Calling back our creative power


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

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Calling back our creative power
Overview of areas of exploration
Recommended action

Creative power lies in feeling. Unless we have the passion and feeling to act, nothing will happen. If we make our decision and act and we have the determination and passion of a drowning person has for air, almost a blinding passion, nothing else is needed. A drowning person grasping for air has no doubt whatsoever for what they seek. Without air, they know they will die. So too in our creative efforts. With such a passion, either we will get what we desire or a part of us dies. In most cases, if we have a blinding passion for what we desire, we will get what we seek or die in some way trying.

Having such a focus and passion is easier said that done. Most of us do not set an intention with the determination and a passion of a drowning person unless we are desperate. Having a sufficient focus and passion is especially difficult if what we choose to do is significantly different than our past and/or it is something that will be of a long duration.

Something significantly different than the past will always be influenced by both the habits of the past and our memories of the past. To break with the past here must be an enormous strength of will and a sufficient energy. Additionally both must be of sufficient duration to continually break with the past.

Relative to manifesting any creative endeavor, there are five requirements. Summarized, they are passion, perspective, willingness to enter the unknown, willingness to act, and the ability to hold focus. Calling back our creative power is about addressing each of these in a way appropriate for what we desire to create.

Alternatively said, calling back our creative power is about opening ourselves to feeling to feel the passion and regaining the ability to creatively play to be free to respond to what we feel. It is to be able to honor the intuitive guidance we get as our mind interprets what we feel. It is to be able to never lose focus no matter how long it takes and how much the external world pulls us into a direction other than where we need to go to create what we desire.

Calling back our creative power is about looking for all the ways we lost our enthusiasm and passion for life and to live life and/or we are not free to move into life the way we need to do to create what we desire. In many ways it is to a soul retrieval where we look to see where our creative spirit is being held captive as a result of the experiences we have had and/or what we have come to think and believe. Exactly what this means for us as an individual is unique to us. For some it is to face the pain of the past and traumatic situations which have caused us to give our creative power away. For most it is more about reawakening to our truth and looking at the response patterns we developed in life where we deny our truth and/or do not live our truth for one reason or another. In general, calling about our creative power is about releasing our creative spirit from the cage of our own making.

Background (Top)

We are an infinitely creative being that has chosen for whatever reason to enter Physical Creation and have a physical experience as a human being. As a natural part of being physical, we learn to respond to life such that we avoid things which causes us pain and discomfort and move toward that which is pleasurable or comfortable. Our bodies seek a warm fuzzy place much like the space where a loving mothers holds and nourishes their child. Our awareness seeks the freedom to freely express and experience itself in a spontaneous and innocent child like play. It seeks to be like the wind free to move as it is lead yet to experience whatever it desires.

To have any experience, we must somehow focus, ground or direct our energy into the experience we desire to have. To do so we must become attached in some way to what we desire to experience and bind the flow of our creative life energy restricting its freedom in someway. The key is to learn to dance. To hold focus for what we desire with all the strength we can muster yet let go to be free to surrender to flow with the energy as it dissipates in the experience we desire to have.

Unfortunately most of us remain attached in some way through the memory of the experience. Whatever we experience our mind will judge as painful, unpleasant, uncomfortable, boring, uninspiring or the like and something to be avoided. Or it is judged as pleasurable, enjoyable, pleasant, inspiriting, or the like and something to seek. No matter how small the feeling for or against an experience we have had, it is still an attachment that binds our energy in some way and restricts our freedom. In this regard, to be free we must somehow die to all that we have experienced, the traditional die before we die, and be born again new and fresh.

The bad news is that we will never rid ourselves of our memories and will probably always have some attachments in an extremely small way. They are always retrievable although they may be deeply burned in our nonconscious mind. The good new is it doesn’t matter. As an infinitely creative being, we can always free the necessary energy to create whatever we desire. We just need to release a sufficient portion of the energy and deal with any specific obstacles for what we desire to experience and be prepared when a ghost from the past haunts us in some way because of what we have experienced in the past.

