The Rebirth


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Many spiritual and religious traditions talk about the need for rebirth. Often within these traditions, the goal of rebirthing is to get an individual to live a more “spiritual” or “religious” life as seen by the tradition. A life closer in alignment with God in whatever way God is perceived. Many of these traditions have created rebirthing rites, ceremonies, initiations and/or rights of passage to achieve this end.

Whenever someone undergoes a significant change in life there will some type or kind of rebirth in some aspect of their life. There is wide spread recognition of the need for a rebirthing when an individual leaves behind their old way of being in the world and choosing a new way whatever it may be. The rebirthing is perceived as something we can do of our own choosing. As such, there are also many social and societal rituals, ceremonies, initiations and the like that are performed to encourage the rebirth, symbolize it and/or otherwise make it happen.

However, the rebirth that occurs for a creative endeavor where one enters the unknown anticipating what needs to be reborn is not something that mind can do. Actually it is the reverse. One must step out of mind and all of their enculturation and programming. That is where the rebirthing process begins. How it unfolds is both unique to the individual and to what they desire to create. There will be similarities with the experience of others but what actually occurs will be unique. The rebirthing is achieved by surrendering to what needs to occur within one’s life to create what is desired rather than fighting necessary changes with mind.

A question of time locked rebirth

What was puzzling about the author’s experience was there clearly was a form of rebirthing experienced by the author. Although the author did act to change is life and there were conscious decisions on his part the rebirthing seemed more to be a time capsule like phenomenon parts of which had nothing to do with what he choose to do. It was as thought something was being awakened and released at a predetermined point in time directing him to a path that has been chosen long ago. It was more of coming back into alignment to do what he set out to than a rebirth based on what he was choosing to create. As described here and in the discussion, “The Time Capsule - Second Mystical Experience of Memory,” there are aspects of the author’s life that appear as thought it is time locked. However, it was perceived, there was a rebirthing experience.

What the author has gleaned from his experience and the observance of others, it appears when the time comes there will be a rebirth whether we want it or not. All we need to do is to surrender to it when it happens. But we still have to choose to allow it to happen. Additionally, we can make our life much easier all along by learning to follow our internal compass instead of mind. In we have learned to follow our internal compass, then the dramatic shifts that many appear to undergo in the rebirthing process that some experience a as a dark night of the soul never need to occur. If we live our whole life following our internal compass and what provides a fulness to life, we will know where we need to be when we need to be there. If we follow our mind we risk moving far off course. We may move so far off that recovery is not possible to meet the intention for our life.

The author has found that when an individual is “called forth” from an inner call (much like the author experienced as discussed in "The Calling") or some one is willing to call forth their creative spirit and they surrender to that spirit, a rebirthing will happen to the individual. The individual doesn’t have to try and do anything to rebirth. It happens of itself. As that awaken consciousness which is called forth becomes integrated with the individual’s life, they simply being to live different. All they need to do is to pursue the call that has been made. The rebirthing is not something that can be planned or controlled. In many ways the rebirth that does occurs is only how the Universe demonstrates to you that you are becoming different and entering a new life as a result of the call.

Although the author received an inner call, it was actually years before he surrendered to the spirit which was called forth. Rather, the author acted as his mind understood he should respond. There was no awareness or need for surrender. It was only when he choose to follow the spirit which was called forth that the rebirthing started. Yet it was not something that happened quickly. It took time. It took more time than one would anticipate.

It was about eight months before his father, who was in semi comatose state for several years, died that the author consciously decided he needed to follow what was his own path in life. His choice was to follow his path no matter what he was enculturated and programmed to follow, no matter what the cost. Up to that time, he always tried to satisfy those in authority in his life with out regard for what his intuitive guidance provided. But at the time he was unaware of exactly what that meant. Within two months he experienced the Ultimate Accident. His conscious decision to follow his own path was just part of creating that critical mass of experience necessary for the Ultimate Accident.

It was stated in the narrative “The recovery of a creative spirit” that: Within days of the Ultimate Accident, during what he thought was a routine vision to an empathic, intuitive, osteopath, he was told in a somewhat surprised tone by the osteopath “Your head is not connected to your body.” As described in this narrative the author choose to address this condition by undergoing a shamanic soul retrieval. During the first visit with the individual who would eventually do the soul retrieval in January 1996 the individual said that the author had made an agreement with his father that he would not start his work until the died. The individual then immediately asked the author "Where are the dog tags that you used to play with as a child, I can see them in your hands." The dog tags were that dog tags this his father wore in World War II. Dog tag were two metal identification tags worn around the neck of US soldiers and sailors in World War II. They contained limited medical information if the individual was wounded. The idea of two was that if the individual was killed in combat, one tag would remain with the body and the other would be taken by the presiding officer to report their death.

