Information Accessing


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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There are a variety of methods and different techniques that traditions recommend individuals use to either petition the Universe for some request or to create a certain state or way of being. Prayer, meditation, focusing, centering, healing, yoga and a variety of other terms are given to the variety of methods and ways. Although the following methods can be used to create a certain state or a way of being, the discussion here is directed toward accessing information. Information accessing requires that you able to use and follow your intuitive guidance. If you have difficulty using your intuitive guidance, you may want to first explore your intuitive guidance and then use these methods. Or, you can use these methods to help develop your intuitive guidance. The first way is an active conscious information accessing technique. The second way is to utilize the calmness of sleep and nocturnal dreams. The third uses a guided meditation to access information.

Background on the information accessing techniques

The information accessing techniques presented here provide the simplest and most straight forward technique that are consistent what the energy consciousness model and they based on the understanding that energy and consciousness are one and the same.

The methods used here have been found to be effective. They, along with other techniques, were used by the author on his journey into the exploration of creativity. These methods helped to access the awareness that resulted in the ultimate accident and the development of the energy consciousness model.

These methods can be used for any request, whether it be for information, understanding, accessing the lesson behind the experience you have, or to create an experience or thing. The biggest issue that we face in using these technique is to trust that for which we ask is, or will be, granted to us. More importantly, it is to trust that it is made available to us in the quickest way possible in accordance with what we believe, how we believe, and the environment in which we find ourselves.

We live a world of fast food, instant communication, year around produce and the like. We forget, or never realize, there is a whole infrastructure that supports all of these “instant” results. Fast food is only available because of preparation and food storage. Instant communication requires a wealth of technology and on going electrical generations to sustain it. Year around produce relies on importing foods from regions of the world with different growing seasons and food storage. Very little is really instantaneous. It is just that much of the work and time it takes to create and make things is masked to our use. An apple will always take a growing season to grow no matter how fast we can grab one from the refrigerator and we can’t grow the apple any faster than it takes.

When we create anything, including the journey to access information, we start from where we are. If where we are could support the access of the information we desired, we would not have to search for it. We would already have it. It can a be expected there will be a time lag and we will most probably have to do something to get what we desire. Often we must get certain experiences to get what we desire. To get those experiences we will have to act on the intuitive guidance we get and allow it to lead our life.

Remember, within the energy consciousness model, reality will mold itself to what we believe consciously and subconsciously. We all are here to have a physical experience. If not, we would be somewhere else. One of our deepest beliefs that we all carry to have our physical experiences as a human being is that we have agreed to “play” within the “rules” and time line of the physical plane for what it means to be human. The more we change our thinking as to what it means to be human, to be physical or to have a physical experience, the fast and quicker will be obtain the ability to manifest what we desire. In any case the more passion and emotional energy we can put into our desire, the greater our ability to create and manifest our desire.

You are encouraged to use the techniques your find here or any technique you find personally satisfying. It is highly recommended the you experiment and develop you own technique and not use that of another. A technique personally chosen by you, especially one modified with some unique personal preferences, allows the emotional ownership of the technique to be utilized in the process to assist in the manifestation of your desire. The emotional expression behind any creative endeavor is essential in manifesting the desire. A creative endeavor without emotion contains very little energy. The more emotional “charge” you can put into our effort, the greater the probability it will work.

It needs to be remembered that on which we focus our attention and awareness grows into our life. The more energy we give something the greater the probability of its manifestation. We live in a universe where we can make the seemingly impossible possible, the possible probable and eventually the probable a certainty. The more energy we can put into what we desire the greater the probability of getting what we desire. That is of course, if we follow our internal guidance and the guidance it provides.

It should be noted that these techniques, although very successful for the author, is no longer routinely used by the author. The reason is that as we begin to manage and direct our life with clear intentionality the way we emotionally charge our intentions will change. So will how we access information. In time we develop our own personal and unique styles that cannot be transferred. In fact, it is suggested if our technique does not change and evolve as we become more aware and more practiced, we are not growing and expanding our understanding of how to manifest. Rather, we are fixed in the past and will repeat the past.

Our creative endeavor and techniques should be much like the way a child outgrows their childhood clothes. What is used in the past just no longer fits. We will still need some type of clothes but although there is nothing wrong with the clothes that we wore as child, they just no longer fit. What is provided here is a starting point and starting here should not be interpreted that you are a child in any way. Actually the opposite is true. This technique is the first step that we take as an adult consciousness creator taking responsibility for what we create and choosing to create the reality of our choice.

The recommendation made here is that if your are comfortable with the approach and understanding of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity methods and they works for you, use them. If you are not comfortable with the techniques, find techniques with which you are comfortable and use them. The methods used here intentionally challenge what we think and believe as to what it means to be human, to be physical and to have a physical experience.

The need for clarity of intent

Setting a clear intention is the first element of any successful creative endeavor. A conscious clear intention can greatly assist any creation effort. Clarity of intent coupled with mindfulness and awareness is the most powerful mental creative force you have. Clarity of intention or clarity of intention cannot be under estimated. For many intentions we hold and have held, our intentions are fulfilled even long after you have set them and forgot about them, even ones we no long want.

An intention causes our creative life energy to flow or not to flow in a given direction in our life to fulfill the intention that is held. In this regard, the intention(s) we hold, consciously or subconsciously, is (are) a very powerful creative force in our life to create the experiences we have. To get some creative control over our life it becomes essential we understand both the conscious and subconscious the intentions we hold. Often we need to go back and establish the clarity of our intention before we actively undertake a creative endeavor.

As such, it is recommended we become very clear on what we desire to create and experience and why, including the feeling we wish to have. In many ways the feelings are more important than what we mentally think we want. It is essential that we know exactly what we want, not necessarily in a specific form but in its key attributes and experiences, including feelings. The discussion entitled, “Clarity of intention” and related discussions “Obtaining Clarity,” “How Intention Works,” and “Setting An Intention” can provide some assistance in this area.

Information accessing techniques
Conscious information accessing
Using sleep and nocturnal dreams to access information
Information accessing through guided meditation

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