Because of how we create our experiences based on how we focus of our attention and awareness, we need to realize our inner world is reflected in the outer. That is, it is our inner focus which is determine what we experience externally. Key to any creative process in which we engage is that we have to lead the creative process with the necessary internal changes before we can expect the external to change. Most look to the external world to change first. In dong so, we allow ourselves to be held creatively hostage by all the external conditions that are not changing as we think the need to change. Often we response to the external world with a non-constructive attitude because the world and others are not doing what we want or what we think they need to do. That only causes us to further give our power away. Rather, we must learn to harness the ego and what it desires and expects of others. We must look to see how our ego and our belief structure needs to change and what we must do first. Then, and only then, we can expect the external world to being to move in the direction of what we desire to create.

Relative to the five requirements to manifest what we desire (passion, perspective, willingness to enter the unknown, willingness to act, and the ability to hold focus) each will have their own set of issues we must face.

Passion: Relative to passion, we need to feel what we desire to experience and we need to feel the flow of energy that will manifest that experience. The question is how have we been taught live, come to believe, or as a result of the experiences we have had, that do not allow us to feel. Where are we not free to follow what we feel and the free expression of our creative spirit. Calling back our creative power is looking for all the ways we do not allow our creative spirit to freely flow. It is to review life experiences, beliefs, response patters and the like to see if we are creatively empowered or are we, or have we, given our creative power away. Exactly what we need to do is unique to each of us.

Perspective: Relative to perspective the issue is two fold. One is do we have a perspective that allows us to hold our creativity sacred. The second is to create the fertile space within one’s being. That is, the right perspective is needed to create a thinking and belief pattern, a perspective on Creation, that supports and nourishes our creative endeavor at all levels and in all aspects of our being that is necessary to support our creative effort.

In obtaining the right perspective we can access the energy we need for it will allows us to face our social and enculturated conditioning that does not allows us to act passionately. Many traditions do not encourage passionate action yet it is the passion in our action that fuels what we create. As such we need to have a perspective that allows whatever restrictions and restraints placed on our creative passion to be sufficiently removed so we can access the energy we need. Similarly, the right perspective allows us to know how to act.

Willingness to enter the unknown: To truly create, that is to experience something not seen/experienced before not previously experienced, we have to be willing to step into the unknown. We have to be willing to step out of mind--that is, outside of how and what we think and believe. Otherwise, we will only be recreating the past. We have to enter the chaos of creation as our existing world changes and sit in the anxiety of not knowing how our creation will unfold or how long it will take.

Willingness to act: We must be willing to set out to do what needs to be done. We will have to step out in action both to get what we seek and act on what comes to us through our intuitive guidance and/or what the world puts in front of us. This includes facing the obstacles as they present themselves. We will have use what we know but feel our way through the unknown. In this regard, we have to be willing to act on what we feel, not necessarily what we know.

Ability to hold focus: To carry us through the entire creative process without being captured by the past and/or distracted by the mundane of the world without the determination and passion of a downing person, we will need to be able to create and hold focus on our intention with an unwavering faith and trust. Yet creating a single point focus for our life is not something that can readily be done and trust is not always easy to come by. We all seem to have been betrayed in one way or another.

Overview of areas of exploration (Top)

Organizations and their particular perspectives and view of life: Any organization or collection of individuals formed into some type and kind of group have a shared perspective and/or a set of shared expectations. To be a member of any group or organization is to adopt that shared perspective or set of shared expectations. Otherwise, we will not fit in and/or feel out of place in the group.

Most of us are taught to align with our family, our society and our place of employment and usually these three are accompanied by fourth - some type and kind of religion or spiritual tradition/organization. If we fail to align with either of these three/four groups we believe we are taught to believe or conditioned to believe will lose something considered essential to life. Whether that is true or not is another question and something we need to decide for ourselves. Other organizations in which we participate tend to be more voluntary or elective. Here membership is usually based on our preferences and a choice make as opposed to one made for us by our early care givers. However, there are organizations which we join more on peer pressure or based on how we have been taught to be in the world or to become successful in our society.

