Illusion Of Objectivity


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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For many centuries, there has been a belief that we can be objective in our observation of Nature and Creation. This is, we can some how detach ourselves from the world we inhabit and from what we observe and experience. At one level that appears to be true for humanity has made great discoveries because of it. Our scientific world has evolved and grown from this belief.

However, even science has found at the most fundamental levels the observer and the observed are integrally connected. The truth of the matter is that no matter how much we try and how removed we may feel, we cannot really separate ourselves from our environment and from what we observe. We and our environment are integrally connected. To believe we can be objective and experience objectivity as a truth can be done as long as we believe and/or live in separation. In reality, our inner world is reflected in the outer. If we change one, we will change the other. If there is any aspect we don’t like, ultimately we will need to go within to see how our internal world and our external observation is connected for it is only there that we will find the source of what w are experiencing.

The traditional understanding of being objective is to be free from, or independent of, personal feelings, opinions, prejudices, and the like. It is to be detached and/or unbiased. To be objective pertains to what is external to, or independent of the mind and pertains to that which is considered real as opposed to subjective. Being objective is seen to deal with external or actual phenomenon, as distinct form inner or imaginary feelings and thoughts. These definitions seems straight forward and it we appear can be objective. However, there is an illusion in this concept of objectivity.

In talking about being objective, there are two ways we live with the illusion of objectivity. One is there is a bias of our mind in how we focus our attention and awareness to observe anything at which we look. The second way is that ultimately the creator and the creation are one and they are integrally connected.

Understanding this illusion of objectivity is key for no matter what we look at, it is personal and the view comes from within our subjective view. We cannot escape it. We can get another to agree with what we perceive but that still does not remove our bias. It simply means we are biased in the same way.

Our scientific world view says that is it possible to be objective. At one level this is very true. It is true if we are observing Physical Creation and the rules of Physical Creation. Physical Creation is a shared creation. As a shared creation we all share the same rules of Physical Creation. In this regard there is an objectivity that is the rules of Physical Creation are independent of our subject view. Because of how Physical Creation is constructed, it allows us to experience being objective by providing vehicles for the experience, our bodies, that allow us to live in the illusion of separation. As a result we think we are separate from what we observe and we and our environment are not integrally connected. But this is also and illusion and we, as humans, are being to see how integrally we and our environment are connected.

To be objective, means that we can somehow remove ourselves from the whole movement. We remove ourselves from all things, all existence, the oneness. That is, we live in separation. We somehow take ourselves out of Creation and we make ourselves an object to be observed and manipulated. In doing so, we make everything else objects to be observed and manipulated. That includes other people, plants, animal, nature, the universe and God.

We can do this only up to a point. The point is only to the point at which we being to uncover and understand the rules of Physical Creation. The rules of Physical Creation are taking us to see we and our environment are integrally connected. We cannot become a conscious creator and remain objective and create. Quite simply the creator and the creation are one. We and the physical experience we have, are connected. Each feeds the other.

What is not realized, unless we are open to feeling, as soon as we attempt to separate ourselves from Creation and live as though we are separate, we will feel pain at some level of our being. However, since most of us have raised our sensitivity to pain as we grow through life, we never consciously feel the subtle pain of separation. The cutting of the umbilical cord is the first separation we feel and over time we learn to exist as an independent physical entity. Unless we become aware of the pain and address it at its source, we will need an addiction of which thinking in one such addition and the most popular addiction so as to not feel. To attempt to remove ourselves totally for any other we have to shut off our awareness and that leads to pain. We then step into an addiction of one form or another to numb the pain.

The problem with the scientific method in the ultimate search for truth is the illusion of separation for it requires us to remove ourselves from the oneness. We then look at Creation and dissect it and take it apart. But the truth is we are interconnected to all that is at each and every level of our being.

The scientific method is about taking something into its smallest parts and then by knowing the smallest parts it is assumed that then we will know the whole. This is how knowing takes place and why in the Biblical Story of the Garden of Eden Story, of the Book of Genesis it was the fruit of tree of knowledge that was eaten and caused humanity to be cast out of the Garden. The knowledge we gain through the mind is the problem. Mind takes things apart but to truly understand one has to experience the whole to understand. To truly understand the whole we must step out of mind.

We cannot stand in a knowledge of the pieces. It is a dance between the two. At some level we have to completely forget the individual parts and look at the whole and experience the whole. Unless we do the dance between knowing the pieces and experiencing the whole, we will not understand. The process to move forward in understanding is to step out of mind into what you feel to challenge all that we know by what we feel. Then move into those feelings that take us past what we know. Then after we have shattered our boundaries by our feelings, reconstitute ourselves with a new understanding that incorporates all that we have learned. Then repeat the process again and again and we will find ourselves expanding and growing.

The attempt to be objective causes us to tend to look at the universe and people as mechanistic. Here we refer to a mechanistic type process as something wound up and it runs. In essence we only need to find out who wound it up and why. In many ways this is true, especially when we look at the cause effect relationship that causes the flow of energy within Creation. The problem is that there is no recognition that the observer and the observed are not separate from each other. They are integrally linked. What the observer thinks affects what is observed and what is observed affects what the observer thinks. It is a dynamic dance between the two that is always in process. This is why it is important to become the detached witness and surrender to the flow to truly understand the cause of the flow.

