Levels to beliefs
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As discussed in the topic, "Layers to the mind" most of us have a layer/level perception about life because we tend to experience life in relatively discrete time periods. We go to work and have our work experiences. We have our commuting experiences. We have our life at home experiences and each day we create a layer of new experiences to overlay the old. We create layer after layer of experience each day we live, year after year. In this layering it is easy to seen how earlier experiences in life will affect the subsequent experiences we have and how we view those experiences. Although our memories and experiences is one form of layering of beliefs which impact how we respond to life, the layering of experiences is not the real issue. The real issue is how there are some beliefs which are more fundamental than others and subsequently underpin whole aspects of our life. That is, some beliefs we adopt, which can be adopted at any time in our life, are more fundamental than other beliefs and these more fundamental underpin whole aspects of our life. The more fundamental a belief the greater the impact on our life and what we think and believe when that beliefs changes. For example, for centuries the collective human perspective was that the use of slaves was an acceptable aspect of society to do the work of society. Societies routinely used slaves. If we lived in such a culture, we would have slaves doing many things. Then, if for some reason, we suddenly came to the realization that slavery is wrong, we would find we would have to radically change our life and the way we lived if we were going not use slaves. The concept of slavery underpined many other beliefs about how the society should function. In understanding there is a layering to our to the subconscious and unconscious mind one will find there are corresponding layers within our belief structure or layers to our beliefs that we can access. Analogously, accessing any one of these layers is much like mining or tunneling down into the deep layers to access the gems or valuable metals found within the earth. It is about tunneling down to make aspects of our nonconscious conscious. Analogous, the way many fear going into a tunnel or mine, there are fears which arises about making the nonconscious conscious. However, to get to many of the unpinning beliefs we hold it is a inner journey we must take.
Our beliefs are layered in the sense that there are beliefs that we hold as an individual. There are beliefs we hold about being male or female. Then there are beliefs which hold as an individual human being. There are beliefs we hold about the nature of Physical Creation and about the nature of Creation itself. These beliefs divert our creative life energy to gives us an experience of these belief. They cause our creative life energy to flow as an undercurrent to our life that seems to be inaccessible. However, the flow caused by these beliefs is accessible if we adjust the beliefs that is giving rise to the flow. In the same way many individual cells create the organs of our body and there are many different organs that come together to create our body, consciousness is similarly layered. There are many layers within layers, creations within creations. Each of these layers give rise to what is normally experiences as a collective consciousness. That is, each of these layers is a collective. Although there are many layers to creation, the layer which is called the human collective, or just "the collective," has the more obvious influences on the experiences we have as a human in physical creation. The human collective has also been called the "overmind." As seen in the Figure entitled "Belief Layers," our conscious awareness normally resides in our ego identity. It is created by and represents what we think about ourselves, our environment and Creation. For our awareness to get to this identity and have the perspective it does, we had to adopt a variety of beliefs. In some ways accepting beliefs in the layered fashion as described here is analogous to the way electricity is "stepped" down from the transmission yard at the electrical generating station from a extremely high voltage to a level that is safe to use in our house. There is the generating station which produces the electricity which steps up the electricity for transmission. Transmission voltages can vary and can range between 765kv and 138kv. Transmission customers who access power from transmission lines will use voltages in the range of 230kv to 128kv. The Transmission line then goes to a substation where the voltage is stepped down from the transmission voltages between 765kv and 138kv to maybe 26kv or 69kv. There are substation customers who will use voltage directly from the substation at 26kv or 69kv. However, for most primary customers the voltage is stepped down to 13kv or 4kv. Secondary customers, such a residential customer or small business the voltage is stepped down to 240v or 120v. Then in our house we may step the voltage down further to may 10v or 12v to run a train transformer or convert the AC current to a DC current of a few volts to run a hand held battery backup device. Each step in the transmission process can be seen as limited or reducing the power of the electricity. However, there is no judgment as to what voltage is good or bad. However, if one plugs a 120 volt device into a greater electrical voltage it would be destroyed and if one plugs a device requiring greater than 120 volts into 120 volts it will not run. The same is analogously true about the beliefs and perspective we adopt to have certain types and kinds of experiences. We need to limit our creative power to have certain types and kinds of experiences and similarly we need to call back and remove the limits on our creative power to have other experiences. It is all a matter of what we desire to experience. As indicated or implied in the Figure "Belief Layers" There are the beliefs about Creation (off the diagram), beliefs about the unseen realms (Collective Non Earth Plane Beliefs), beliefs about Physical Creation (Collective Earth Plane Beliefs), beliefs about what it means to be a human being in Physical Creation (Collective Human Experience on the Earth Plane), beliefs about our society with the human community (Collective Society and Culture Beliefs), our beliefs about being a male or female within our society (Individual Subconscious/Unconscious Beliefs) , and what we believe about who and what we are as a individual human being (Conscious Ego Identity and Beliefs). It is to be noticed that many of the label use the word "collective." It needs to be understood that we are participating in a shared created. It is the collectively held beliefs which allow us to share our experience with any other or have them in our life to give us the experience of shared creation.