There are two question with any organization. One is whether or not it does or does not provide a perspective and view in life which allows us to hold our creativity sacred. Here the question is whether or not the organization is based on beliefs and ways of thinking about life and responding to life that allows our creative spirit to freely respond. Often the beliefs which control our creative spirit are very subtle. For example, a family structure where the parents or care giver do not allow the children to learn to think for themselves would be a structure where the individual’s creative spirit was not held captive.

The second is does the organization support us holding our creativity sacred. That is, does the organization give us a safe and secure space for our creative spirit to be free to express itself. Here it does need to be realized that any organization is like any other creation. It has mundane needs and those need must be fulfilled if the organization is to continue its existence. There is a dance that we will do between the needs of the organization and our own creative needs. If the dance is not mutually supportive, one or the other will suffer. Certain organization need to have specific jobs done in a certain way with little or not freedom to vary what is done. Relative to organizations that can give little freedom, here the question becomes, "Does the organization recognize we each have unique creative needs and does it have some way of providing a way to address those unique needs?" For example many employers provided reasonable sick time or vacation to address unique needs.

Additional thoughts are provided in the exercise, "Exploring where we obtained our view/perspective of Creation."

Looking to external guidance: To live life is to engage in a creative endeavor. As such, we are forced to live in the unknown. In facing the unknown, we face two types of fears. One is fear of the past and that the future will be more of the same and the other is simply the fear we do not know what to expect. In response to these fears what most of us do is we look for ways to have some protection and security from the fears of the past and to make our life a little less anxious, a little less unknown.

Relative to fear which arise from the past, we need to remember we cannot fear the unknown. If we fear anything about the future, we need to go into our past and see where we have been harmed, hurt or injured and see what was the real hazard we faced. Then deal with both the pain of the past to release that pain so as to deenergize the memory and regain that energy in our life and put in place compensatory measures if that type and kind of hazard arises again in our life.

Relative to the anxiety of the unknown we need to come to understand there is a creative process that both governs our life and any creative endeavor in which we undertake in life. The essence of this process is that our creative life energy flows to give us an experience of that on which we have focused our attention and awareness. In this process the role of consciousness is to become the cause of the experience we have. So what we think and believe becomes very important as to what we experience. However, we do have a conscious and nonconscious focus and often we must make the nonconscious conscious to redirect the energy giving rise to the experience we have. In any case, the greater the clarity we have about what we think and believe and the intentions we hold, the less anxious our life becomes.

It is wise to look to our own past and/or the guidance of another or others for lessons learned to address our fears so we do not repeat the past. However, to expect anyone to tell us what we will expect and how we should respond is a grave error. We each are a unique being. How we will experience anything will be different than any other. Even if another can see into the future and they knows what we will face they cannot tell us how we need to respond or how we should respond. They can give us the details of what we face and possible outcomes of the actions we take, but only we know what we need to do and why. We need to eat and digest what we are told using what is useful and discarding the remainder.

In looking to reclaim our creative power, we need to look at the organizations to which we belong, the people from whom we take advice and the perspectives we use in our life to see what type of guidance and direction we are taking from them. To do this we first need to become aware if we are looking for another to give us guidance and direction about life and where we take it. Then we need to look to see exactly who or what we are using to guide our life. We then need to see if we are following what we are given or only use it as general advice and/or a general recommendation that we eat and digest to make our own. That is we take it inside like any food but only use what actually nourishes us and allows us to hold our creativity sacred and allows us to experience the fullness of our being and the expansion of our being.

Additional thoughts are provided in the exercise, "Whom do we look for guidance in or about life."

Looking for others to act first: We live in a cause effect world and there is a creative process governing all that we experience. The role of consciousness in this creative process is to be the cause of what is experienced. To become the cause of any experience we have, we must act. Otherwise, we only react. When we react we experience ourselves as the victim of another or others rather than as the creator of our experience. However, we are nevertheless the creator in that we chose to react as opposed to becoming the cause.

