How consciousness defines itself


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Consciousness defines itself by the experience it has. When consciousness separated itself into individualized points of consciousness as discussed in the Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective, in that moment, each point was the same and had the exact same potential for each was unaware and un-awake. Since each possessed a free will, and each was unaware and un-awake, each was identical and equal in that moment. Each possessed the capabilities to be totally unique unto themselves and find its true identity through that uniqueness. Or, each could make itself a copy of some other consciousness that it experienced and define itself as it tried to copy the world in which it found itself.

What most of us do in life is try and define ourselves by copying the world in which we find ourselves. Then we are puzzled when we seem unfulfilled and that something is missing. We living in accordance with what we are taught and learn in life. Few of us look to our own uniqueness and the energy that flows within our being to define who and what we are.

In any case, each point of consciousness is also an energy. As an energy, its energy is spread out throughout reality. Although each point of consciousness permeated all that is and is infinite in its being, it is unaware was unaware of that fact. Each had to define itself as to who and what it is.

The first step in becoming consciously aware for each individualized consciousness was the realization of “I am” or “I exist.” That is, consciousness realized it existed. However, from that moment, each point of consciousness developed its own definition of who and what it was. From that moment on, there were and infinite individualized and unique points of consciousness defining themselves through the experiences that they had. Each experience either confirmed an identity and understanding that consciousness already had about itself or each experience brought it a realization and new aspect of its being and/or reality. Hence all that really exists is experience. We use those experiences to define ourselves. Yet we are not the experiences we have had. We are the awareness of the experience. As long as we define ourselves by who we have been and the experiences we have had, we can never become who we really are.

Consciousness awakens as a result of a flow of energy. We are the flow of energy experiencing itself as it flow through Creation. Without a flow of energy there is nothing to observe. But what is not realized is that our consciousness is the flow of energy awakening to itself. We can localize our point of observation in the flow and have an experience of the flow or it can localize our awareness outside the flow. As the flow shifts as it passes through creation our experience changes. Yet we are the experience not the experience we have had.

The only real reason we humans have for going anywhere, or doing anything is to define ourselves. It is to find out more about ourselves and see what the experience we have reveals about ourselves. We, as any consciousness, define ourselves by the experiences we have based and those experiences arise as a result of the intentions we hold. The intention we hold provides the direction in which we travel. The experiences we have in that direction are then what we use to define who and what we think we are. In having the experience we often forget our intention is what created the experience.

We do not see this process for what it is because of the way we hold our intentions. Rather than holding an intention that transcends our ego through the entire process of manifestation, we do two things. One is we hold intentions that reinforce the ego and identity we have created. The second is we continually change our intentions. We change it because we judge the experience we have in some way. We judge it as good or bad, right or wrong, pleasurable or non-pleasurable. We do not let it go and moving to the next intention in true freedom freely like the wind - coming with noting and leaving with nothing.

In this regard, it is very difficult to become like the wind. To have an feeling or an awareness that we like or dislike something is an attachment even if we take no action or do not move in any way to act on that like or dislike. Just having a preference is an attachment. Because we hold many beliefs and opinion we hold many subconscious judgements and preferences about what we experience. Those subconscious preferences act like intentions that pull certain types and kinds of experiences to us to create what we desire without us realizing we are doing it.

It was said above the intention we hold needs to be one that transcends our ego to see this process. The reason for this is as follows. If we hold and manifest an intention that lies within how we have defined ourselves by our experiences we are always in the reality as we know it and have defined it. In doing so, we will never see how we actually create the ego we have by our experience for are experiences are based on what we already know and have experienced. In holding an intention that transcends our ego, we force ourselves to go beyond the definition of ourselves. In doing so, we have experiences we have not had before. In having an experience we have not had before, we can being to see how we assimilate that experience into our being and we can see how we define our selves by the new experiences we have.

Consciousness, the All That Is, and the consciousness that inhabits each human body defines itself by the experiences it has. Each of us, being beings of infinite consciousness, will take an infinite number of different types and kinds of experiences for our consciousness to fully comprehend who and what it really is. To be confined to a limited set of spiritual, mental, emotional an physical beliefs it will be impossible for our consciousness to define the depth and breath of its true self.

In the same way the tribes of humanity have moved passed their localized starting point to create a world that is becoming more and more integrated and whole every day, there is the challenge for spiritual, mental and emotional aspects of humanity to similarly become integrated and whole. It does need to be noted that we said humanity is becoming more integrated and whole not uniform and the same. Wholeness is not uniformity.

Wholeness is every part allow to perform their part an it was designed to be played. Humanity becomes integrated and whole only to the extent each of the member of humanity become integrated and whole. The more each individual remains confined within a limited set of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical beliefs, the more humanity remains separated and fractionated. The more each individual is able to step beyond who and what they think they are, the more humanity itself becomes integrated and whole and the more Consciousness Itself communicates the true depth and breath of its Being.

As consciousness defines itself, it can be perceived as expanding or contracting itself by focusing its attention and awareness to create an experience and moving into the experience and embracing it (expansion) or moving away and withdrawing from the experience and avoiding it (contraction). However consciousness defines itself by these experience by choosing some as pleasurable and open to repeating them and expanding itself in that area or direction, and others as unpleasant and closed to repeat experience thus contracting itself. Additionally, consciousness frames the energy it experiences in a way it can understand. For example, we can have an experience of an energy within our being, like a shiver up and down our spine and then feel as if there is a presence around us.

If we are not really aware of the experience we are having or have no context to explain it, we would probably dismiss it. If however, we recognize it as having happen before, we may feel it as the vibration of some presence. If we feel as though it is an enjoyable feeling and it seems like a friendly presence we would probably embrace it. We may even give it a name.

If we sufficient allow ourselves to embrace it, we may find we can communicate with the energy and we could perceive it as talking to us in some way. It could be a communication or conversation in our heard or just an inner knowing that something was communicated. If we felt the experience as unenjoyable or a little frightening, we would characterize it as unfriendly or some how judged the experience as unfriendly. In this case we would probably push it away and deny it in some way and maybe even feel they were threatened.

In any case, there was an experience. Exactly what the experience is depends on how well we are capable of being with the experience and letting the experience reveal itself and communicate itself to us. If we in some way judging it, characterizing it and biasing it before it is finished we will not fully experience the experience we are having.

If all is energy consciousness, any experience we have can be perceived as another consciousness communicating with us. That consciousness is capable of give us information if you are open to what can be communicated in the way it is communicated. Yet, after a long series of experiences, rather than being fully open to any experience without the bias of the past, any consciousness has a whole set of experiences that have been judged as unacceptable. It also has a whole set that are acceptable. As a result, consciousness defines itself and places itself in a cage of its own making by the experiences it has had.

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