The first level of beliefs lie in what we believe about Creation. These beliefs are what allow our awareness to be able see itself separate from the cconsciousness within, or behind, Creation to have an experience of Creation. In some ways it is the corollary to the Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective. The consciousness within, or behind, Creation causes itself to seemingly shatter into an infinite number of unique aspects of its own being in its desire to find a playmate. Then each of these independent unique aspects must awaken to itself and its existence and find it way back from the awareness it exists to the awareness of that it is the whole. In doing so, it will begin to experience the Creation as it exists from the perspective of an awaken fragment of the consciousness within, or behind, Creation. This puts us in the realm of Creation but not necessarily in any specific aspect of Creation. Or, at least it put our awareness in the realm of the unseen Creation. Stepping down from the awareness of All That Is into a fragment of the consciousness within, or behind, Creation is the greatest stepping down of creative power we will experience. Yet, without it, there will be no Creation to experience. So, in this regard, it is the greatest demonstration of creative power for it gives rise to all of Creation. The first level of beliefs are reflective of the Creation Story we embrace and where creative power lies within Creation. The second level is about what we believe about the unseen realms. Is there a heaven or are there parallel universes or both? Do we exist after life and there are unseen spirits or do we die and that is the end of life? Are there realms of good spirits and evil spirits? If we believe in unseen spirits, are unseen spirits wiser than us and more enlightened or is it possible that we are wiser than they? Can we communicate with the unseen or is it forever separated from us? Or, more importantly, is the unseen realms actively influencing us such as in undercurrents or does it have no influence on our lives and what we experience. The third level is to adopt beliefs which allow us to enter the realm of Physical Creation and have a physical experience. Here we must surrender part of our creative ability and creative power for the purposes of having a human experience of Physical Creation. We do this in part by agreeing to play by the rules of Physical Creation and adopting certain beliefs and ways of thinking about Creation. Probably the easiest way to understand these beliefs and rule of Physical Creation are what we would call the "laws" of Physics. It does not matter what life form exists in Physical Creation, all life must follow the physical laws of Physical Creation and the physical laws are independent of the life form that is experiencing them. In many ways this is why medical research works. The human body and mouse, rat or any other lab animals follows the same rules of Physical Creation. The fourth level of beliefs are those of what it means to be a human being within Physical Creation. The beliefs of the human collective reflect those beliefs which cut across all human exists. They are just as applicable to a human in Asia as one American, Europe or Africa. In this regard, the human collective can be seen to have to subgroups - what it means to be male and what it means to be a female. The topic "Female collective " provides some insights as to the types and kinds of beliefs which lie in this area. The fifth level of beliefs are those of our society and how we think we need to live and be in the world. Probably the best what to understand these beliefs is not to compare say, living in United States as compared to living in Russia or France today. Rather it is about living in a given industrialized location today as compared to living in that same location two hundred or three hundred years ago. Or it could be about comparing living in a truly free republic or democracy as opposed to an oppressive dictatorship or oppressive monarchy or religious controlled state. The six level of beliefs are essentially the nonconscious beliefs we have that are reflective of our programming, enculturation, personal experiences and the like of which we are not really aware we carry. For example, being abused as a child may give us the belief all certain types and kinds of individuals are unsafe. Or, it could be simply that life is hard or unsatisfying no matter what one does in life. The seventh level of beliefs are simply who and what we think and believe about ourselves as an individual. The identity we believe about ourselves is, of course, a composite of all of our beliefs. However, this level refers to those of which we are aware and are reflective in the story we tell about our life.
Now in talking about these layers of consciousness and layers of beliefs it needs to be noted that each of these layers of consciousness act as any other consciousness. These collectives works exactly the same way for the individual, the family, the society, humanity and so forth. They each can have an ego as to who it thinks it is and each has a unique perspective of Creation as viewed from the form in which it exists.
To understand these layers, it needs to be remembered we are a creation within a creation. To experienced any creation we must adopt a certain perspective and give up a certain aspect of our creative power. We must focus our attention and awareness in a certain way in order to have the experience of creation. We use what we believe to focus our attention and awareness. As listed in the Figure "Belief Layers" we can focus on the beliefs and/or work with the beliefs represented in a give layer to have an experience of that layer. What we think based on these beliefs allow for certain aspects of our being to awaken or go to sleep. That in turn gives us the experience we desire. There is a set of beliefs and a way of thinking that allows us to experience any particular reality of Creation. However, to access and use these beliefs, we must first experience ourselves as an individuated consciousness. To experience Creation as a human being experiencing Physical Creation, we must identify with the creation of a human being. That is we must identify with our human body and what it means to be human. We must see ourselves as separate form creation as an individualize human but yet inherently attached to Creation because we identify with the body. To create an experience of some other aspect of Creation we must break that identification. That is, we must see ourselves separate from the Creation we experience (a human being) to experience any other aspect of Creation. If we don’t see ourselves separate from the Creation we see and experience we are bound to that Creation. In our case, that of being a human being in Physical Creation. We detach ourselves from our existing Creation by learning to become a detached witness to the experience we have in the Creation we experience and learn what we feel to guide us as an internal compass. If we become a detached witness, we can begin to see the layers to creation and the existence of deep undercurrents within creation and we are not separate from them. But to move into any other experience of Creation we must identify with that appropriate layer. We must become the creator experiencing its creation. It is this alternative way which allows for us to move to another type and kind of experience of Creation.
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