In regards to becoming the cause, we need to become aware of how and in which way we are looking to other to change first. We cannot look to anyone or anything external to us to act first. To change anything, no matter what it is, including the world we many not like, we must do two things. One is to look at see where we are looking for any other to change first. On this point we are not always consciously aware of how we are waiting for another. For example, we don’t like something about our society so we look and expect those running the government will make the necessary changes. We just assume that if something in society needs to change, the individuals in charge of running the society need to make the change. But that is not true. If we do not like something, we must take the first action even if we think we are powerless to change it. This brings us to the second thing we must do.

The second thing we must do is to learn to look within and ask, "I do not like ----------- about my life or the world I experience. What must I do, what must I become such that what I see and experience externally becomes different?’ Then honor the intuitive guidance we get.

Additional thoughts are provided in the exercise, "Where do we look for others to act first."

Not dong what we need to do: There is the old Arab proverb which states "Trust in God but tether your camel." That is, there are things the creative powers/Creative Powers out side of us are responsible for doing and then there are things we ourselves must do. In this regard, there is a creative process that can and will essentially be automatic once the proper seed condition is created for the environment in which we find ourselves. However, we are the ones that create that seed condition by how we focus our attention and awareness.

We each need to look within and do what we ourselves need to do. The only way to not be a victim and give away our creative power is to see ourselves as the creator of our experience. We need to see ourselves as having created or agreed to participate in whatever occurs in our life. Similarly, we need to realize that unless we choose to create something different we have choose what we experience by default. We ourselves cause ourselves to become a victim by not choosing otherwise. Then and only then, can we step past blaming anyone or anything to see what is really giving rise to the experience we have.

We must realize only when we choose to act do we become the cause to we step out of the past. Only when we chose to change the external world from within are we free from the experiences we have. Whether or not this is ultimately true whole or in part of what we experience doesn’t matter. The fact that we looked at the situation as the creator of the situation will cause us to see it much differently than if we look at the situation as a victim in one way or another. That is, as victim we have no power over what we experience. We need to remember that the mind that believes a problem is solvable will look at it quite differently at what it faces than a mind which thinks it is impossible to solve.

There is the need for each of us to look at our life and see where we are not acting as we need to act. We need to look at what excuses and reasons we give ourselves for not acting. If we are not consciously aware of anything, we need to ask our intuitive guidance. We need to get clarity on what we desire to create and then ask our intuitive guidance, "Where, or in what way, have I not been doing what needs to be done relative to what I desire to create and what actions to I need to take to begin to manifest my desire?" Honor the intuitive guidance we get.

Learning from our "mistakes" and not implementing corrective actions: Relative to any creative endeavor, there are no mistakes. There are only learning experiences. Learning what does or does not work. Mistakes can only be made as compared to something that is known. In a creative endeavor we think we make mistakes only because we have not created what we desired. But there are not mistakes as such, we need to look what was learned in what we did or did not do. In this regard, there is the old proverb, "An individual learns from their mistakes, a wise individual learns from the mistakes of others, a fool never learns."

To call back our creative power, we need to look at where we think we made mistakes and/or things did not go as we thought they should and look at the lessons learned from the experience. It is not about looking to compensate or fix something we think we did wrong. It is about looking at what we did or did not understand about the situation we faced. We need to look at our actions or response and pull the string as to why we acted or responded as we did. We then need to look how and where our actions or response was insufficient, incomplete, inaccurate or in some other way not effective for what we thought would happen or what we expected.

We need to review what we experience both from a creative ability perspective and a creative power perspective. Creative ability is about what we know and understand about our creativity and what we desire to create. Creative power is about having the energy and passion to create what we desire and our ability to discern the energy to which we need to surrender that will carry us to what we desire to experience. Creative ability and creative power are interconnected and often we cannot always distinguish between whether we lack something in our creative ability or our creative power or both.

