts to do so. Also, it needs to be added, that even after 60, 70 or 80 years later it is and will be still learning to do so for even after this long time period it still hasn’t learned to make conscious choices.

This process of consciously creating experiences based on what mind knows and experiences never stops. It is only because the body itself ceases to function that the mind associated with the body stops. Yet that is also not quite true. The mind of the body only stops collecting and having experiences as the body for the consciousness does not die, nor does the mind associated with that consciousness. It just ceases to exist in the form that it had. Additionally, although the consciousness that created the body is not the body nor is the mind of the body the mind of the consciousness that created the body, the consciousness that created the body may continue to use the enculturated mind the body developed in part or in total. This is why it is so important for consciousness at any level to become like the wind, coming with nothing and leaving with nothing. Otherwise we carry our past experiences with us. It is all a matter of choice.

In any case, any thought that gets inserted into this developing enculturated mind can become a dream if it is held with some passion or is somehow associated with life and living and is particular important to life. That is, one’s idea of what is needed to live at any level of their being is somehow associated with that thought. If there is some reason to be passionate about any thought and that passion is allowed to flow into that thought or added to how the thought is held, that thought becomes a dream. There is a passion to live so anything that supports life or one thinks they need to support life will have some passion behind it.

Here it needs to be noted that as long a one thinks the thought somehow supports life, it will have some passion. The thought may in actually have nothing to do with the reality of how one’s life is sustained. Nevertheless, as long as one thinks that way, the passion of life and for living will be added to it. If one comes to believe they must become something or act in a particular way in the world to live, survive and have life, a desire and subsequently a dream is created to become that thing or that way of being so as not to die. Over time, rather than living the reason for creating the life that one has and unfolding the intention that created our life, we come to believe we must live a certain way to have life and as a result we get impregnated with a dream that is not ours.

For example, we give no thought to how children should be educated or live in the world until we suddenly find ourselves with a child. Although all that is needed to have life is nourishment, water, air and a place to grow and unfold in accordance with one’s uniqueness, the parents suddenly have all kinds of ideas as to what it takes to have life in the world. They have an instant realization as to what success looks like to live in the world for their child although we may have never thought about it for themselves. For some this is a conscious awareness for others it is nonconscious. But in any case, the impregnated dream of success is there. It had been impregnated in the parents relative to that society whether what the parents perceive is in accordance with, or against, society. Society is used as the mirror for what success in life looks like. Then without our realization, we have a dream as to what our child should be in the world or how they should be educated.

One needs to ask themselves, where did this image for my child come from as to what success looks like and how one needs to live in the world to live life successfully. In many cases it is not our dream or what the child desires but what has been impregnated in we by the world in which we were raised. Few stop to ask, "What do I really want to give the child, not what the world wants or in reaction to it?" Even fewer ask, "what does the child really need to unfold according to its own unique nature of which I know little about - what can I do to create the safe space for that unfoldment no matter what it looks like?"

This process of impregnating individuals with dreams is one way society ensures we do what it wants we to do without our realization that we are following the desires and dreams of society rather than our own, or that of the child’s. Another example is any dream that we may have of an afterlife or Heaven. We need to ask ourselves, "How is it I have come to dream about an after life rather than being focused here in the moment?" Or, "Where did these ideas of an afterlife come from - are they an internal knowing or have I accepted some other person’s idea of an afterlife and have come to believe them as my own?" If we look carefully, we will see we are dreaming a dream impregnated into we by others rather than dreaming a dream that we ourselves chose to create and dream about. In actually this question about what the after life looks like is very important. If we have a preconceived notion of our afterlife and it is not correct, our expectation will not allow we to see this after life as it is when we move into it. We will move right past what we are entitled to having. It is better to have no expectations at all. More importantly if we can learn to live with no expectations we can come to see Heaven, the Kingdom of God, and Nirvana are here an now. What exactly we experience depends on how our mind perceives it and what it believes about what it is experiencing.

In any case, if an impregnated dream steals our creative life energy it will be impossible to manifest the dream of our heart, or even one of our mind that we choose. Our creative life energy is diverted into the impregnated dream of another.

The how of, and what, these "mating" processes looks like and the variety of ways we have been taught to believe what we do is beyond the scope of discussion at this time because our efforts here are not directed at creating the dreams themselves. Rather our effort is directed towards getting us in touch with the dreams we already have and to become aware of their origin. We need to explore why we have the dream we do rather than any other. The issue we wish we to focus on is that we already carry a very important dream that will have a life of its own.

We need to understand that any time one tries to get us to believe what success, salvation, enlightenment, spirituality and the like looks like is an impregnation. We are being impregnated with the dream of another for they are tying our life and what we think we need to have for life to something that does not exist unless we create it. We already have life and it flows through our heart. We are already successful and have created exactly what we believe. We have salvation for the Kingdom of God is at hand before us but we are not seeing it because how we think and what we believe. We are enlightened but we don’t use the body wisdom and intuitive guidance we have. And there is no separation between the world of spirit and the physical. We are already are in the spiritual world. It just doesn’t look like what we think it should look like. One only needs to follow their heart if they are going to have life. There is no other way. Mind can protect but id doesn’t give life. Only the heart gives life and we need to learn to follow the heart.

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