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The Triune Self


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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It is stated in the discussion entitled, “The Recovery of a Creative Spirit - a Soul Retrieval:” In essence the author found a view of Creation that reasonably matched his intuitive understanding of Creation and he simultaneously became aware of the power, and need for, clear intention. The understanding he accessed was an understanding about triune self, a way to begin to work with triune self and a way use clear intention through a single point focus.

It is probably clear to most individuals that the human being is a multifaceted entity. The broadest description of this multifaceted nature is that the human is infinitely dimensional. That is there are an infinite number of aspects to any one individual. The more common way to view this multidimensional being is to say that each human has a spiritual, emotional, mental and physical component. In this view the human is more like a four stringed instrument where each of these four strings or aspects of our being must be learned if we are going to make harmonious music with our lives.

The triune self is a more traditional way to view and integrate Creation and the multi-facets of the human. It is to view the human being as being composed of three parts or influenced by three aspects. Exactly what is said about each part depend on the tradition you access and you cannot expect any one tradition to agree with another. Yet, when you study the traditions, often there are interesting similarities between each of them. It is just that each of the traditions emphasize a different aspect of the human being and the triune relationship depend on what the tradition desires to emphasized. The important point here is the triune self is the simplest model individuals have used to describe the human. It also provides a simple vehicle the individual can use to work with the unseen or unknown aspects of Creation.

What was found important about the triune nature was not what any one particular tradition said about the triune self. Rather it was in looking at the difference and similarities between each of the views. Each of the views provide important information. But it was also found each view is somehow incomplete and reflects a too shallow understanding of the true depth and breadth of our creative power and what we need to do to access it. Actually this can only be expected since you are trying to take a very complex being, a human, and explain all this complexity with only three aspects.

Some examples of the triune nature which were explored are as follows.

In the Christian tradition there is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

In the Huna tradition there is the Higher Self (Aumakua), Middle Self (Uhane) and Lower Self (Unihipili) (understanding higher and lower does not imply one more important than the other).

In psychology there is the super-conscious, conscious and subconscious self.

In the ancient Egyptian tradition as described by Isha Schwaller de Lubicz in The Opening Of The Way, a Spiritual Witness, a Permanent Witness, and an Automaton.

Exploring modern mind body medicine discussions it was found the discussions danced around the triune concept of the human. There were discussions about the physical body being the witness between one’s beliefs - a "higher" self - and one’s actions - a "lower" self. In these discussion the body was also seen as physically storing memories at all levels including down to the cellular level. Integrating these discussion leads to the understanding that if we don’t live and speak our truth - live what we believe - we will manifests a dis-ease of some type in the body (or we have an accident for we lie to ourselves and create a separation within our being. In many ways it is to live what is reflected in the statement US President Lincoln made about a divided country at the time of the Civil War - "A house divided cannot stand."

And ,of course, it needs to be noted there is the colloquial triune self where each of us possess a spiritual nature, a human nature and a animal nature.

Although it was not obvious nor fully understood by the author for an extremely long time, the triune self is what provided the significant breakthrough in understanding. Only in hindsight, as the author explored his notes to pieced together a time line as to the origins of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding for the convenience of the reader did he realize the decision he made relative to the triune self two years before the Ultimate Accident and turning point it provided. As discussed in “Working With the Triune Self” it was only when the author consciously started to work with the equivalent of the Son, Lower Self, subconscious self, Automaton, the body and the animal nature was the doorway open that lead to the Ultimate Accident and subsequently the understanding of the depth and breadth of the unlimited creativity that is inherent within our being. I
n this regard, if you are interested in accessing the depth and breadth of our creative power and/or significantly increase the possibility of the Ultimate Accident in our life, we will need to reconsider exactly what the body and the more nonconscious aspects of our being really represent and what information is contained within them. They are key to our freedom. Whether we realize it or not, there is the need to become intimate with our body.

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