Unless we make the necessary changes and/or obtain what we lack relative to what we desire to create, we will be unable to create what we desire. More often than not, the action we need to take is related to how we are responding to life because of our past and what we think and believe and/or how we have or are denying our truth in one way or another.

In learning from our mistakes and implementing corrective actions sometimes there is the issues of guilt. That is, there are things we needed to do for another or we did to another that were in some way not what needed to be done. If we feel it is necessary, we may need to ask forgiveness of another or make some type of amends to another but such action is not as important as to understand and get to the root cause as to why we did not take the appropriate action in the first place.

To make amend to another and/or ask forgiveness without fixing the root cause our actions are hollow and worthless. Quite simply, we will do the same thing again if the opportunity presents itself. We, as any other, are doing the best we know how. Unless we change what we know at the appropriate level, we will repeat the past. More often than not, it is here we need to go in an make an aspect of the nonconscious mind conscious so as to address the root cause of our actions/response. Such an exploration for the root cause is to ask our intuitive guidance, "Where lies the root cause of my action relative to ___________. What do I need to do, what do I need to change so as to address this root cause and not repeat the past in a new way in the future?" Then honor the intuitive guidance received.

Additional thoughts are provided in the exercise, "Learning from our "mistakes" in life."

Individuals do the best they can: Whether we realize it or not, individuals do the best the can with what they know and what they have been given. We judge others thinking they know better. But if they truly did, their actions would be different. The same is true for us. We may know we should respond or act in a certain way but if we really understood what we think we knew, we would respond differently. Unless we address the root cause our actions we will do the same thing again if the opportunity presents itself. Unless we change what we know at the appropriate level, we will repeat the past.

The same is true what we think and believe about another. If we really understood something different about them, we would have much different opinion and judgment about what they do. One of the biggest issues we face, is we have our expectations of what others need to do for us or our opinion of what they do to us. We hold them accountable for what we ourselves must face. That is our own thinking and believe. We develop opinions, ideas, judgments and the like that are based on our interpretation of what we see often found in the denial of our own power rather than looking at the truth of what is and viewed from our truth. We need to become aware of how bias and unreal our idea of others may be especially as to what we expected another or others to deliver.

Not listening to our intuitive guidance and body wisdom: Each of us have within us a body wisdom which grew us from an infant into an adult without the need of mind. Mind can make our life simpler, easier and even safer. However it is not the only wisdom and knowledge available to us. Additionally we have access to a wisdom which goes past mind and what it knows. We can step out of mind and go into the nonlocalized aspects of our being and into our connection with the unseen creative powers/Creative Powers of Creation. For any situation we face we can ask our intuitive guidance as to what we need to do. Of course, we will then need to listen to what we receive. Often what we receive is not what we expect and can often seem to have nothing to do with what we asked. Nevertheless we need to honor our intuitive guidance and trust the infinite wisdom available to us. In addition to learning to listen to our intuitive guidance and body wisdom, we will also need to learn our inner language and its symbolism so as to understand both our dreams and other information we perceive that is dependent on our mind.

Not honoring our intuitive guidance: We all have an intuitive guidance system which is always functional and providing us with information. However, most of us have not learned how to use it and, more importantly, we do no honor what we get. Honoring our intuitive guidance does not necessarily mean we act on what we get literally. But we do need to acknowledge that we are perceiving and energy and our mind is characterizing it in a way that either does not make sense, is bizarre and/or in one way or another we cannot take it literally. However, this does not mean we cannot act on what we receive symbolically and/or look for the symbolic and metaphoric meaning in what we perceive. We need to acknowledge that what we perceive is real but our mind lacks the necessary minimum set of experience to characterize it in a way that is most useful to us. If we deny what we receive and/or discard what we receive in any way, we are shutting down our intuitive guidance system and a source of incredible creative ability and creative power.

