Using sleep and nocturnal dreams to access information


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The technique provided here is one of three information accessing techniques. The discussion entitled, “Information Accessing” provides generic information and comments applicable to the three techniques. Before continuing with this discussion, you may want to review the topic, “Information Accessing” if you have not done so already.

Using sleep and nocturnal dreams to access information

To use sleep and nocturnal dreams to access information is a very similar process to inserting an intention into the pool creation/Creation but utilizes our subconscious mind more than our conscious mind. It is an extremely powerful technique once we learn how to use it and learn to work with our own symbolism.

Obtain clarity on what you seek. If necessary write out on paper in very clear and precise language what it is you want. Ambiguous word will live a level of variability in what manifests. In seeking information it is recommended you do not ask “why?” questions. “Why?” questions tend to take us into our analytical mind and can move us away from your intuition. It is recommended you don’t ask “Why?” questions until you have learn to discern your intuitive guidance from your normal thinking processes. Ask your intuitive guidance questions built around “what” and “how” questions, especially those types of questions where an image or feeling can provide what you seek.

As you prepare to go to sleep, tell your subconscious you want it to work on accessing the information that you seek. Tell yourself as though you are talking to yourself.

If you feel it is necessary, state your intention to yourself out loud three times as discussed in “Inserting your intention into Creation” in the topic “To set an intention

Allow yourself to go to sleep knowing that you will get an answer to whatever you have requested.

In the morning or after your sleep, either one of three things will happen. One is you will remember a dream that provides the answer to your questions. A second is there will be a residual thought in your mind as to what the answer is or what you need to do to obtain the answer. Third is you feel you do not get any response. If you don’t get the first or second response, you can continue to make the same request every night until you get an answer in a dream or a residual thought or understanding about what you ask. Within a few days you should be able to get what you desires.

On this last point, it does need to be noted that after we perform this exercises, it often appears we do not get an answer. So, don’t be surprised if it happens. However, the insights either surface on their own and we know how that insight is an answer to our question or the insight will lead us to the next step to get our answer. Once we start this process we do need to become mindful and aware as to what the Universe offers in response. If we do not get the answer we seek see but guidance to do something, then realizes that the guidance is part of the answer. If we do not follow it, we probably won’t get the answer.

For things that are manifesting over time as opposed to the answer to a simple question, another possibility within this technique presents itself. Rather than getting either a dream or a realization of what needs to be done, one seems to get nothing. Although you get nothing, that does not mean nothing has happened. Rather what you will find is that when you are faced with needing an answer or making a decision on what you desire to manifest, you simply know what you need to do when you need to do it or know what you need to know when you need it.

This fourth possibility was only discovered in exploring why the first three response no longer seemed to work when the technique was applied to something that needed action over a long period of time such as writing a book. The mind thought it didn’t know what to do and the technique seemed not to be working. Yet, an answer, an understanding, would be there when needed.

Alternative said, the subconscious mind has worked the solution in response to our request but since our effort is a work in progress, our subconscious mind doesn’t clutter up our conscious mind with the solution until you need it. Then when we need it, what we need is presented by our intuition and/or body wisdom. This technique is actually the application and use of subconscious intentions to create what you desire.

If you wonder if this fourth possibility is real and really works, you will need to do your own experiments. You may ask, “How do I know my intention is surfacing what I need when I need it as opposed as to me just knowing what to do?” The recommendation here is to look at your life and see how often you think you know what to do when you need to do it and you were correct. Then set an intention to create something. Ensure it is truly a creation - something not previous seen and/or experienced by you. For example, something you think your mind is impossible to create. In setting this intention, do not consciously act to do anything until your intuition leads you. However, each night ask what you need to do to manifest the intention you set. See how you are lead and what insights you have about what you need to do. Then do them.

You will see a difference but not the difference your mind suspects. The most significant of which is not how often your intuition is correct for you probably will not see any change. Rather, you will see there is a path you start to follow because of the intention you set. You will begin to see a pattern and that pattern is a path that is carrying you in a way you could not have previously imagined. You will being to see how you actually create the events in your life because of the intentions you hold and see that you are already creating the path on which you travel. All that can be said here is try it and see for yourself and you will find how powerful clear intentionality is to access information or manifest anything you desire. If you observe this process you can being to see how any intention you hold manifests as an experience in your life as long as you hold the intention.

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