Objectivity seems to works well for observations of the creation processes of Physical Creation because Physical Creation is experiences as being infinitely vast relative to the observer. The observer sees themselves as an individual human and as a relative "speck" in comparison to the vastness of earth and the known universe. However, when one human interacts with another, we have two infinite beings both who have agreed to limit themselves to relatively the same size by adhering to the rules of Physical Creation to have a the physical experience as a human being interacting with another human being. Here we are dealing with equals. One of the individuals is not experienced as seemingly vast and the other insignificant. The objective probing, studying, and mechanistic approach used to become intimate with earth to learn its intimate operations is not something that can be tolerated with an equal. Rather the person will feel violated before they feel observed. Unless of course they have desensitized themselves or have given permission to explore what is. We being to see our own vastness, we not longer can treat the Earth as something separate from us. We begin to treat it as an equal and then eventually as our own Creation.

We live in the physical world and believe we can be objective and that carries over into our relationships whether we realize it or not. We do not consider interconnectedness we have with others. We assume they are separate from us just like the separation we feel from earth itself. Many healing and educational approaches of the past have been based on a system where a knowledgeable person who is removed from the process. The knowledgeable individual stands outside the process that is occurring. Whether it be healing or education the knowledgeable individual is seen as objective and separate from the patient or student to somehow manipulates the "variables" so the patient/client heals and/or the student learns what is required.

This approach fails to acknowledge healing or learning occurs within, and from within, the individual. Often it is the relationship itself and/or the belief in the relationship, that heals or educates, not necessarily exactly what is done. In this regard, often when the individual is healed or educated they become different in some way as compared to the way they were. However, they are returned to the environment from which they came and cannot survive in it. Either they must leave the environment, change the environment, or return to their former way of living only to get ill in another way or to forget what they learned. We often fail to realize how much the environment is what has held the individual bound as opposed to allowing the individual to live in a healthy way or one in which the individual is free to grow and expand into who and what they really are. Rather, the environment causes them to deny or suppress themselves and who and what they truly are.

Two notes needs to be made here. It was said above that "often the relationship heals." When one believes they are objective the person who is ill come to a "healer to be healed" and the healer stands outside the healing process, manipulating the system in some way based on what they know or understand to create the conditions for healing to occur. However, in oneness, the healer needs the ill person just as much as the ill person needs the healer. To have an identity of "healer" the healer need sick people. In this case, in the interconnectedness of all things, it can be said the healer is causing or creating sick people so as to have their identity. They in fact are helping to contribute to the individual’s illness. In this case the healer is really a little more than a parasite feeding of the lack of awareness of others. The same is true for a teacher or any other occupation where the individual gets an identity from what they do.

However, if the healer does not see themselves as a healer but only discovering and exploring the universe as to how each individual point of consciousness creates their experiences they do not create sick people. Rather, the person who is ill comes to give the "healer" or rather, the student of healing, (one who has chosen to study how we create health and illness) an opportunity to learn more about the unique and creative ways we create the experience of illness, the aspect of creation the student of healing has chosen to study. If the student of healing did not treat the individuals mechanistically and objectively but look at each individual as an opportunity to learn about creation, they could share their insights to the one who is ill about how the experience of illness is created. In turn, the healer can discover and explore how we create our experiences. If the student of healing can added spontaneity and innocence to their practice as opposed to staying in the requirements of their profession when their body wisdom and intuitive guidance lead otherwise one would return to that state of childlike play and find what could only be described as miracles at their finger tips and they would find themselves dancing in a magic and mystical world.

It needs to be emphasized that although what is said here is directed towards healers and to a lesser extent educator, the same is true for every one and everything including, and especially patients. If we get our identity ["I am a...." which is only a form of "I am this.... and not that....."] from what we do, we are a parasite for we are creating conditions such that we feed off the unawareness of others. That is, we create them to feed our identity so we can practice what we have choose to do and become.

But there is another view that we can use. We can see each individual as a experiences to discover and explore how we create our reality and the experiences we have and see that other person only revealing a part of ourselves, much the way the consciousness, within, or behind, Creation created an infinite number of Playmates to experience itself. In understanding that in the oneness of the universe we have pulled to us the individual that stands before us for an experience of some type, we can do anything we wish and never bind another and never lose our ability to play. However, one will need to be free to follow their body wisdom and intuitive guidance as opposed to their mind. Otherwise, the mind will create the likes and dislikes that create the attachments that bind and keep ourselves and others captive.

The only thing you will have to remember is that whomever we pull to ourselves may be unaware. If we do not respect their unawareness we will violate them in some way and have to live with the consequences. We will have to work with them on their level of awareness unless we share what we understand. Even if we do share, they may or may not understand. So it is best to give the individual full disclosure of our intentions as to why we created them and causes them to come into our life. We will have to share an intimacy with them in that we will have to reveal ourselves as to who and what we really are.

We can be assured that if the individual is open to who and what they are, they will realize at some level of their being they heard and responded to our call as we have responded to theirs. They are in our life just as much as we are in theirs to create a certain type and kind of experience. If however, they cannot be honest with themselves and what they are longing to create from the deepest levels of their being, they will not accept our openness and probably we will feel some hurt and pain and not feel as though we can share ourselves in the future. In which case we return to our own unawareness and become a parasite to feed of the unawareness of others to feed our identity.

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