The issue with the dog tags reflected why the author’s father was in the war. As stated in the narrative “The recovery of a creative spirit”:  World War II did have a very significant impact on the author’s psyche as a child. Although born after the war, his life was impacted by those in the war. The dog tags which the child held onto were symbolic of what his father lost in the war - his innocence. The lost innocence was not so much in fighting the war and the enemy. Rather it was an the innocence about those who stayed behind and used the system for their advantage. It was about those who stayed out of military service and capitalized on the sacrifice of others.

The author’s father lived his life in service to others. The author’s father lived in service to his parents, his siblings, his wife, his family, his church and his country. He always put the needs of others before his own even at the expense of his own life. In the process, the creative spirit of the author’s father never was able to do what it wanted to do. It was always suppressed to meet the needs of others.

As a child, a part of the author was very aware of this fact. In honoring this aspect of his father, the deeper aspect of the author knew that the life he was to lead would ultimately be against the values of his father. It could be said that to honor his father and the values held by his father, a deeper part of the author agreed not to start his work until his father’s death. Yet, the author’s conscious awareness was not, and is not aware of any such agreement. However, he was very much aware of how much is father gave to other people at his own expense.

The Ultimate Accident occurred about six months before the death of his father. In some ways the author wonder’s whether a part of him decided that since his father was in a comatose type state, there was no point to waiting till he died. Or, the author simply felt he could no longer wait and needed to act. If asked, the author would probably say he could wait no longer.

The issue as to whether or not the author agreed to wait until his father death to choose to live his truth, can be disputed and depends on the story you choose to tell. However, there definitely appears to be a timing to the thing we experience. For the author, it doesn’t really matter what story we tell and/or wish to create, the author did not start to fully follow his own internal guidance until about the time of his father’s death. The author’s path is quite different than what his father would, or could, understand.

But honoring his father is not the real issue. The issue is free will and how we do and don’t give ourselves permission to live the intention for our life and what excuses we give for not doing so. Or, are the excuses just the reasons we give when we can’t act because that timing does not allow it. . Most of us are enculturated not to live the intention for our life yet we must choose to access it and follow it. There are those who, like the author, choose not to follow it because it is so different than the societal structure of his parents. But, if and when you do choose to access it, you will be reborn and your life will change. But it is not your conscious mind’s choice of timing. The timing is more inherent in the process.

The rebirthing

About two months after the Ultimate Accident in February 1996 the author made a visit seem his parents. During that visit, he has a conversation with his mother about how he was going to live differently as a result of the experiences he had. In many ways the author’s mother seemed somewhat understanding when he told her that he was going to live differently. Of course, she did not know exactly to what the author was referring.

That night he had a vivid dream. In the dream he exhumed a body from the grave and kissed its feet. It was place in an ambulance and it was taken to the hospital to do an autopsy on the cadaver to determine the cause of death. At that time the author thought the dream was revolting but yet he was somehow very comfortable with it. He knew the cadaver was somehow himself but he did not understand exactly what it meant at the time.

What the author came to realize in time that the dream was symbolic of a process that had begun. He realized the dream reflected how his creative spirit was being taken out of the grave. In essence his creative spirit was kill and put into a grave. It was now taken out to be reborn. Yet to give life the cause of death needed to be understood other wise it could not be revived. It was killed because of how author lived his life to meet the agreements of his parents and the society in which he was raised and denied his own truth. Yet he did not know what his truth was.

Since is father was about ready to die the author began to act. In kissing the feet of the cadaver, there was respect and love for the path that was traveled up to that point in time even thought the creative spirit of the author was essentially put into an early grave.

What began with the Ultimate Accident was a recovery and resurrection process. It was the beginning of a rebirthing process. As symbolized in the dream, an autopsy was performed on the cadaver to see why it died. In correcting those conditions, life could be restored. The restoration of life was what was in progress. The dream of exhuming the cadaver was not the only dream during this rebirthing process. There were the dreams of building a bridge between distant shores and a dream that ultimately lead to the realization of the energetic aspects of creative power inherent in sexuality.