Ideally to honor our intuitive guidance, we need to act on what we receive. If what we receive is too bizarre or in some other way we cannot act on it literally, we need to create some symbolic way of acting on the information such as a ritual, metatheater creating an painting or drawing, composing a piece of music or the like. The key is to accept the energy we tap into and allow it to dissipate in an experience in some way. In doing so we hone the ability to take the energy we experience in the unseen and make it real. That in turn, allows us to set an intention to create a flow of energy. Then access the flow of energy through our intuitive guidance system and manifest it in the experience we desire to have.

Dealing with the unfinished business of life: When we leave something unfinished in life to which we have a strong emotional attachment in one way or another, that bound energy robs of our creative power. Worse yet, it can manifest in unwanted and/or unhealthy experiences. For example, many individuals who can read how our energy manifests in illness and disease say that something like cancer is the disease of unfinished business. That is, it eats away at us until there is no more to eat.

Relative to the unfinished business of life there are two aspects to consider. One is the intention for our life and our reason for incarnating. As an infinitely creative being, we chose to enter Physical Creation to have the experience as a human being for one reason or another. If we fail to have the experiences we incarnated to have there is an incompleteness in our being. How we experience that incompleteness is unique to us. The question is, "Has the life we have been enculturated and programmed to live allowing us to achieve what we incarnate to do? Or, is there something of which we need to attend to doing before we die?" There some test we can do to help us to understand if we are living a life that if fulfilling what we incarnated to do and they are discussed in the topic, "A short quiz to see if we are accomplishing what we incarnated to do."

The second aspect of unfinished business of life centers around experiences we have had in our current life where we have bound enormous quantities of our creative life energy. These experience can be painful or pleasurable. Painful experiences are probably rather obvious as to how they have bound our energy. We experience something painful in life and we withdraw and do not allow ourselves to fully experience what needs to be experience to allow the energy to dissipate. Typically we do not allow ourselves to admit how deeply hurt or anger we are about something we experiences. The issue with pleasurable experiences is that there are experiences in our life that we find quite pleasurable but are cut short for one reason or another such that the energy of the experience was not fully dissipated. Often we experience a great remorse about the situation but it can be expressed in many other ways. Graduation ceremonies, completion ceremonies, retirement ceremonies, death rituals, and the like are all ways that have been used to help fully dissipate the energy for experiences we find pleasurable.

Opening ourselves to feeling: Creative power is about feeling. It is about being intimate with what we feel and knowing how to allow what we feel to direct our creative endeavors. Since our life is one of our creative endeavors, it is also about knowing how to use feelings to direct our life. However, most of us have shut down our ability to feel very early in life as a result of the loss of our ability to creativity play. The primary issue we face is opening ourselves to feeling and what we feel. It is to face the pain of the past in whatever form it takes to regain our ability to freely enter a state of creative play.

But opening ourselves up to feeling is very hard to do for two reasons. One reason is pain is painful. To face pain, we need to understand the origins of pain and how to work with what our creative spirit is attempting to communicate to our conscious mind through pain. The second reason is that our inner masculine which is essential to creating a safe and secure space for our inner masculine is most often castrated. It is castrated in the sense that we have been taught to follow the truth of another before we follow our own truth. As such, we become creatively impotent. We copy the lives and works of others. It needs to be restored to health and vitality before we can properly use the creative power that lies within the feminine and within each of us.

Denying our truth: To deny our truth in any way and/or to not live our truth but try and live like another is to deny ourselves and the creator/Creator whomever we believe the creator/Creator of our life to be. We have been programmed and enculturated with many beliefs and ways of thinking in addition to developing response patterns early in life to protect our creative spirit. We need to look at what we think and believe and how we respond to life to look to see if the free unfoldment of our creative spirit is being served.

Recommended action (Top)

The recommended action for calling back our creative power is to begin by creating a "creativity tool box." The creativity tool box is symbolic of our calling back our creative power. As we review all the areas above and identify how we have gave a way our creative power and take action to call our power back a symbol of that areas and our creative power in that area is place in the box. Additional discussion on creating a creativity tool box is found in the discussion, "Creating a creativity tool box."

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