If it doesn't work, something is missing


"It is in your postulates you find your problems" - F. Beiduk

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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One of the most powerful guiding principles that has been found is rather simple. It is that our problems lie in our assumptions. When we accurately understanding something, things work as expected. It is when we do not understand and make assumptions about what is occurring that we find problems.

In looking to develop a model or theory to understand any aspect of Creation we need to become aware that any time our model or theory fails to agree with reality and/or fail to predict an outcome, something is missing in our understanding. In such a case, we need to look carefully at our assumptions and how we think things work. No matter how good our model or theory works in other cases or areas, our model is nevertheless incomplete in some way. We can use our model or theory where it works. But we cannot claim its truth outside the situations where we know it works. One of the more common problems we face in any observation is the illusion of objectivity and that we are not somehow biasing what we observe or the data we collect.

The recommendation is to allow effectiveness to be the measure of truth. Allow it to be the criteria to which we hold ourselves and our understanding about Creation. In doing so, we can continually iterate and improve the model, theory or understanding we use to support our creative endeavors.

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Understanding our assumptions
Models and myths
Illusion of objectivity

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