Here a quick notes needs to be made on dreams. At one time the author was of the opinion that dreams were probably nothing more that the mind processing and sorting itself after a day’s activity. But then he began to notice some dreams has a “staying power.” That is, memory of the dream persisted beyond what you would consider normal. Quite simply, either they would be remembered the next morning or they caused the author to awaken from his sleep so that he would remember the dream. This causes him to pay attention to the dreams that persisted.

He found he did not have to practice recording his dreams as often recommended. Rather he simply knew that if the dream persisted in the morning or it awoke him from sleep, then he needed to pay attention to the information contained in the dream. He also understood the dream may be symbolic although a few were literal. He realized he needed to look to what they dream could be symbolizing much the way he was learning to use is intuitive guidance. Additional, he found he could “seed” his dreams and catalyze what information they could surface. He simply needed to focus his attention and awareness on the question he desired answered before he went to sleep. He then needed to be mindful and aware as to what dreams occurred or lied in his awareness when he awoke. .

In time he started to play attention to what was occurring in his life and the intentions held. He began to see the dreams were much like the thoughts we have and how our intuition works. The thoughts we have appear to be random. Yet if you watch them and become observant it is as thought the thoughts are tagged as to their origins. They will also be clumped as to what is happening in one’s life and are related to what one is choosing on which to focus their attention and awareness. So too the dreams. He began to see the dreams were tied to the intentions he held and they were revealing and carrying information relative to those attentions. He just needed to become mindful and aware of what was entering his life.

In time, the author began to realize the occupation he was in no longer suited the intention for his life. He was being pulled to look to see how to protect the creative spirit. The Ultimate Accident allowed him to realize it resided in each individual. He now looked to see how to release that spirit and create a safe and secure space so that it could grow and unfold true to itself. Although much was happening, external evidence of the rebirthing had yet to come. .

About two years after the Ultimate Accident there were several experiences that occurred that quite clearly demonstrated the rebirth of the author. About a year after of the Ultimate Accident, the author was continuing his exploration of psychics and what they were capable seeing. One of the them said, “Don’t worry about your heart - they will be working on your heart.” Over the next year, usually about 5:00 PM there would be an oppressive heaviness in his chest. Often all he could do would be to go to sleep for a while and allow it to pass. Eventually the feelings stopped and only returned very infrequently.

About that time the feelings in the chest subsided two things happened. One was he started to bleed from his naval. He could provided you a logical reason as to what he thinks was the cause of the bleeding but he knew it was about a rebirth. It was about a new life that was emerging. It was one of the events that eventually prompted him to create an  omphaloskepsis exercise (meditation on the naval) to accompany the discussion on the Meditation Concepts and Principles for Creativity web site. He laughed when it happened and wondered what else was going to happen. Well, something else did happen.

Late one night about 1:30 AM he received a frantic phone call from one of the psychics with whom he had worked. She said that “They are going to replace your heart with a crystal.” The author, half asleep, then asked, “Who is going to do this?” She said, “God will,” and then offered what she understood what should be done based on her tradition. He refused and figured that if God was going to do it, no help was needed. It would happen as the natural course of things.

What the author found rather fascinating about these experiences is the question as to whether they were reflective of a rebirthing experience outside his control or he created a rebirthing experiences based on what he understood happened in shamanic experiences. The author had done quite a bit of reading on shamanism and their experiences. So when he bleed from the naval, that was not a total surprise. In fact the author took it as confirmation that changes were happening. Similarly when called to be told a crystal would replace his heart, he realized that was quite common in the shamanic experience except that it usually occurred in a dream or vision. What did surprise him was the pain in the heart area for about a year. That want’s in any of the shamanic literature.

What is interesting about the rebirth experience was that it was only what the author needed to seen and experience outwardly to know what he was experiencing as real. That is, by having experiences typical of a shaman, he mind could embrace that he had the wisdom associated with the shaman or, rather, accessible by the shaman. Since the shamanic experience it unique, there is no set experience a shaman has, but there are common or “traditional” elements that seem to cut across cultures. Experiencing the types and kinds of experiences some shamans have allowed the author’s mind to accept the mystical world was his world. As stated in the discussion on the mystical path, the author never saw the mystical world as his world. So unless there was something out of the ordinary in some way that to which he could point, his mind just did not have a context for accepting and embracing mystical events.

In many ways his mind is no different than many of the people with whom he worked and coached. They have mystical experiences in their life that are actually quite powerful. But their mind is unable to view them as such because they have no context for accepting it. Most do not realize the mystical side or aspect that we have. The mystical aspects of our life are always there running as a deep undercurrent guiding our life. The question is whether or not we are willing to consciously surface what it provides to our life.

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